Chapter 551 Excuses (1)

Misfortune to the east.

Shen Guanglin suddenly thought of such an excuse.

Mr. Chen besieged himself because he wanted to get a share of the construction project, and he wanted to pull his teeth out of the tiger's mouth of the third construction bureau.

I go!There is such a thing?

The entire project department immediately became angry with the enemy.

Shen Guanglin never thought of using extraordinary measures to deal with such emergencies.

He is a post-90s generation who grew up in the new era and used to restrain himself with formal standards of doing things and being a person.

No matter what he does, he has to think about whether it is legal or illegal.

However, it has been some time in this era, and some things cannot be counted according to common sense.

Of course he can complain to the higher authorities about this matter, and of course he can follow the rules, but if he does this, he will be unhappy.

Life, isn't it all about love and hatred?

What's more, what should you do if someone gave in verbally and started to calculate seriously behind his back?
There is only a thousand days to be a thief, how can there be a thousand days to prevent a thief?
Isn't there such a saying, either don't do it, or do it absolutely.

If things don't make a big fuss, what should we do?

North China is so big that there is no room for a peaceful desk; China is so big that there is no room for a peaceful Shen Guanglin.

This is no longer a matter of him alone, it is a matter of the entire Great Wall Group, and it is also a matter of the construction of the third bureau.

Kill chickens and monkeys!This is the established policy.

Although this chicken is a bit powerful, it is not an exaggeration to call it an eagle.

However, if this matter is not handled properly, what if the skyscrapers are built in the future and stronger opponents appear?
Let's practice with it first!
Losing is a matter of jealousy, and winning is a matter of the construction of the Great Wall Building coveted by the other party.

Shen Guanglin has found all the reasons for his own side: Chen Gongzi feels that Professor Shen has a certain right to speak in the Great Wall Group, so he wants to kidnap and coerce Professor Shen to take over the construction of the entire project.

If Mr. Chen knew that he was so ambitious, would he be shocked?
Regardless of whether others believe this reason or not, Shen Guanglin believed it himself, and so did the people who built the Third Bureau.

Shen Guanglin didn't have much experience in dealing with these matters, so he could only use some methods that he thought of or heard.

Fortunately, the construction party is very experienced in dealing with these things. They said in a big way, no problem, no problem for anyone to come.

Dare to steal our business, really don't want to live!
Judging by their attitude, determination, and confidence, they are more than Shen Guanglin.

Shen Guanglin talked about the other party's family background, and the people who built the third bureau became even more excited: This is a toothless tiger, which is the most suitable for standing up. It's a good thing that it is Professor Shen, who is really far-sighted.

Gao your sister!
After arranging these things, Shen Guanglin also had a headache.

Seeing that Gong Xue didn't intend to go to sleep, he asked her to come out and have another drink.

Of course it's tea, but is it milk?

Speaking of which, all these troubles were caused by her, what a disaster for a beauty.

Seeing Gong Xue's nervousness, Shen Guanglin was worried, and he said with annoyance, "Look, there's no way to get through this day. There are 5 vans parked downstairs, all of them are here to block us."

"Ah?" Gong Xue bit her lip and said stubbornly, "Why don't I go with them, this is none of your business."

Not to mention, this lip-biting movement is really beautiful, he found a sense of Wu Sangui's possession.

Shen Guanglin waved his hand, "If I hadn't stood up for you before the conflict, I guess nothing would have happened. But now, do you think I can stay out of it?"

Shen Guanglin stepped forward and took two steps, "You man!"

Looking at the fragile skin, he couldn't help scratching her nose.

Anyway, there was no way to continue to sleep, Shen Guanglin told everyone to sit down and prepare to wait quietly.

At this time, how could the assistant and bodyguard sit down so blindly? They hid far away, leaving enough space for them.

"Do you think I'm a good person or a bad person?" Shen Guanglin thought that he had transformed this conflict of jealousy into a contradiction of taking over the construction project, and suddenly asked an unreliable question.

Mr. Shen is such a clever little ghost, he couldn't help admiring himself.

