Chapter 556 Dream (1)

It's true that things are rushed, but it's also really effective to be effective.

Lao Chen's rescue operation failed, which was doomed from the beginning.

Moreover, his health is really bad, so it is only natural for him to go home and recuperate.

It's not that Lao Chen has no contacts. He has classmates, comrades-in-arms, subordinates, and friends. However, he is also sick.

It's not that he's mentally ill, he's really ill. He's not in good health.

Last year, because he was not feeling well, he was diagnosed with a tumor, which was malignant, and it was estimated that his days were numbered.

Under such circumstances, everyone must have some concerns when helping him. If you really help him without hesitation, will there be any return?Is it a good deal?
It is estimated that the return will be very difficult, and the wall will fall and everyone will push it.

No, after the elder son's rescue failed, his younger son was also arrested and charged with the same crime as his elder brother.

The two brothers are indeed the same thing, and they have traveled a long way on the road of lust, so far that they cannot turn back.

In this matter, Mr. Shen never officially appeared from the beginning to the end. He is an overly low-key person.

When it's over, brush off your clothes and hide your merits and fame.

Up to now, he and Shen have not exerted their strength yet, they have already fallen down.

As expected of a team engaged in construction engineering, Lao Du's ability is still good.

It's hard to say how to do things, but the whole person is really good at it.

No, within a few days, the media began to report: Oppose the dark forces, build three bureaus and make great achievements again!

This title is so long, it is the same as the title of the current novel.

In the news reports, the whole story is as follows: During the process of defending the socialist modernization, the comrades of the Third Bureau of Construction caught a group of thieves and interrogated them casually. Unexpectedly, another big hooligan case was involved Well, the victim turned out to be a vicious flower picker, a villainous hooligan.

In this era, people have the courage to fight against the dark forces. Mr. Du, who built the third bureau, fired the first shot, and everyone rose up and won the battle.

The co-author is also that Chen Xiaomeng is usually too proud, he has offended too many people, and he has done too many dirty things, everything is retribution.

Sure enough, Shen Guanglin's bodyguards and assistants returned safely. They did not suffer any crimes, but they also enjoyed the welcome banquet specially arranged by Professor Shen.

How could Boss Shen treat his employees badly?

But if you do something wrong, you always have to pay the price.

The matter came to an end, and the result was basically lackluster. Old Chen was dying and went to see Lao Ma, the eldest ate peanuts, and the second was sentenced to prison.

Another day.

Standing on the embankment, facing the Huangpu River, looking at the bustling Bund opposite, it seems that the coffee shop I often go to is also within sight.

Just as the river was rolling, Shen Guanglin suddenly had a whim:

"Miss Gong, don't you say you are a famous actor? Come on, give us a show."

"Okay!" The crowd waited and applauded in unison.

These people admire Professor Shen so much, he has changed a few women around him, besides the proprietress, there was someone named Yuanyuan before, and now there is a movie star.

Naturally, Boss Shen's words could not be refused. On this occasion, he had to save face.

A group of us are waiting for the leader to come to inspect it, and it is boring to be idle.

After all, in order to stabilize people's hearts, the leaders of Shanghai Metropolis will come to visit everyone on the project. I hope that everyone will not be affected by some small unharmonious things. Enthusiasm for work.

of course not!

People are just practicing their hands, and it doesn't affect the business in the slightest.

Mr. Du is the one who stands out the most in this matter, and his promotion is just around the corner.

Shen Guanglin carried his official seal with him, and he solemnly wrote a letter of commendation to the Third Bureau of Construction. In the letter, Lao Du's praise was hard to find in the world, and it was rare on the ground.

Old Du was overjoyed. If anyone wants to trouble Mr. Shen in the future, let's do it together.

This is really gone, if there is, I will tell you as soon as possible.

"Where's the singer?"

Seeing Shen Guanglin's confession, he was still serious, Gong Xue could only clear her throat, and really started singing:

"Spring comes and the windows are full of green,

The eldest girl embroiders mandarin ducks under the window.

Suddenly there was a relentless blow,

The mandarin ducks were beaten on each side.

Summer comes and willows grow,
The eldest girl drifted to the Yangtze River.

Jiangnan and Jiangbei have beautiful scenery,
How can it be sorghum with green yarn?"

Body movements are also a kind of language, and Gong Xue's figure is already familiar, and it is only a matter of someone coming to pick it.

Her dramatic voice is very pleasant, the artists of this era are really versatile.

At the end of the song, Shen Guanglin took the lead in applauding warmly, although he didn't know what song it was.

It's really not ignorance, it's a movie episode from the 30's after all, it's old.

Although it sounds good and has a wide spread, it is normal for Shen Guanglin to have never heard of it. He is born in the 90s.

"What song is this?" Shen decided to ask without shame.

"Angels on the Road, haven't you heard of it?".Gong Xue answered casually. This is the episode "Song of Four Seasons" by Angel Malu. She couldn't believe that Teacher Shen hadn't heard it.

"I've heard it, but I don't know what it is. I don't read much, so don't lie to me. The theme song of "Angels on the Road" is not that: End of the World, End of the World, Search for a Boss, Little Sister Sings, Lang Plays the Qin, Lang Yeah, we two are of one heart."

It was a love song, which was not allowed to be sung a few years ago, but Shen Guanglin liked it very much.

Gong Xue covered her mouth and smiled, knowing that you want to hear such a song, next time I will sing it for you when no one is around.

Shen Guanglin sternly refused, he doesn't like to listen to these melodramatic sounds, he likes other songs, "Why don't you play "A Straight Seedling of Purple Bamboo"."

"A straight purple bamboo seedling?"


"A straight sapling of purple bamboo is given to Ye Wulang to make a pipe flute.

Xiao'er is facing the mouth, and the mouth is facing the Xiao, and the melody of flowers is blown out of the Xiao.

Ask Mr. Lang, is this pipe flute good?Ask Mr. Lang, is this pipe flute good? "

This sound condition is really good, it's a waste to just be an actor.

"Mr. Shen, what kind of songs do you like to listen to? They say you are good at foreign languages. Do you like listening to English songs?"

This era is the most popular era for Citigroup music, perhaps because of the promotion of MTV, especially the advent of the new music carrier compact disc-cd, the cost of music production has been reduced, and the concept of music albums has become popular.

Now, there are already such forms of music circulating in China, but the hardware has not kept up.

It is difficult for Shen Guanglin to answer her question. He really can listen to English songs. He also likes Michael Jackson. He even went to his concert live, but he didn't want to answer directly:

"I don't know much about music, as long as I think it sounds good, I will listen to it."

Seeing their eagerness to chat, the others consciously backed away three feet away, they were all superfluous.

Seeing that there was no one around, Gong Xue said her next plan: "Mr. Shen, I plan to go to Citigroup in a few days."

"Why? Isn't there no threat at all?" Shen Guanglin was very surprised.

"This is my dream."

Well, everyone has dreams, and no matter what other people's dreams are, they are worthy of respect. Shen Guanglin also has his own ambitions and dreams.

Besides, he can't marry her. Her real age is older than Professor Shen, and it's time to think about her own future.

Shen Guanglin thought for a while, and felt that it might not be easy for her to be alone in Citigroup, so he said:

"I have a student who studies chemistry and lives in Citigroup. After you go there, if you don't understand anything, you can ask him for help."

(End of this chapter)

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