Chapter 552 Reporting (2)

He came, he came, he came with presents.

He came, he came, he stepped on the auspicious clouds and came in.

Shen Guanglin ate hot pot and sang songs with the beauty at the Peace Hotel, and saw a motorcade approaching from a distance.

The headlights are bright, the speed is not fast, but the momentum is full.

It's them!
Shen Guanglin felt that he was Zhuge Kongming, who was planning a strategy, and was singing the empty city plan. Before Sima Yi left, his reinforcements came over.

Of course, Mr. Chen is the one blocking people downstairs, there is no doubt about it.

Today he can be said to have suffered enough shame and humiliation, he almost ate his own feces, the person with the Xiangjiang accent is really disgusting.

Everyone is used to arrogance, who would avenge overnight, must avenge on the spot.

At that time, they were actually tracking two cars, and Shen Guanglin and the others knew that one was not damaged on purpose, in order to lure them to the Peace Hotel.

Now, there are five vans and three or 40 people guarding downstairs, and it is difficult for them to fly even with their wings.

However, the Peace Hotel is a foreign affairs hotel after all. Although he is very energetic, he has to bear the responsibility for breaking in like this.

Shen Guanglin is not Li Dadao, nor is his father Zhang Zuolin.

Therefore, he gathered some people to watch downstairs, you must come out sometime.

If you don't come out for ten days and a half a month, then you are stubborn.

In fact, these people are not professional hooligans, among them are Mr. Chen's colleagues and Mr. Chen's father's subordinates.

It is not easy to collect 5 vans in one sentence.

Just today, one day later, there may be only three or two people left in the car.

It doesn't take much battle to keep track.

However, Mr. Chen has already become ruthless, and he will tie up that woman's parents tomorrow to see if they can hide.

I am so arrogant, what do you guys do?
Peace Hotel is located on Nanjing Road.

Nanjing Road is the most prosperous road in Shanghai.

But now it is night after all, the night is late, there are still few pedestrians, most of them are asleep, and they have to go to work tomorrow.

The people Chen Gongzi called were also smoking and dozing in the van, and they could see the high beams of a row of cars coming from a distance.

"Which grandson is this, the light is so bright!"

Unbeknownst to them, these cars were coming for them.

Engineering convoy approaching. Overtaking.

They've blocked both ends of the street, and the people in the van are still chatting and spanking belatedly.

The commander-in-chief, Mr. Du, has been keeping an eye on these cars for a long time, and everything is going well.

I saw him take out a tin horn: "Do it!"

This sound is very crisp in the quiet night.

No one spoke, followed by the sound of getting off the car.

There were only 5 vans, and they were all surrounded in an instant, and it didn't take more than half a minute before and after.

"Who are you and what are you going to do?"

No one was talking nonsense, and they were still playing self-declaration or something. Then there was a sound of smashing glass and steel rods prying the car door.

The shovel is the best way to cut the tires, and the first step is to deflate the tires, which saves them from igniting the gas and running away.

What does it mean to be as fast as lightning, this is it.

There are so many people on the bread, there are always some people who want to make some theories.

Mr. Du's people don't care about this, they don't give this opportunity at all, if someone shows up, he will be hit by an iron rod, and his arm will be deformed in an instant.


"Shut up and put the socks on for him."

"Boss, it's uncomfortable to wear shoes on bare feet, they are slippery and tiresome."

"What are you talking about, I will ask you to take off your pants."

Looking at the group of people who were armed to the teeth, Mr. Chen instantly felt that it was over!People are prepared.

The hero does not suffer from immediate losses, and everyone was escorted out of the car without any resistance.

Make a show, negotiate a negotiation or something, those don't exist.

Under Mr. Du's command, each of them approached with two old socks, and Mr. Chen's tears came down, and his mouth was full of the taste of the hard work of the working people.

Everyone is doing dry goods on the construction site, and the rubber shoes cover their feet, so the smell may be a bit strong, so be patient.

The lethality of this thing is not as small as fairy water.

This is the city center, or a quick fix.

Lujiazui is their base camp.

