Chapter 559 Loan (2)

Zhou Shengyi is an ordinary man from Shanghai, and now he is a small self-employed.

His ancestral home was in Wuxi, and his father, Lao Zhou, was a sand-turning worker in a factory. There were 5 children in his family, and his life was not rich.

Therefore, in order to supplement the family, my mother opened a small chaotic stall on Dinghai Road to barely make ends meet.

Zhou Shengyi is the youngest of the five children. He has a good language talent, but his academic performance is not good. He did not continue to study after graduating from elementary school.

At the age of 17, just like his mother, he opened a small wonton shop by himself, specializing in catering business, and he can be regarded as a self-reliant small boss.

However, the wonton shop is a diligent business, and it is still hard work to turn around and cook the stove every day, and there is no way out.

After opening it for a year or two, he didn't want to continue this business anymore, so he turned the wonton shop into a grocery store.

Because of his quick mind, the grocery store he runs does not require a ticket, he is also diligent, and he also buys some agricultural and sideline products from the countryside. He is very popular with neighbors and his business has been good.

After all, Shanghai is one of the bridgeheads for China to contact the outside world. With the acceleration of the reform and opening up process, more and more foreigners come here. Among them, Fusang people come to Shanghai most diligently.

Zhou Shengyi is very talented in languages. He even learned Fusang dialect by self-study, and even worked as a translator part-time.

After a period of communication, he soon discovered that Fusang people pay special attention to appearance, but their men are also prone to hair loss, which makes many middle-aged Fusang people very distressed.

So, Xiao Zhou felt that this seemed to be a business opportunity.

Because, there is really a medicine for hair loss in China, and that is Zhang Guang 101.

This drug has been developed in 1974, but the popularity is not high, and it has not reached the point where chain stores have been opened all over the country.

It just so happened that some of Xiao Zhou's relatives had used this drug, and the effect was really good, and the hair really grew back after using it.

If you sell this medicine to Fusang, how much money can you make?

However, the trip to Fusang is not easy. Money is needed for travel expenses, and money is also needed for buying medicine. If you go there by yourself, you must earn some money to come back.

It's full of money, and the money in hand is not enough.

He wanted to find someone to borrow money, but among the relatives and neighbors around him, he was the richest.

so what should I do now?
One day, he passed by the Bund by chance and saw the advertisement of Great Wall Bank, which was very attractive, and it was a light box with night light.

Does the bank have to advertise?
This piqued his curiosity.

"Regardless of spring, summer, autumn and winter, Great Wall wishes you success."

"Don't worry about lack of money, the Great Wall will help you build tall buildings."

Then go ask.

The next day, he found Great Wall Bank according to the address on the advertisement.

As soon as you enter the door, oh, it's so cool!

Many people enjoy the coolness in it.

Now is the hot weather in Shanghai, and the Great Wall Bank has opened. There are not many people who come to deposit and withdraw money, but there are many people who come to cool off.

The staff of the Great Wall Bank did not chase them away. Instead, they would distribute some brochures from time to time to publicize the bank's deposit and loan policies.

Zhou Shengyi wanted to check the situation first, so he took the booklet and opened it to read.

Really amazing!

This Great Wall Bank can not only deposit RMB and foreign exchange, but also lend RMB and foreign exchange.

Chinese money and foreign money can be freely exchanged here, which is great.

Moreover, the object of deposit and loan is not only for enterprises, but also for individuals. As long as there is suitable collateral, individuals can also take loans.

There are also many types of collateral, including antique calligraphy and paintings, real estate, and heavy metals.

The types of loans are also separated. You can borrow RMB or foreign exchange. You can also deposit RMB while borrowing foreign exchange or deposit foreign exchange while lending RMB.

In short, be as flexible as you want.

Zhou Shengyi's mind immediately opened up.

He made an assumption based on his own reality: If he wants to sell Zhangguang 101 to Fusang, he must spend a certain amount of foreign exchange, transportation expenses, accommodation expenses, these are all money;

And if he wants to make more money, he has to bring more goods. Therefore, buying goods in RMB also costs money.

