Start with a college teacher

Chapter 561 Recommendations

Chapter 561 Suggestion (1)
This class is full of dry goods.

Shen Guanglin talked about economic phenomena and economic principles when he came up, and he was all about the bad aspects, which gave everyone a big blow.

After the reform and opening up, the country's economic situation has indeed undergone earth-shaking changes. Everyone talks about being prepared for danger in times of peace, but they always feel in their hearts that our "good" will last forever.

However, Shen Guanglin burst this "bubble". He brought out the bits and pieces that everyone can come into contact with, and helped everyone see the essence through the phenomenon.

Shen Guanglin not only explained the reasons for this phenomenon, but also extended the consequences of this phenomenon continuing.

So scary!

Everyone broke out in cold sweat.

Yes! That's the way it is, see if you still dare to despise me.

The content of Professor Shen's lecture was too solid. Everyone was tired and scared after listening to it, but they didn't dare not to listen, for fear of missing something and becoming the sinner of the people.

It's been a long time since I took notes so seriously.

Had to rest several times in the middle.

There are several reasons, one of which is that most of the participants in the conference are middle-aged and elderly people, and their physiological functions are not so good, so people inevitably have three urgencies.

The second one is indeed to give everyone a chance to breathe. What Shen Guanglin said has brought too much pressure on people.

Everyone wanted to raise doubts, but their intuition and reason told them that what Shen Guanglin said was right.

Although Shen Guanglin is just an ordinary professor, as long as he wants, he can get access to the country's core economic data.

Now, Shen Guanglin has all the arguments and arguments presented, and ready-made examples are in front of him.

If you don't believe it, you won't succeed, if you're not afraid, you won't succeed.

Speaking of economic hard landing, the most typical ones are those countries in Latin America. They also have a large land area, a large population, and rich resources, and they look like they are thriving.

It's just that they can't stop after enjoying a period of economic take-off. The economy fluctuates greatly, and some of them have fallen into negative growth.

Their situation and the lessons learned from the past, wouldn't Huaxia encounter it?

Everyone is really worried.

In fact, after Shen Guanglin finished speaking, his back was covered with white sweat, and he was very tired psychologically when he taught the lectures by himself.

Therefore, during the recess, Shen Guanglin also deliberately avoided the crowd, fearing that they would ask questions.

He hid in the corridor to blow the air by himself, in the euphemistic name of tidying up his thoughts.

The leaders attending the meeting saw how powerful Shen Guanglin was, and knew that this class was very important, so they didn't bother him.

Except for Shen Guanglin, all the people who haunted the corridor were secretaries.

Mr. Shen deliberately wore a very handsome suit and a very formal bow tie today.

There are quite a few people with the same attire as him, everyone's mind is not pure.

However, Shen Guanglin's youth and handsomeness cannot be concealed, even among the secretary group, he is still outstanding.

It is also a good social platform for leaders to hold meetings and secretaries.

Shen Guanglin was the latest to join, and others had already become friends when he came.

However, he still looked at these secretaries seriously. Some of them were indeed very young, but some of them were already middle-aged.

What's more, there are really a few women here, refreshing and capable, and they don't give way to men.

"What's your name, little brother?" Seeing Shen Guanglin approaching, someone greeted him.

"The surname is Shen." Shen Guanglin also replied very politely.

"Brother Shen is really young, is he the leader's secretary?"

"It's not good to inquire like this. Isn't the leader angry?"

Shen Guanglin is very curious about what kind of group the secretary group is. In fact, he himself has three secretaries so far, and he doesn't know how they are doing.

"Oh, I'm sorry," everyone stopped talking to Shen Guanglin when they saw how out of group he was.

Shen Guanglin is also happy and pure.

This young man doesn't know what's good and what's wrong, what a great opportunity to socialize, he's still young.

Shen Guanglin is really young.

Looks like a college student.

If Li Rong were here, she would be surprised to find that she had known Shen for five or six years, and her face didn't seem to have changed at all.

