Start with a college teacher

Chapter 550 Legal Society

Chapter 550 Legal Society (4)

The Immortal Water was so strong that Shen Guanglin felt nauseated when he heard it.

"Did he drink?"

Shen Guanglin was very curious. You guys are too cheap to torture people like this. This is a never-ending game.

"I didn't drink, I threw up when I saw it." The bodyguard replied, he was just trying to make people feel cowardly, and he didn't really want to force people to death.

That's okay, it can be regarded as saving him some face, Shen Guanglin doesn't want to act in a high-profile way, so this kind of story of bravely fighting against the second generation should be left to others.

"Beauty, you drove away the hooligans for you, shouldn't you say thank you?"

Now that I have no intention of continuing to eat, it's time to go. It would be ridiculous to be stuck here if it was later.

Shen Guanglin felt that all these things today were caused by this beautiful woman, and she really was a beauty.

However, this misfortune is still pretty good-looking.

"Thank you." Gong Xue did not hesitate, bowed to Shen Guanglin and thanked him.

Ouch, little bunny!

"I feel that today's interview is just a round-up. That Mr. Chen is drinking next door, and he is probably waiting for me on purpose." Gong Xue is not stupid, she feels that something is wrong.

The reporter who looks like Xiaoying is a colleague of Chen Xiaomeng, and this matter is not that simple.

Looking at Gong Meimei who was still replaying, "Then why don't you leave?"

Shen Guanglin had already packed his things and was about to go downstairs, and there was nothing to clean up. If they didn't clean up, the waiter would naturally clean up.

"Let's go! But it's not safe for me to go, sir, I think you don't seem to be afraid of his background, how dare I ask your surname?" Gong Xue followed Shen Guanglin downstairs, step by step.

"How did you see that?"

"I'm not stupid. The furniture you use are all made of huanghuali. Who can afford such furniture?"

Gong Xue had already seen that Shen Guanglin was not an ordinary person, and she was also looking for someone to cling to, and she really found the right one.

Women, as long as they are good-looking, a little cautiousness can be tolerated, otherwise how can they get mixed up in the society.

Silly Baitian has been eaten long ago and there is not even a scum left.

Shen Guanglin smiled, "Didn't you listen to my accent? I'm from the capital, so why be afraid that he's from the capital city? At worst, let's pat our ass and leave."

Looking at Gong Xue's exquisite figure, someone Shen suddenly wanted to pat her ass.

It's still Baoqiang who is amazing, and he can shoot a policewoman's ass in a movie, "At worst, I'll slap her ass and leave."

"That's what I thought too. I've got a passport for Citigroup. It's a big deal. I'll go abroad tomorrow."

"If you have ambition, what about your family? Will he take revenge on you?" Shen Guanglin asked a normal question. It is said that if you run away from the monk, you can't run away from the temple.

"I'm just worried about my family, otherwise I would have gone out."

Thinking of this incident, she resented, "There is no way now, my parents have already said, at worst they don't want their jobs now, we can't afford to provoke them, can't we hide?"

Sure enough, if you are sober enough, ordinary people can only hide and go away when faced with hooligans chasing and intercepting them.

"Okay, then I'm leaving, do you want to go with me, maybe I'm a bad guy too." When the parking spot arrived, Shen Guanglin turned to look at her, he really wasn't taking advantage of others.

"You don't look like you. Even if it is true, then I will admit it. At least you helped me today, didn't you?"

light and spacious!

Let's go.

Shen Guanglin took Gong Xue into the car and planned to stay at the Peace Hotel.

He didn't even know that Mr. Chen who almost drank the fairy water didn't go far away. He wanted to follow to see who gave him such a big slap.

A revenge is not a gentleman.

Shen Guanglin is not a novice in the society, so of course he was on guard against this trick, and he could even let you steal his home.

This car is an official car of the government, you can smash it as you like.

Sure enough, things went exactly as expected.

"Boss, is there a car following us?" The driver and bodyguard reported to Shen Guanglin.

"Ah!" Gong Xue was so frightened that she couldn't help pulling someone Shen's arm.

The two bodyguards in the front row saw it and pretended they didn't.

Shen Guanglin didn't care about this arm, he asked, "How many cars?"

"One." The bodyguard is experienced in dealing with these things, he judged that there was only one car following them, "Do you want to get rid of it?"

What is a car afraid of, hit him, and leave after the collision.

"Where are you going, Kadoorie Residence?"

