Chapter 562 Wish (2)

after many years.

When recalling the past, I don't know if Shen Guanglin would brag, saying that he had the merit of recommending him back then.

Oh, just thinking about it makes me proud!

Shen Zhida is for the country and the people.

However, the leader was really thinking about Shen Guanglin's suggestion, and Shen Guanglin's words were not in vain.

After about two mouthfuls of food, the leader realized that Shen Guanglin was too mean:

"Hey, you little Shen, why don't you pay attention to other schools? You slander them like that."

The grievances between Beijing University and Wudaokou Vocational School are natural, and no one can resolve them. It is a natural mission for Shen Guanglin to slander Wudaokou Vocational School.

"In their crappy school, there are many boys and few girls, and each of them looks very abstract. If you want ability but no ability, if you want results but no results, what can I say about them?"

When it comes to the bad performance of Wudaokou Technical School, Shen Guanglin has a lot to say, and he can talk for three days and three nights.

Of course, within Huaxia, the only ones who say Wudaokou Technical School is trash are the people from Capital University.

Among them, Shen Guanglin was the most important. Those students under him also talked about Wudaokou Vocational School every day.

Ordinarily, such unqualified words should not have been said by a well-known professor, but he said it, but it also fit his character and personality, and everyone didn't find it abrupt.

Of course, Shen Guanglin said Wudaokou Technical School was rubbish, and Wudaokou Technical School itself was not very angry.

Their school is very strange, only people from Capital University are allowed to talk nonsense there, and others are not allowed to say a word, they will really be very angry.

What's more, they usually only scold Capital University, not other schools, even if you come here, we don't bother to talk to you.

After all, Shen Guanglin is still very good. The leader actually wanted him to be his secretary or staff member, but Shen Guanglin's scientific research tasks are really heavy and there are many things to do, so he can only politely decline.

However, when necessary, someone Shen can be summoned at any time.

Speaking of it, it is true that Shen Guanglin has no time. He is the leader of the biological research group of the 863 Project, and he is in charge of the future of the biological group.

The Shen Guanglin Laboratory of Capital University also has to claim a lot of scientific research tasks, and really has no time to come to be an official.

Shen Guanglin's long-term fetters in the Demon City are also because of things that he is reluctant to let go, such as beauties.

For the sake of Gong Meiren, he hadn't organized and participated in the meeting of the biology team for a long time, and he even planned to let those people from the biology team come to Shanghai for the meeting.

The team leader can drive wherever he says, and sleep wherever he wants to sleep. Who made him the team leader?

Speaking of the team leader, Shen Guanglin was very angry.

Although they made Shen Guanglin the team leader of the biology team, it was a big deal for Shen Guanglin's status.

However, the people in the physics and chemistry groups were also interesting, they didn't really ask Shen Guanglin's opinion, they seemed to have their own ideas about the way ahead.

In academia, although it is not as good as politics, whoever is stronger is noble, and whoever is superior is authoritative.

What do you guys mean when you talk about physics and chemistry and deliberately ignore me, Shen?
Do you think I'm a bully?

Shen Guanglin was very upset.

Therefore, when accepting the assignment of scientific research tasks, Shen Guanglin clearly rejected all the arrangements for topics related to physics and chemistry.

I won't take any!

I spend my own money, so I have my own research program.

There are endless scientific careers, and I want to study the fields that you are assigned and think you are good at.

Moreover, even if the fields you mentioned have been contracted to households, I just want to go in and study them because I see you are not happy.

Moreover, if the depth of my research greatly exceeds that of yours, don't cry.

I, Shen, want to let the world see what level you are all at.

So far, no one has asked Shen Guanglin what his attitude is towards the research direction and prospects of physics and chemistry.

Don't you think Shen is a leader in physics and chemistry?
They really don't think so.

Even physicists and chemists all over the world feel that Dongfang Shen's achievements in physics and chemistry are already No. 1 in the world.

However, those who are in charge of physics and chemistry must neither listen nor believe it.

However, Shen Guanglin couldn't bear this matter for too long.

Shen Guanglin has already decided that in a few days, when he returns to the capital, he will conduct an exclusive interview with the media.

Then focus on talking about the messy things that the physics group and the chemistry group have to talk about. It depends on whether you are nervous or not.

I just want to scold you, and I can't bear it anymore.

You know, in many fields, what Shen Guanglin said is authoritative. Even if others want to refute, they should seriously think about whether they are wrong.

After this review, they really found out that they were wrong.

In terms of scientific research, if Shen Guanglin said anything casually, it would take a few days or even dozens of days to verify it in the actual process of the experiment, and it would also cost countless money and energy to deal with it.

In the end, it proved that what Shen Guanglin said was true.

Now, in China, Shen Guanglin is probably "just" a well-known biologist.

Of course, in terms of biology, Shen Guanglin's international reputation is also growing day by day.

In particular, a new generation of PCR instruments has recently begun mass production. The pre-sale price is very expensive, but everyone's response is very good.

Shen Guanglin also got a few sets and put them in the country, among them, he donated them to Beijing University and Shen Guanglin's laboratory, including these universities in Shanghai.

After everyone tried it, they were also very convinced. This thing is really powerful, it is simply an invention that crossed the ages.

Those who study biology will probably be inseparable from this thing in the future.

Was this also invented by Professor Shen?

No, really not.

Professor Shen just made some small discoveries while standing on the shoulders of giants. The matter of PCR really has nothing to do with Professor Shen.

Shen Guanglin also said this in Citigroup, but no one believed it.

I have to think that this invention was invented by Professor Shen, and that person is just lucky.

Oops, how to explain it.

However, Shen Guanglin is obliged to promote PCR instruments. After all, he has 30% of the shares in it.

When Shen Guanglin gave a lecture at Citigroup, he mentioned the concept of genomics. The general meaning is: as long as PCR equipment is used, the sequencing of the human genome can be completed very quickly.

After completing the sequencing of the human genome, the pathogenesis of many genetic diseases and many genetic defects have the hope of being cured.

This is a good thing that benefits the country and the people.

This view of Shen Guanglin is almost the same as that of the Nobel laureate Dabelko.

Therefore, although they never met, they became friends in the media.

Now, when Dabelko is promoting his Human Genome Project, he opened his mouth and shut his mouth. Professor Shen Guanglin also said that, in his opinion, this aspect
And who is Professor Shen Guanglin?You don't know this, what kind of scientific research circle is there.

Some people really don't know who Shen Guanglin is.

Now, what Shen Guanglin lacks is really a heavyweight award.

However, his achievements are enough to make many people feel that even without these awards, Professor Shen is still worthy of being the most famous and greatest scientist in the world.

This is also Shen Guanglin's goal.

Now, Shen Guanglin feels that he has not achieved enough, but it doesn't matter.

He believed that one day, Shen Guanglin's name would appear in various books about science and technology.

Shen Guanglin's current goal is also very simple, that is, when he participates in any international conference in the future, someone from Shen will give a speech.

Moreover, what everyone talked about in the lecture was the theory put forward by someone Shen.

It's just embarrassing now that Shen Guanglin's status in the international arena is higher than in China.

It's not that the domestic scientific research community doesn't recognize Shen Guanglin's scientific achievements, but they just don't want to mention him. This person makes people angry.

This is not the state Shen Guanglin wants.

According to Shen Guanglin's vision, when students go to college in the future, whether they are students in the biology department, physics department, or chemistry department, when they open the boring, thick and outrageous book, they find that they need to recite the content. It is Shen's research results.

At this stage, he is content.

(End of this chapter)

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