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Chapter 558 Doing Loans and Charities

Chapter 558 Making loans and doing charity (1)

Gong Meili is still living in Shanghai, she is no longer filming, and runs around with Shen every day.

This should be regarded as a thank you for saving your life.

Shen didn't mention the body promise, and she herself was too embarrassed to take the initiative to give it away.

After all, she is a woman, so she still needs to be reserved.

Moreover, she knew that she was older than Shen Guanglin, and she couldn't wait for her youth. Since the concubine was interested and Lang was ruthless, let's wait for the future.

Always a great meeting.

Now, Shen Guanglin has to go to the construction site once a day, working very hard.

Of course, he didn't go to the construction site of the Great Wall Building, he went to the renovation branch of the Great Wall Bank.

What's so interesting about the Great Wall Building? There are many people who care about this building. The architecture departments of several universities like Shanghai have become voluntary laborers. They always pay attention to the progress of this building, and they are more concerned about it than Shen Guanglin.

You know, what a good learning opportunity this is. A lot of new technologies and techniques are used in it, which are all wealth of knowledge.

What Shen Guanglin is most concerned about is his bank, which is currently undergoing intensive renovation and will open soon.

As long as he has time, Shen Guanglin will discuss with bank professionals how to promote the development of banking business.

This is a brand new forum, and Shen Guanglin is very concerned about it.

As long as the bank is done well, it doesn't matter what kind of real estate or even manufacturing.

In the 40 years of reform and opening up, the industry that makes the most money has always been the bank.

Great Wall Bank was able to enter the domestic market and obtain trading licenses for RMB and foreign exchange at the same time. This is due to the times, and Shen Guanglin has made a lot of money.

Great Wall Bank’s deposit business has done very well. In less than a year, it has directly soared from tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars in deposits to more than 10 billion US dollars in deposits.

This is a huge sum of money. Banks of this size are really rare in Xiangjiang.

Great Wall Bank used the 10 billion US dollars in deposits as offset, and was approved for a business development area of ​​50 billion yuan.

In general, other banks in China can use Great Wall Bank's US$10 billion at any time, and Great Wall Bank can use RMB 50 billion in loans to conduct business in China.

This is a win-win situation.

In this era, there are not many self-employed people with deposits, and households with ten thousand yuan are very rich.

And if the bank's business wants to develop, it needs to develop more loan business.

Shen Guanglin imagined a model, which is to design a unique assistance policy tailored to the current economic characteristics, and provide two-way loan support to self-employed and industrial and commercial owners.

For example, if you have a foreign trade order and need to advance funds, I can loan you foreign exchange, but the money cannot be transferred to your account, but can be transferred directly to the other party.

As for the foreign exchange paid by the other party, if you convert it into RMB, wouldn’t it be a loss? You can keep it in your account and don’t rush to exchange it. Our bank will lend you RMB.

You can use RMB to complete the production and product delivery, and then just pay back the money.

Isn't the economy revitalized by going back and forth like this?
Capital University also has students who study finance, and Great Wall Bank Xiangjiang Company also has many professional financial professionals. Shen Guanglin called them over. Let’s not talk about majors, but how to land.

Customer-centric, how to solve practical difficulties is the top priority of their current work.

The customers here are not only deposit customers, but more loan customers.

How to develop loan customers is a big question.

Now, as long as he has time, he wants everyone to go to Yangcheng, Shencheng, Modu, Jinling, Jinmen, and Beijing to do field investigations.

Statistical needs, summarizing and summarizing, seeking common ground while reserving differences, maintaining commonality, emphasizing efficiency, and doing things rationally.

Now, Great Wall Bank's entry into Shanghai is a big move for Shanghai to attract foreign capital, because they have brought 10 billion U.S. dollars in foreign exchange reserves.

With so much money near the water, the city government can do a lot of great things.

