Start with a college teacher

Chapter 553 I Am Shen Guanglin

Chapter 553 I am Shen Guanglin (3)

"You want to report me by real name?"

Only then did Mr. Chen realize that the situation was not good for him.

Mr. Du actually wants to report himself, why?
Although Mr. Du was polite just now, he never let anyone let him go.

It turns out that all this is pretending!
Playing tricks on people was usually his specialty, but now he was being played tricks on.

"Do you know who I am?" Shen Guanglin asked.

"I don't know, but I will know sooner or later."

Now that this is the case, Mr. Chen is not going to fall, they can't kill themselves, they still have a chance, this time they are careless.

I remember this person, he looks gentle and wicked, I can't get around you!
"Alright, if you don't want to know now, I'll tell you who I am the day you go to the execution ground?" Shen Guanglin said it very easily, he was sure that this person would not end well.

"What? The execution ground, who will go to the execution ground?"

Mr. Chen was at a loss, he didn't understand what Shen Guanglin was talking about.

"Why are you pretending to be stupid, Mr. Chen, your plot is much worse than Mr. Zhu. Just now you looked at me with that kind of stern look, but you have no chance of revenge. It is impossible not to eat peanuts in a big hooligan case There are so many sufferers, they will gather together to petition."

Shen Guanglin whispered his next plan.

In fact, even if Shen Guanglin didn't make a move, according to the influence of the Third Bureau of Construction and Lao Du, this Mr. Chen probably wouldn't be able to get out.

They cherish skyscraper construction opportunities more, and they fight more.

This time, Shen can be regarded as eliminating harm for the people.

This Mr. Chen has raped so many girls by means of coercion. In this day and age, it's not bad to be shot.

"Do you know who my father is? He will save me, you can't control me!" Mr. Chen expressed firm disbelief, this was not the ending he wanted.

"Young man, you don't have to believe it, who doesn't have a good father? As for this man, he is even more powerful. Let me tell you, his father-in-law"

Shen Guanglin stopped Lao Du from continuing.

Don't mention the matter of him being the son-in-law of a wealthy family. The old man of the Li family is indeed powerful, but Shen Guanglin really doesn't need this kind of relationship.

However, besides Shen Guanglin, a well-known scientist, what Lao Du was in awe of, of course, also included the old man's relationship.

Now, Shen Guanglin can be regarded as the number one figure among the three generations, and everyone is on his own.

Hearing the conversation, Mr. Chen's heart really sank, it's over, he really hit a hard spot.

"Are you from the capital?" This was his last stubbornness, and he still wanted to confirm whether his guess was true.

"Well, yes, we are from the capital, and today we want to have a good meeting with you, a local snake."

In fact, Mr. Du and Shen Guanglin opened their mouths like a Beijing movie, and everyone can recognize their Beijing accent.

Although Shen Guanglin could speak Jinling dialect, he had been in the capital for too long, so he couldn't speak Mandarin very well, and the capital accent was very strong.

That's right, Beijing dialect is not Mandarin, so it's easy to hear.

Mr. Chen has already collapsed: "You are setting up a private court, let me go, let me go!"

It would be useless to continue the conversation.

It's boring, Shen Guanglin is ready to go back.

That's all for this matter.

It was impossible to let him go. Old Du had already thought about it. They came here to steal and were arrested. As a result, they accidentally interrogated a big hooligan case.

Let's see if Du has done meritorious service and eliminated harm for the people.

Even, Lao Du was still asking, do you want to have fun with father and son?
Shen Guanglin felt cold.

I still don't want it anymore, it's not good to arrange for the older generation of people, one person does things and one person does it.

It's not one person doing things, it's two people doing things.


And his brother, that is also a scumbag.

The older brother is called Chen Xiaomeng, the younger brother is called Chen Binglang, all the way.

Let's collect the evidence first, Shen Guanglin doesn't want to think about whether the older generation will be so dirty.

However, things don't come to fruition so quickly, there must be two or three days of brewing time.

It was already midnight when Shen Guanglin went back, and it was the darkest hour of the day, and it would not be long before the sky would light up.

Gong Xue wasn't asleep yet. Although she was yawning and had bags under her eyes, she was still waiting for him to go back.

