Chapter 560 Going to class (on the way home, an update today)
Shen Guanglin was used to class, but he was still a little nervous before the battle.

Before going out, he stood in front of the mirror and looked at it carefully over and over again, oh, he is so handsome.

When she reached the lobby, Gong Xue was already waiting for him, and she took out a tie, "Professor Shen, please wear this, it looks formal."

Now it is not the same as before, tunic suits are not the mainstream for important occasions, and suits and ties have appeared on important occasions.

"But, in this case, isn't he a bit too handsome?" Shen Guanglin straightened his neckline, straightened his back shoulder blades, and his eyes were full of inexplicable confidence.

What Gong Xue could say was to laugh.

Shen Guanglin still didn't feel that what he said was wrong. He also made a few movements in front of the mirror that he often did on the podium, and then turned around: "I'm giving lectures to those old men. I'm dressed up in a showy way, isn't it too much? Would they be jealous?"

Gong Xue laughed even harder. How could such a big leader make fun of you?

Speaking of which, Shen Guanglin has been a teacher for five or six years. Although he does not attend many classes, it is a long time and he has accumulated a lot of teaching experience.

In Shen Guanglin's teaching career, there are Peking University students who are like the proud sons of heaven, as well as all kinds of foreign devils who spend money to buy lectures, but there are no old men who are old, and they are probably in small classes. Five people.

He, Shen, has really never seen such a small scene.

In the past, Shen Guanglin took classes with the smallest number of students, that is, there were 90 students in three classes for one major.

For him, a class with hundreds of people is just normal, and a class with thousands of people is not too much.

Shen Guanglin is a successful professor, he thought Jiang why no one can stop him, but he really can't be regarded as a successful lecturer.

So, he went to Beijing to rush for the exam today, and he was nervous.

In particular, what he is talking about today is not physical chemistry or biology, but economics.

Shen Guanglin attached great importance to this speech.

Will they record this lesson for the boss as a policy policy in the future?

If yes, that would be great!

But what if you say something wrong?
In fact, the tradition of scholars giving lectures to high-level officials has a long history. Shen Guanglin is not the first time, nor is he the first.

For some leaders who love to learn, some people can even take a class every week or every month.

For example, when Mr. Li was not retired, he often organized training classes, and he always invited a group of faculty members to come and give lectures.

As a think tank, it is natural to give full play to the role of a think tank.

Now, Shen Guanglin was well prepared.

Before leaving, he checked his briefcase and saw that the materials and speeches he had organized were still there, so he went out with confidence.

The draft is out, but we still have to prepare the draft.

It was not too far from the Peace Hotel to the city hall, and the destination was reached without even reviewing the speech.

After Shen Guanglin arrived, he was ushered into a small conference room. After waiting for about 3 minutes, the secretary came over to greet him in person: "Professor Shen, I'm sorry to keep you waiting."

"Just here, don't get in the way." Shen Guanglin touched his tie, he should be very handsome.

"The leader will be free in 10 minutes. There are a lot of people today, so it's okay."

"no problem!"

How many talents are there? Shen Guanglin has even seen venues with thousands of people, let alone such small-scale teaching activities.

"Do you have any special requirements? If so, I will help you."

Shen Guanglin took out a cup filled with half a bottle of wolfberry, "Help me fill it with hot water."

Are there any more?
Hearing that the conference venue will be held in the auditorium, Shen Guanglin has no other special requirements. He just asked if there is a blackboard at the venue, and if not, prepare a whiteboard.

If there are no teaching tools, the teaching effect will not be good.

everything's ready.

When Shen Guanglin entered the venue, the venue was already full of people.

Is this why Professor Shen is so young?

Shen Guanglin saw the big man wearing glasses in the first row at a glance, and the big man nodded at him.

As far as the lineup in the first row is concerned, Shen Guanglin feels that this lineup will be another meeting in a few years.

"Before I went out today, many people said that I was dressed so handsomely, a bit like a bridegroom." This was Shen Guanglin's opening remarks.

Too much laughter, his outfit really looks a bit like that, Professor Shen is indeed younger.

"I'm very upset after hearing this." Shen Guanglin paused again when he said this.

This sentence immediately caught the attention of the audience, why are you unhappy?

"He said that I look so handsome today, which is not true at all! I am already handsome, even if I don't dress up!"

The audience finally burst into relaxed laughter.

Breaking the ice is a very important part of a lecture or event. Shen Guanglin is very experienced in this, and he has done a lot of preparation for this lecture.

"At first, I was a physicist, always talking about chemistry, and before I knew it, I became a chemist. After I became a chemist, I always talked about biology, so, I'm a biologist again, and maybe, after today, I'm going to be an economist."

Shen Guanglin thought for a while, "Since we are going to talk about economics, then I will talk about something powerful to calm you down."

The audience in the audience also laughed, let's see how you calm us down.

"In the past two years, what was our GDP growth rate? 15%, 14%? The economy has developed rapidly, and what has come with it, through inflation! How far has it reached through inflation? Dual-career families, wages have already I can’t make ends meet. How did this happen, how can I fix it, is there a solution?”

Shen Guanglin glanced at the people in the audience and saw that most of them were listening. He said boldly: "I have a solution. Here I want to mention a word called a soft landing of the economy. What does it mean? It is to reduce the speed of economic growth." , to control the number of unemployed people, and to control the amount of credit and money in circulation.”

At the beginning, leader No. [-] who wore glasses said that he wanted to hear Professor Shen talk about economics, but everyone was not convinced.

However, after Shen Guanglin came to power, he really talked about the economy and made the prospects very serious.

Moreover, he also talked about many examples of ups and downs. Those countries in South America are typical examples of economic hard landing in the process of economic development.

Everyone was faintly aware of Shen Guanglin's words.

However, they are not economists after all, and they are really not as professional as Shen Guanglin said.

Shen Guanglin is not an economist either, but Shen Guanglin knows whether this wave of inflation was brought under control in 93 or 94, and it was realized by the comrade from Wudaokou Technical School.

However, Shen Guanglin really knew a little about these contents and measures.

"The operation of the national economy is a dynamic process. The trajectory of the economic growth rate in each year is not a straight line, but fluctuates around the potential growth capacity, forming a curve that alternates between expansion and decline."

It's not Shen's style to only know how to ask questions but not to solve them. Shen really listed the solutions in detail.

As for the direction of more detailed control, what do you want those who study economics to do?
Well-known man!Amazing.

The audience is very serious, this Professor Shen, do everything, do everything.

Even the glasses hero took out his notebook and took notes seriously.

And, when Shen Guanglin paused, he asked: "Professor Shen, if you are allowed to preside over economic reform, what do you think?"

"It's not good! In practice, I really can't do it. We have enough economic talents in our country. I just talk about it on paper. I still prefer to study natural science."

"Tell me about your bank. I heard that it is very hot recently. We want to know, what do you think?"

Shen Guanglin was not easy to answer.

"This bank is not mine, it is owned by Great Wall Group, but I have a certain right to speak. I think we have a big problem with the exchange rate. Why there is a black market is the problem of value. If the currency equivalent is deviated, we will not accept it. For the sake of face and other interests, and..."

In short, Shen Guanglin feels that the current exchange rate is unreasonable, and in this case, it is not conducive to exports.

(End of this chapter)

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