Gong Xue smiled, "Of course you are a good person. Saving someone's life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. You don't want a little girl to promise you with your body, do you?"

Is she trying her own way?

Shen Guanglin thought for a long time, "This matter can indeed be considered, but I have to go home and ask my wife if she agrees."

"Are you married?" Gong Xue's tone was full of disappointment.

"How can an outstanding man like me live alone all his life." Shen Guanglin felt that there was no need to hide the fact that he had a partner, and he had obtained the certificate, so she would know sooner or later.

Well, a man is always a boy.

After saying a few digressions, Gong Xue's expression began to calm down, and she was not as nervous as before.

At this time, the phone in the room rang.

Shen Guanglin picked up the phone, "Are you ready? This matter has to be resolved quickly. Now I entrust you with full power to handle it. You can do whatever you want. There is only one thing. Don't kill anyone, and other things will happen. I will go to the higher-ups to clear the relationship."

"Mr. Shen, don't worry, we have already greeted you from top to bottom. Our network may not be as high as yours, but we are not someone who can bully us when we travel far and wide."

The other party's tone was full of confidence, almost overflowing.

From the looks of it, they didn't have enough confidence to undertake this project. They felt that Professor Shen forced it for the sake of national sentiment.

Originally, this project was eyed by many foreign construction companies, but it was still taken by the third construction bureau. They suffered from the lack of opportunities to show their strength.

Now the opportunity is coming!

Whoever you are!There are tens of thousands of employees behind us, just now!
This kind of state-owned enterprises, especially the personnel of central enterprises, have inherent advantages in relationship blending.

Moreover, they themselves have a high administrative level, and they are linked to the local government, so they are naturally superior, and it is easier to communicate.

The construction of skyscrapers is a major event in the country. Whoever dares to destroy this matter is a sinner for the people of Modu.

In order to build this building, Professor Shen from the Great Wall Group entrusted us to build the third bureau without saying anything. Now, you, a brat, dare to threaten the personal safety of Professor Shen.

Let's go, children!

Shen Guanglin and Gong Xue drank tea and chatted at the Peace Hotel, talking about literature and romance.

On the other side, the project site of the Great Wall Building was already brightly lit and crowded with people, and it was about to explode.

Everyone was furious.

There are not many temporary workers now. Everyone who comes to work, especially for this kind of project, is a full-time employee with a latte job.

Someone wants to snatch this project, and they are surrounding Professor Shen, which is amazing!

The person in charge of this rescue operation is surnamed Du. I don’t know how his working ability is, but his ability to incite language is extremely strong:

"Today, an extremely bad incident happened. Our respected Professor Shen was besieged by a group of helpless hooligans. The purpose was to rob us of this construction project. Professor Shen understands the righteousness and believes that it is useless to fight and kill. Necessary. I, Du, don't read much, and I'm a rough person. I left the words today. Our purpose in the past was nothing else, but to protect the personal safety of Professor Shen. By the way, tell them that this project belongs to us, and everyone Can't take it away!"

"No one can take it away!"

"Rescue Professor Shen!"

"Rescue Professor Shen!"

Searchlights are not a product of this era.

A team of more than 200 people stood in the raw material yard, neatly arranged.

Everyone is dressed in the same outfit, hard hats, reflective vests, crowbars, pickaxes, and shovels, all of which reflect brilliance under the illumination of searchlights, which is very spectacular.

Recently, in order to compete for the construction period, there are not many other things on the construction site, but there are many people.

In particular, Mr. Du said that there is a starting fee of 10 yuan per person.

Everyone is more excited.

After all, this is a huge construction site, and there are quite a few engineering vehicles. Everyone line up. This is a team that can fight. The predecessor is really an engineer.

The team set off.

In the front are two bulldozers opening the way, and behind them is a row of Dongfeng heavy trucks.

This kind of truck was originally used to transport earth and stone, but now it transports troops, and each truck can transport dozens of them.

It is said that there are 200 people who are going to be mobilized. Looking at the team, there must be more than one.

(End of this chapter)

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