"Aren't you stupid? Of course you're going to the Peace Hotel. How can you lure thieves into your lair?"

Shen Guanglin was about to laugh angrily.

Everyone put on their seat belts, and then, the driver started to slow down.

Sure enough, the car behind also slowed down.

At this moment, the driver pushed the gas pedal, and the car rushed out in an instant.

The car behind hastened to catch up.

The car behind didn't expect it at all, it was intentional.

The car in front waited for the speed of the car behind to pick up, and suddenly braked on the sidewalk, flicked its tail, and hit the front of the chasing car just in time.

The car behind staggered and hit the guardrail directly.

With this driving skill, you still play tracking?
The Peace Hotel arrived, and there were no other accidents on the way.

Shen Guanglin helped Gong Xue open a room and asked her to rest early.

"Who are you?" Gong Xue was very curious about Shen Guanglin's identity. If he insisted on staying tonight, she was wondering whether to refuse.

This man looks pretty good, and women are all good-looking animals, so it seems okay to follow him.

"Me?" Shen Guanglin smiled, "I'm just an ordinary teacher."

He didn't take advantage of others.

This is not what a gentleman does.

The two chatted for a few more words before saying goodnight to each other.

As soon as Shen Guanglin left Gong Xue's room, the bodyguard came to report the information, "There are five cars outside the door, full of people, all of them are rebellious, with stern expressions, they don't look good."

While reporting to work, the bodyguard was looking for traces of Mr. Shen's disheveled clothes. The boss moved fast enough, so this is the end of the matter?

Shen Guanglin didn't even notice what the bodyguards were looking at, "Dare they attack the Peace Hotel?"

"I dare not, but they seem to be blocking people."

Needless to say, nine times out of ten it was people like Du Shen Guanglin, and I don't know how they kept up.

How to follow, the direction of this car is the Peace Hotel.

How to do.Do you want to shake people?

Shake who?Do you want to call a group of people from the construction site?

"Boss, have you thought about it too?" The bodyguard's meaning was obvious, their acquaintances were all on the construction site.

"It's not that I thought of it, it's that only there are our people."

"It's me, I'm Shen Guanglin." Shen Guanglin called the person in charge of the project department directly, and without waiting for the person there to speak, he immediately began to report his family name.

"Professor Shen, what are your orders?" It was so late, why did the big boss call at this time.

"I was blocked by people at the hotel. There were five cars on the other side. I don't know how many people there are, at least dozens."

Shen Guanglin spoke with a little excitement, relying on relationships to calm down this matter is not a skill, you must first make things big, so that it can affect Lao Tzu.

Let's see how someone Shen is going to die.

People do not frivolously despise young people.

"What, who is it! What do they want to do?" The project leader was taken aback immediately, saying what should I do?How to do?
"Countless, what else can I do, call the security captain to come over and answer the phone."

The security captain rushed over half a minute later, "Professor Shen, please order!"

"You know what happened, bring someone to rescue me."

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

The construction team in this era, if they don't have a few rough jobs, they can't get business.

In later generations, there are fewer fights on construction sites, but there are still many mines. There are mine stealing teams and mine guard teams. Both sides can fight to the death.

For a project as big as the Great Wall Building, there are thousands of people working on the construction site.

If it is true that all of them are pulled out, it is enough to arm a group of people, which is a bit too exaggerated.

Shen Guanglin thought about it, 5 vans, even if one car can hold seven or eight people, how many people can be added up, sending a hundred and 80 people is enough, we can't bully people.

However, Boss Shen also explained that we are all law-abiding workers and we must do things with reason.

"Tonight, everyone came out to help the Peace Hotel with its renovation and renovation. No control equipment is allowed. Picks and shovels are good labor tools.

Moreover, everyone should pay attention to labor safety, and there must be no production safety accidents. If someone is killed, it will not end well.

Third, this is to act according to the law. If there are criminals making trouble, we can't set up a private court, and we have to send it to the police. "

As expected of a university professor, even if he is knowledgeable, Shen Guanglin explained a few things, and everyone promised to complete the task.

In addition to this matter, Shen Guanglin also confessed that the local people should contact more and find the sufferer.

Didn't you say Mr. Chen is arrogant and domineering?

Tomorrow morning, the sufferer in filial piety clothes and hat will go to ask for wishes in front of the government, and he must guard the door of Mr. Chen's unit to petition. On the banner are written Chen Xiaomeng's name and the dirty things he did thing.

(End of this chapter)

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