This can be regarded as another gift from Shen Guanglin to the city leaders. Enterprises in Shanghai who want to borrow money or use foreign exchange are given priority.

As long as there is government endorsement, all loans will be granted. What to do when the loan expires? You can continue to borrow.

The credit of the Shanghai government is worthy of trust.

Although the money is the deposits of those listed companies in Xiangjiang, if Shen Guanglin sold all the stocks he held, it would have been enough to fill the hole.

Afraid of encountering a run on event?

This year has just passed halfway, but for the Shanghai Municipal Government, attracting investment has been very effective.

The Great Wall Group alone has brought them a huge investment volume.

Moreover, the Great Wall Company also said that after the official relocation of their headquarters, the matter of settlement will also be carried out in Shanghai.

Don't you want GDP? We can contribute our own strength to the development of GDP.

Before the general public knew it, the Great Wall Bank began to operate.

The background information is very solid. The paid-in registered capital is 10 billion US dollars. It was established in 1950, and it has been 36 years now.

As far as this history is concerned, it is really a veteran.

Traditionally, there are four major banks in China, namely China Construction Bank, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Bank of China, and Agricultural Bank of China.

Except for the Bank of China, which was established with the approval of Mr. Sun Yat-sen on February 1912, 2, the history of the establishment of several other banks is not long, not even as long as the Great Wall Bank.

Especially the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, which was established in 1984, and it has only been more than two years now.

Of course, the background for the establishment of ICBC was that the People's Bank of China began to assume the responsibilities of the central bank and no longer operated banking business externally, so this part was spun off to establish ICBC.

However, the history thing is easy to use, don't you just add history to yourself every time you look at Bangziguo?

When Great Wall Bank was facing its competitors, if you boldly said that you were a veteran, you couldn't even say a word.

The first battle for Great Wall Bank to settle in Shanghai was to provide an interest-free loan to the Shanghai government for the construction of the Nanpu Bridge.

Is it okay to borrow dollars?

Of course you can, but the repayment must be in US dollars.

However, for Great Wall Bank, that was not their real first battle. Great Wall Bank's first battle was against those enterprises that had export orders from Huaxia.

You have received foreign exchange orders, right? In this way, you will have foreign exchange. I will loan you Renminbi. You can expand production wantonly, and I will save foreign exchange for you.

The interest rate is not high, but it is stable and the risk is not great.
The money we earn together.

For enterprises, this is also a good thing. We earn foreign exchange through export, and the money is still in our unit’s account. If you want to use it for yourself, you can use it for yourself.

Great Wall Bank is really a conscientious company, and it doesn't even make money from the exchange rate difference.

Not only that, in response to the increasing number of overseas students, Great Wall Bank is planning to launch a loan service for studying abroad, which insiders call it "Charity Fund for Studying Abroad".

Unsecured loan?
This is of course impossible, however, we can add value to your fixed collateral.

The collateral is not only houses, but also antiques.

To put it simply, your house could have been worth 5 yuan, and I can loan you 10 yuan. As for the loan interest and loan period, this is another calculation.

Assuming that you are unable to repay the loan when it is due, it does not matter, the house belongs to us, and we will not pursue the loan we lent you.

Just treat it as a bank doing good deeds, this is the tradition of the Great Wall Group.

Of course, there are also requirements for the location of the house. It must be a big city, a prosperous area, shops and residences.

This is almost equivalent to a premium acquisition.

But the Great Wall Bank does not bear the notoriety of buying real estate at high prices. What they do is student loans and charity.

No one can predict what stage the domestic real estate industry will go to. With a heart of charity, we just happened to encounter house appreciation and earn a little money. Isn’t this a model of good intentions and rewards?

Mr. Shen has long said that he does not do real estate business, but the bank has some bad debts, and there is no way not to deal with them.

There are many things that can make money in this era, such as stamp trading and coin storage, he is not interested in any of them.

Making money by time is not a skill.

(End of this chapter)

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