A group of people didn't stay, and they didn't speak harshly at the scene and beat them up, they just took them away.

Shen Guanglin opened the window upstairs to watch, he thought there would be a big melee like in the Xiangjiang gangster movie, no, not at all.

Is this the end?
Of course Gong Xue also saw this situation, "You called those people."

"No, those are enthusiastic people, they are here to maintain social order."

About half an hour later, the project department called: "Professor Shen, we caught Mr. Chen, but he said he didn't know you at all, and he never thought about our project."

"Do you believe what he said?"

"Of course I don't believe it, but I can't get a confession."

"Do you want me to come over?"

"Of course, everything is ready for you."

At such an important moment, if you don't go to the scene to pretend, you really feel itchy.

"It's you?"

Mr. Chen didn't seem to be particularly humiliated, at least he wasn't beaten.

He watched Shen Guanglin come in, and immediately stood up and stared at him fiercely, "It really is you!"

Shen Guanglin came in alone, this is his home field, he is not afraid.

Shen Guanglin first looked at Mr. Du.

Mr. Du smiled strangely, pointed at Shen Guanglin from the corner of his eyes, and then acted like a peacemaker: "Misunderstanding, everything is a misunderstanding."

But since it's a misunderstanding, why are there two people here holding Mr. Chen? Who are you guarding against?

"Hehe, it's a pleasure to meet you again. I didn't expect to meet you again. Mr. Chen, don't be in trouble." Shen Guanglin greeted with a smile, "What's the matter with your forehead?"

The forehead was knocked by the bodyguard when he was playing Shenlong flick.

"You know who I am and still dare to play like this. I'll see how you end up!" Mr. Chen didn't mean to be afraid at all, he had already understood clearly that this was the project site for the construction of the third bureau, and he didn't want to embarrass him.

No, before Shen Guanglin came over, Mr. Du had a cordial and friendly conversation with him, and even removed the socks from his mouth.

"Ah, I already knew who you were when we were in the coffee shop. Why, do you think I'm afraid of you?" Shen Guanglin didn't ask others to give up his seat, so he took the initiative to sit down. It was so late at night, and he also Feeling a bit tired.

Mr. Chen didn't even feel that he was still being detained by the two of them. He forgot that he had lost his freedom.

"Hmph, you're not afraid of me, so why don't you dare touch a single hair of my hair? This is the capital city, and this is my territory."

Thinking of Mr. Chen, he hated him. Not to mention his dinner being disrupted by this person, there was also a car accident on the way to track him down, and he was captured alive after he was about to besieged.

Mr. Chen was already furious. If he had the chance, he would definitely kill this bastard.

In the end, it was nothing more than finding someone to take the blame, so what did he have to be afraid of!

Of course, Shen Guanglin saw the stern look on Mr. Chen's face, and he knew that this situation was really endless.

Before he came in, Shen Guanglin already knew that Lao Du and the others who built the third bureau were being polite on purpose, leaving the stage for Professor Shen to play.

They set up a stage for Boss Shen to sing, and Mr. Chen thought that the other party knew his background and was being polite.

Shen Guanglin decided not to talk nonsense.

"I heard that you play with women and also like to write a diary. You are very good at playing?"

In fact, Shen Guanglin is also very interested in this, isn't this the advanced version of Guan Xi?


"What did you say?" Mr. Chen certainly refused to admit it. This is playing hooliganism, and the crime is not light.

"I heard that you are a reporter. You like to play with women through your family background, and you also interview the victim's psychological history. You have to punish the murderer. You must be talking about it."

Shen Guanglin felt that such a person was really not a good bird, he really was a pervert.

"No such thing!"

"It hasn't happened yet. Do you know that I have already sent someone to collect your illegal evidence. When the collection is finished, report it directly to your superiors." Shen Guanglin said his next plan.

"Who believes you? Who dares to report me?"

"I will report! I will report you with my real name. My surname is Du. I am an ordinary department-level cadre with a sense of justice. Tomorrow I will report you with my real name. Now, please tell me what evil things you have done. .”

(End of this chapter)

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