If he wants to borrow both RMB and foreign exchange, can he also do it?
Thinking of this, he planned to find the staff to ask, and happened to find Shen Guanglin.

It was also a coincidence that Shen Guanglin just came to inspect the bank, and happened to meet Zhou Shengyi who asked about the loan policy.

"Can I get a loan?" Zhou Shengyi introduced himself and then asked about the loan.

He was also very disturbed, wondering if he could borrow money.

"Is your wife's surname Mao?" Shen Guanglin asked an irrelevant question.

"Ah, yes, how did you know?"

Zhou Shengyi was very puzzled, who is this person? Do you know yourself?Why come up and talk about your wife.

Shen Guanglin did not answer his question, but told him affirmatively, "I can get a loan."

Loan if you can.

According to the efficiency of the Great Wall Group, the loan came down on the same day.

However, Xiao Zhou felt a little worried, so he decided to follow his wife for a few days to see where she was going.

Great Wall Bank officially opened for business.

Everyone in need of funds flocks to it.

For nothing else, just for them to be able to make foreign exchange loans, they can already squeeze their heads.

This effect is simply spread from one to ten, and from ten to a hundred.

For competitors, it doesn't matter that Great Wall can release foreign exchange, and the loan procedures are very simple.

As long as there are past foreign trade transaction records, or government endorsement, or real estate mortgages, loans can be issued on the same day.

Even for some larger amounts, the approval cycle will not exceed three days.

In short, within three days, you can get a loan if you can, and if you can't, you will give an explanation, indicating which aspects of you are not up to standard.

How did they achieve this response speed and service capability?
The current banks basically do not lend to self-employed individuals. Even if they are secured by assets, others are cautious about lending.

Great Wall Bank is not like this, they did the opposite, and easily completed the loan task.

However, Great Wall Bank has also launched a credit record system.

As long as you handle business in our bank, you will have initial points.Once you have breached the contract, points will be recorded and deducted, and if you have too many breaches and accumulated to a certain extent, then sorry, we will not do your business anymore.

After all, there are many scammers in this era, and the cost of breaching the contract is very low. Even some people take money and run away, and it is not easy to chase.

Therefore, the collateral of the Great Wall Bank is real estate such as houses or other antiques.

This is a bit of a disguised acquisition.

But it did come across a lot of good things.

In this era, there are so many uses for foreign exchange. Enterprises introduce advanced equipment, advanced technology, and high-quality raw materials. Even if they have good products, they want to go abroad for publicity.

Zhou Shengyi became more confident in going to Fusang to sell hair tonics, because he learned that the Great Wall Bank implements a dual-track system for separate loans and repayments in RMB and foreign exchange, and it is not necessary to make settlements based on the exchange rate.

It turns out that you can still play like this.

For a while, the Great Wall Bank was overcrowded.

Those who came to enjoy the shade had no place to plug in, because the whole hall was occupied by people doing business.

With the extension of the fiery summer, the school season has also arrived.

Capital University called and asked Mr. Shen if he had any plans to go back to lead the class?

not at all.

I'm busy in the devil's capital.

Shen Guanglin thought, since the school has started, let's go to the university campus to continue giving lectures.

Tongji University is still good.

However, this itinerary has not been arranged yet, the leader's secretary came to him:
"Professor Shen, can you spare some time recently?"

"Ah, of course." Shen Guanglin looked at him with questioning eyes, wanting to ask him what's wrong.

"The city leaders are very interested in the operation mode of Great Wall Bank. They think you are also very insightful in economics. Therefore, I would like to ask you to teach him and all colleagues in the city an economic lesson. Do you think so?"

"What? Teaching the leader, or economics?" Shen Guanglin was surprised.

"If you ask me to talk about physics, chemistry, and biology, I'm good at all of them, but I may not be able to do it when talking about economics." Shen Guanglin declined. He is really not good at it, and he has never studied economic theory.

"You don't need to be humble. You are the chief scientist of the Great Wall Group. Why not teach the city leaders." This is the instruction the secretary received from the leader, and he conveyed it in his own words.

(End of this chapter)

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