"It's all right, go to sleep." Shen has a heart for beauty, and it's not good for a beauty to stay up late.

"Do you want me. What?" She really couldn't say that, but she did undress, which was quite charming.

"No, no! Then what's the difference between me and Mr. Chen?" Shen Guanglin refused very simply.

The main reason is that this progress is too fast, Shen is not this kind of person.

Shen Guanglin bid farewell to the house and went to sleep. He has to get up early to exercise tomorrow.

After exercising a knitting, Shen Guanglin woke up, it was past noon.

I experienced too many things yesterday and consumed a lot of energy, so I got up late.

Ah, another refreshing day.

However, it was also a boring day.

Shen Guanglin opened the window and looked outside. Except for the heat wave, it was calm outside, as if nothing had happened.

Open the door, and the bodyguards will be at the door, it's better to be professional.

"Mr. Shen, you want to go out?"

"Nonsense, if you don't eat, if you don't go out, will you go to jail?" Shen Guanglin rubbed his eyes, looking listless.

Is everyone else up?

Woke up.

A few people sat down and had lunch together, what should they do in the afternoon.

Boss Shen still has to listen to this matter, he said, and then went to drink coffee.

This is already Boss Shen's regular itinerary.

Nowadays?Does it fit.

Of course it was appropriate, Shen Guanglin had already thought about what would happen.

Yesterday, Shen Guanglin asked Mr. Du if these people under your command were members of the engineering army. Old Du admitted, yes.

Today, Shen Guanglin asked Lao Du if he borrowed 30 to [-] people to do some municipal works near the coffee shop, [-] people a day, is it okay?
According to the general plot, when you go to the coffee shop at this time, something will happen, so you have to plan ahead.

It turned out to be like this.

When Shen Guanglin waited for Gong Xue and the others to arrive at the coffee shop, there were already people waiting for them.

Without saying a word, Shen Guanglin knew that it was waiting for him, just by his aura.

At the place where Shen Guanglin sat drinking tea yesterday, three people were waiting for him.

It was a young man who accompanied an old man, and took out the prostitute Xiaoying.

Shen Guanglin could see through this situation at a glance. I'm afraid the person who came was not good.

Can't be kind, so many people disappeared yesterday, you have to know the reason.

"Your surname is Chen?" Shen Guanglin took the purple clay pot from the boss, tested the temperature, and it was just right. It seems that the boss is very careful.

"Yes, a certain surname is Chen?"

The person speaking was an old man less than 70 years old, with a gentle manner, in line with Shen Guanglin's initial impression.

"I know who you are." Since Shen Guanglin was fiddling with his teapot, he also brought a few cups today, planning to share a cup of tea with Gong Xue and the bodyguards.

"Do you know who I am?" The old man didn't pay attention to his little movements.

"Your adopted son is unworthy." Seeing that Gong Xue was very restrained, Shen Guanglin refused to let her drink tea, and it would be better to drink from the pot by himself.

"You really know the whereabouts of the dog." After saying this, the old man still breathed a sigh of relief.

"Of course, he tried my idea yesterday and was stopped by righteous people. But don't worry, he was not beaten."

"Then where is my brother?" The young man couldn't help it anymore, he was angry at Shen Guanglin's understatement, but Old Chen prevented him from speaking rudely.

"If it is for this matter, I will apologize to you on his behalf. I am usually too busy with work and neglect my children"

"It's not for this matter. He played with women and did all kinds of evil. Don't you know about this?"

Shen Guanglin asked, he didn't believe that Lao Chen didn't hear about it, because every good thing about his two sons, if it wasn't for doting, it wouldn't be like this.

"Impossible!" Old Chen became angry, and the age spots on his face began to tremble.

Shen Guanglin didn't want to argue with him, "This young man is also your son."

"Yes! But what you just said is impossible. Xiaomeng has suffered since childhood. He is not such a person."

"Why are those who suffer are not bad people?"

"What evidence do you have?"

"It's being collected, and it will be enough by tomorrow."

"From a father's point of view, I won't let you do this!"

"As a citizen, I would do it."

"Who are you?"

"I'm Shen Guanglin."

(End of this chapter)

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