Start with a college teacher

Chapter 557 Establishment

Chapter 557 Establishment (2, ask for a monthly pass, and reward the monthly pass to go home for the New Year)
In the midst of everyone's not so eagerly looking forward to it, the leaders arrived one after another.

In fact, the leader is not as good-looking as Gong Meimei, especially when there are singing and dancing performances.

However, Shen Guanglin is different, he loves leaders, not beauties.

Only he knows that the future development and status of this leader will reach the top within a few years. Who of you can do it?
For this reason, Professor Shen tried his best to show his acting talent.

Talking and laughing happily with the big leaders, as if he is an amiable, humorous and intelligent professor, who knows the general situation and takes the overall situation into consideration.

Sure enough, the city leaders thought that Xiao Shen was really good, and every time he talked with him, he was rewarded. If he wasn't afraid of losing his talent, he would have let him be his secretary.

You can be a staff member without being a secretary!

This is the voice of Shen Guanglin.

"Although Professor Shen is young, you are very insightful. Not only are you a well-known scientist, you also have insightful insights into other aspects."

"Where is it, the leader praised you."

The picture of government leaders visiting the project progress site is no different from that of later generations.

It is standard to have a hard hat for each person, and this inspection ended with laughter and pointing all the way.

Both the host and guest enjoyed themselves.

No one mentioned the incident of the Chen family, as if it had never happened.

Don't spoil everyone's relaxed and happy mood.

At the end of the inspection, "Professor Shen will accompany us for a further walk?"

"Okay! Wish I could"

The construction of the Great Wall Building project is indeed progressing very fast, and the city leaders are very satisfied, but there are also some other concerns.

Of course, what they are worried about is not whether the funds of the Great Wall Group can be in place, or whether the technical strength of the construction of the third bureau can keep up.

What they worry about is whether the economic conditions and economic development of Shanghai can support the whole project of skyscrapers.

What do you mean?
I am just worried, to put it bluntly, I am afraid that when the building is completed, but the virtues will not match, the speed of economic development will not keep up, the Great Wall Group will lose money, and Shanghai will lose its reputation.

Once this happens, the business environment of Shanghai will be greatly affected, which may not be a good thing.

At that time, the confidence of many people who come here to invest will also be frustrated, and the loss outweighs the gain.

how come?
Shen Guanglin vowed, you are overthinking, this will not happen at all, Great Wall Group will not lose money.

What is there to worry about?You must know that before liberation, Shanghai was the economic center of the Far East. With this status, there is no need to worry that it will not develop.

For the development of Shanghai, Shen Guanglin has more confidence than anyone else.

Is the house in Lujiazui still worrying about not being sold?
This is the same as the house in Wudaokou, the center of the universe. As long as you buy it, you will earn money.

Moreover, the building has not yet been completed, and many people have come to say that they want to rent or buy a house.

Regardless of whether it is for sale or lease, they are ready to get involved immediately, and there are many internationally renowned large companies among them.

Skyscrapers are extremely attractive and attractive to internationally renowned large companies.

In later generations, most of those who work in well-known buildings are also well-known enterprises.

It's just that now the leaders are not only worried that their Great Wall Group will lose money investing in skyscrapers, they are also worried about local transportation and infrastructure construction.

After the building is completed, it is useless if the surrounding hardware cannot keep up.

They are also worried about municipal planning.

There is no way around this. This is what the city should consider. After all, this is a whole, and everyone should be a little forward-looking in their work.

No, now a forward-looking job is in front of us.

Now, there is only one cross-river bridge leading to Pudong, and traffic jams have begun, and it is no longer the deserted state it used to be.

Due to the obvious leading role of the Great Wall Group, Pudong developed earlier than in previous lives.

Therefore, seeing this situation, some people suggested that we should build a new bridge on the Huangpu River.

Building a bridge is a good thing, but here comes another problem, which needs to be considered comprehensively.

The city leaders came here this time just to hear Professor Shen's opinion.

Professor Shen has no objection, of course he fully supports it.

As a future infrastructure madman, building a few bridges is nothing at all.

