Chapter 555 Rest (2)

At this point, there is no room for change.

After tearing his face to such an extent, there is nothing else to say.

Except for himself who "accidentally" escaped from Shen Guanglin's gang, other people in Shen Guanglin's gang were arrested one after another.

In the midsummer of July, the afternoon sun shines wantonly on the Huangpu River, making it sparkling.

Shen Guanglin was drinking tea while blowing on the air conditioner, looking at the scenery with his legs crossed, feeling very comfortable.

He is not afraid of old man Chen's tricks at all. Although I am not as experienced as you, I am more capable than you.

Money is money.

I'm not stupid, I'll send you to my door to catch you, maybe you will do something nasty.

A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall.

When people are pushed to a certain level, they can do anything.

Shen Guanglin only wanted to enjoy his grievances, and he didn't want to be tortured and abused by others and yet show his perseverance.

If Lao Chen really controlled his personal freedom, he could imagine how miserable his end would be.

Unlike now, Shen Guanglin can drink tea leisurely, and Gong Xue is silently peeling grapes by the side like a maid.

Peel one and feed one, slender fingers, crystal clear grapes, simply delicious.

Teacher Shen said, and he saved her life again.

It's really time to make a promise with your body, but, isn't the girl's body moist?

Also, although these grapes are sweet, they still have seeds. It would be even better if someone could pick out the seeds by the way.

Do you like to eat or not!
If you don't eat, you don't eat. Shen Guanglin sacrificed his teapot and basked in the sun wholeheartedly.

"Do you know Gu Jingzhou?" Shen Guanglin touched the money, it was round and smooth, and it was smooth.

"I don't know." Gong Xue shook her head, she really didn't know, and she didn't usually care about it.

"He is a national craftsman. This is the pot I asked him for specially. You don't know how valuable it will be in the future."

Shen Guanglin likes this pot very much, and there is an exclusive signature on it, which reads: For Shen Xiaoyou.

It is estimated that if it is really auctioned in the future, pots with celebrity stories will be more valuable.

It's a pity that Shen Guanglin is not short of money, otherwise, this kind of pot is Gu Lao's high-quality goods, and it must be worth a lot of money in the auction.

"Since it's so expensive, why don't you take it out to make tea?"

It seems that Gong Meili has a lot of opinions on the topic of whether she is moist or not, and she speaks with anger.

"What kind of logic is this? If the pot is good, can't it be used to make tea? Girls are pretty, so don't they need to sleep with others?"


Shen Guanglin's words were so reasonable that she was speechless.

"Ignore you!"

After a while, she probably felt bored, and began to ask again: "What should we do next?"

What else can be done.

"Wait, Lao Du said that he was here to take care of this matter. What I have to do now is to help him." Shen Guanglin replied as a matter of course, he had already sold Lao Du completely.

Anyway, everyone is already tearing their faces apart, it's an endless game, let's see how old Du's ability to withstand pressure is?
Now, Shen Guanglin's location is still on the Bund, but it's just changed.

Looking over from here, you can still see the coffee shop they used to frequent.

We just don't go far, unless you dig three feet and search from house to house, otherwise, brother just doesn't go, just play.

Back at the original coffee shop, someone Shen escaped, but his subordinates were arrested.

In ancient times, the loyal and righteous men were able to withstand the severe torture of the enemy.

Whips, candles, hemp ropes, and fox tails are all powerful and cannot be subdued, and wealth cannot be lewd.

Fugui should be a bad guy, a bit perverted, preparing so many instruments of torture.

Others can persist in not surrendering, so can Shen Guanglin's bodyguards and assistants.

They persisted for a full minute.

Old Chen asked them where did Shen Guanglin come from?Where did you go?

They immediately explained in detail: from here to the roof, and then to the next door, there is a back wall going down from there, and it is an alley to go out over the wall.

Boss Shen probably escaped like this.

Someone went to check immediately according to their account: it really is like this, they didn't lie.

If you chase now, can you still catch up?Where did Professor Shen go?
I really don’t know, there is an unowned motorcycle in the alley, and I don’t know who parked it, it’s full of gas, or it’s a Yamaha imported from Fusang.

Did they ride away?
Is this true again?

After some questioning, there was indeed a man and a woman riding by just now. The girl looked really good-looking, she looked a bit like the movie star Gong Xue.

That is the movie star Gong Xue, although she is now a maid, but the mood of the performance is very good!
Old Chen is still a little bit unwilling to give up, where will Professor Shen and the others go in the end?
Probably going to the project site of the Great Wall Building, where there are many people, so it is easy to hide the dirt.

Old Chen really believed what they said this time.

If I were Shen Guanglin, I would go to the project site to temporarily avoid the limelight.

What's more, Shen Guanglin's assistant and bodyguards also explained: Last night, Mr. Du at the project site led people to surround and suppress Xiao Chen. If he wanted to rescue them, he probably had to go to the project site to find Mr. Du.

But why did you explain it so thoroughly?

As the boss said, a hero does not suffer from immediate losses.

Moreover, Mr. Du has strength, can withstand wind and rain, and can see rainbows.

The bodyguards were still taken away, but they were not treated harshly, because it was useless.

Old Chen and the others wanted to restrict Professor Shen's personal freedom, which in itself was a foolish move.

It's just that the current situation is even more difficult to end.

Now, it depends on whether someone can come forward to make peace. It is really difficult to rely on strong means to force Professor Shen to change his mind.

When Lao Chen arrived at the unit, he looked for help everywhere, to see if anyone could contact Professor Shen. He was still thinking, who should he turn to who has a better relationship with the Construction Third Bureau.

Moreover, since he already knew that his son was at the project site, he still felt that he should rescue them immediately, and he couldn't wait for a moment.

Lao Chen immediately collected himself and was really ready to go to the project site.

This is a gift from Shen Guanglin to Lao Du. He just wants to tell Lao Chen blatantly: Your son was arrested by Lao Du, hurry up and do it!

However, at this stage of the matter, it is indeed time to end it.

Before Lao Chen's reinforcements could be found, someone shouted grievances outside the unit:

"Chen Xiaomeng, the son of Chen Qiwu, is greedy for money and lustful. He robs civilian girls and commits all kinds of crimes. I beg someone to make the decision."

"Coax away, coax away quickly."

However, Lao Chen hadn't thought of a good countermeasure yet, and Lao Chen's superior couldn't sit still anymore, "Old Chen, you can go home and rest for a few days, and don't worry about the affairs of the unit anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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