Shen Guanglin looked like this six years ago, and he still looks like this now.

Years, on his face, did not leave the slightest trace, not even a crow's feet.

At this time, Shen Guanglin's secretary came and brought a glass thermos cup soaked with goji berries.

Shen Guanglin didn't say anything else, he patted his assistant on the shoulder and left.

"What's your surname, little brother?" Seeing Shen Guanglin leave, the person who hit up Shen Guanglin just now came to strike up a conversation again.

"The surname is Liu." The secretary replied.

"Brother Liu is really young, may I ask which leader's secretary you are?"

"I'm not the leader's secretary, I'm just an ordinary assistant." The secretary replied very low-key, Shen Guanglin was indeed not the leader, he was just a professor.

"Look, look, this young man is so polite, mature and steady, he is not at all like the guy just now, he has no hair on his mouth, and he can't do things well." The man complained to the surroundings, also venting his dissatisfaction .

However, Shen Guanglin's secretary didn't like to hear these words anymore. He wanted to give out a cigarette, but he didn't. He packed up his things and left.

"Little brother, what are you doing?"

"I'll go find the young man you mentioned."

"What are you looking for him for?"

"I'm his secretary."

"Don't you say he is not the leader?"

"He is indeed not a leader, he is the one who teaches your leaders."

Class continues.

When everyone first heard that Professor Shen was teaching the lecture, they originally came to see it as a surprise.

After all, this is a class worth [-] US dollars. Everyone comes here to judge the quality and open their mouths.

After half a class, everyone changed their previous contemptuous attitude.

Unexpectedly, this class is not worth 5 US dollars, even 50 US dollars is worth it.

I really didn't expect that Professor Shen is so insightful about economics, which is better than many scholars who specialize in economics.

And what Shen Guanglin talked about in class was the current dilemma that the domestic economic development is facing, and it was not just one point, he talked about many points one, two, three, four, five.

After listening to it, everyone felt very heavy.

Fortunately, in the following class, Shen Guanglin gave some solutions.

Everyone's expressions began to relax again.

Shen Guanglin is not the kind of person who digs a hole and doesn't care to bury it. The problem he raised himself gave a solution, and there was more than one kind, and there were alternatives.

Well, it sounds a bit interesting, but I don't know if it's really feasible.

However, whether it is feasible or not, that's all. This is a question that needs to be verified later. Currently, Shen's mission has been successfully concluded.

During lunch, even the big leader wearing glasses joked with Shen Guanglin:

"Xiao Shen, I heard that you pay $[-] for the touch-up pen for a class? We can't afford it."

The meme that someone Shen charges money for lectures is very popular. This is already Shen Guanglin's business card and signboard. No matter where he goes, everyone knows that Professor Shen charges [-] US dollars for a class.

Moreover, the most outrageous rumor is that Professor Shen collected $160 million in less than a month in Citigroup's Los Angeles, and all the money was donated to international students.

Don't know if it's true or not.

Seeing that the leader is so kind, Shen Guanglin is not a person who can't take jokes. He said with a smile, "Of course, there is no free lunch in the world. You can owe the 5 US dollars first, and wait until my judgment is correct." return."

After a pause, Shen Guanglin went on to say, "Give Great Wall Group some more good support policies, and just pay back my class fees."

"Don't you say that the Great Wall Group is not yours?" the leader asked again.

"Of course it's not mine, but they are my sponsors. Most of my lab's donations come from the Great Wall Group. It's not about taking people's money to help people eliminate disasters." Shen Guanglin said plausibly.

"You little Shen!" The leader shook his head with a smile and sighed, then he asked, "How do you think the current economic predicament should be solved, and who can solve it?"

"Really want me to tell?"

"Just say it boldly, who dares not let you say it can't be done."

"Okay, then I'll say it, I think, although Wudaokou Technical School is not a very good school, the dean of their School of Economics and Management is not bad, and can handle this important task."

(End of this chapter)

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