This is of course a good thing. Shen Guanglin asked how the preparations for the bridge were going.

Someone replied that Tongji University is already deepening the design, and the preparatory work is almost done.

Moreover, the name of this bridge is well thought out, it is called Nanpu Bridge.

The initial site selection is at the ferry station at the South Wharf, for no other reason. The river here is relatively narrow, only more than 300 meters away.

Oh, it turned out to be you!

Is this really the Nanpu Bridge that Shen Guanglin is familiar with? Construction is finally about to start?

This is indeed a good thing, Huaxia has taken another small step on the road of infrastructure madness.

Shen Guanglin asked, "Do you have any difficulties?"

Sure enough, it was Shen Guanglin who was considerate and considerate. They were just waiting for his words!
Comrades from the city's work team said: "It's a little difficult at present, and the funds are still a bit insufficient. Does Professor Shen have any good solutions?"

The leading comrades also said that they can mortgage the power to collect bridge tolls, or other rights and interests can also be considered.

In terms of raising funds, I heard that Professor Shen is very powerful, and there are tens of millions of dollars in the lab at every turn. Can you give us some guidance.

Isn't it a small matter of lack of money? It's easy to handle.

Shen Guanglin didn't have to think for a long time, he said directly, "It's a bit difficult to ask people to donate money to build a bridge. There is a lot of money. If it is a loan, I can find a way. I can give us an interest-free loan."

"It's fine if you can get a loan. I'm afraid there are some additional conditions. If there are too many requirements, we can't realize it."

of course not!Shen Guanglin assures that there are no additional terms.

The bridge construction is also for the convenience of traffic, which has greater advantages and benefits for the Great Wall Group.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin is willing to help this favor, and Great Wall Group is willing to borrow this money.

Great Wall Group?

Yes, there are banks under the Great Wall Group.

There is indeed a Great Wall Bank under the Great Wall Group, and there are already a lot of deposits in it, most of which are deposited by the Great Wall Group or their affiliated companies.

Since Great Wall Group is a shareholder of many companies, Great Wall Group asked these listed companies to conduct business with Great Wall Bank, and they could not refuse.

This is to lean against a big tree to enjoy the shade.

Of course Shen Guanglin had selfish intentions, but he didn't show it.

Great Wall Group has not yet launched RMB business, and the current foreign currency business has not yet been launched in China.

However, Shen Guanglin said, if we need money, I will ask them to open a few more outlets in Shanghai.

People don't care about opening outlets. The concern is that Great Wall Group is really willing to borrow money?And really interest-free?

Really interest free!

No strings attached?

No strings attached!

Then that would be great, hurry up, you guys hurry up and open the office to Shanghai!

Shen Guanglin's goal was achieved.

It can be said that without much effort, Great Wall Bank obtained the right to manage RMB, and they also have the right to open stores and outlets in the Mainland.

This is another win-win option.

In fact, there have been foreign banks operating in China for a long time, and the country has opened up to a relatively high degree in recent years. The real policy tightening was after the incident of Lao Maozi in 91.

But today in 86, if you want any policy, just boldly mention it.

Shen Guanglin deliberately did not mention that he wanted to make Great Wall Bank's opening in the mainland a matter for local economic development, but anyone who opposed the continued development of the Great Wall Group at that time would be crossing the river and demolishing bridges, and they would be a white-eyed wolf.

The Huaxia government can't do something that breaks promises to friends, Shen knows this very well.

In this way, Great Wall Bank obtained its operating license in China, and the Nanpu Bridge project was Great Wall Bank's first order.

Things are progressing so smoothly, with money, Tongji University quickly gave out the design plan.

Nanpu Bridge has a total length of 8346 meters, of which the main bridge is 846 meters and the approach bridge is 7500 meters.

Before everyone knew it, Great Wall Bank opened its first branch in China.

 Begging for a monthly ticket, I’ve been working hard recently, please count the small tickets in everyone’s hands, don’t ask for a reward, just ask for a monthly pass to go home for the New Year

(End of this chapter)

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