Start with a college teacher

Chapter 563 I Disagree

Chapter 563 I disagree (1)

The economics class is over, and then there is the political class.

But Shen Guanglin didn't want to get involved in this field, although he knew that the biggest political event in the future would be the disintegration of Lao Maozi, and their time was numbered.

However, for such an important historical event, he just needs to take part in it casually, and it cannot be stopped at all.

A CCCP fell and fattened the whole world.

Professor Shen is also happy to see such a good thing come true.

The Great Wall Building is advancing steadily, and the Great Wall Bank has officially gained a firm foothold.

In this way, the time came to the end of August, and the universities finally started one after another.

As a teacher, it is hard not to see the students all the time.

When Shen Guanglin is free, what he likes to watch most is the youthful men and women. Seeing their carefree appearance, his mood improves inexplicably.

However, at what time is this, and Shen Guanglin is still in the devil and won't leave. Capital University has called several times.

The school asked him if he still brought new students?
I can't take it anymore, I can't take it anymore.

Of course, Shen Guanglin has not been idle these days: organizing meetings of the biology team; assigning tasks for the next stage; going to the university to give lectures, in short, some are busy with things.

On the whole, in a week, at least four days are spent at work. This work intensity is very high, okay?

When he was not too busy, Shen Guanglin would also wander around the university campus, but the person who accompanied him was Li Yuanyuan, but now it was Gong Xue.

Gong Xue hasn't gone abroad yet, and she said to leave every day, but she didn't see any real movement.

On the contrary, it is Teacher Li Yuanyuan. It is said that part of the movie has been filmed, and now she is waiting for the sorghum to grow taller.

On this day, Shen Guanglin wandered around Jiaotong University again, and found that on the school bulletin board it was posted that an expert from West German Volkswagen would come to the school to give a speech, please attend on time.

Shen Guanglin has forgotten about this. It has been two years since Volkswagen and Modu Automobile have jointly established a joint venture. It is a pity that such a domestic brand has disappeared like this.

Unfortunately, it was already too late, and the Modu Automobile Factory no longer existed.

The joint venture company has even introduced its own production line, and their first car of the era, the Santana, is estimated to be off the assembly line soon.

It is estimated that this auto expert attended the inauguration ceremony of their production line.

Speaking of which, Shanghai Volkswagen is China's first joint venture car company, and since then various local governments have also started to recruit car manufacturers.

Shen Guanglin didn't want to say that it was wrong to do so, after all, it played a special role in a special historical period.

However, what progress has the joint venture brought to the development of China's auto industry?Really can't tell.

Huaxia Automobile only made great progress after the establishment of Geely Chery and BYD, so that the Great Wall and Zotye, the king of luxury cars, came out one after another.

Is this a West German expert? Shen Guanglin wants to meet for a while.

In fact, the attitude of the West Germans towards China in this era is not bad.

But the East Germans after the merger, they can't go on the road themselves, and they don't want others to go on the road.

However, the "elites" of European countries are all of the same nature. With their advanced technology, advanced education and perfect social system, they are always superior to others, and they always put on an arrogant posture internationally.

Of course, in this era, friendship with China is the mainstream attitude of Western society, and West Germany is no exception.

The economy in these years has been relatively backward, so they wantonly poured out pity and pity, and exported all kinds of value, which is simply unpleasant.

What's even more annoying is that many people believed in many of the stupid things they said, and they were extremely convinced.

Therefore, in this era, it is not difficult to understand that people from advanced capitalism, especially their experts and scholars, are blindly welcomed and worshiped by people.

Foreigners are given preferential treatment from now on.

How many years have passed, and the poor little black with no pants can have sex on campus wantonly.

I don't know if this is admiration of foreigners, maybe it's just some people's shallow knowledge.

Gas and powerless.

Shen Guanglin decided to see how popular this foreigner was. It was said that his name was Schroeder and he was an automobile expert.

On the day of the lecture, Shen Guanglin was not too late to go, and he took Gong Xue with him, so he could learn from each other's strengths.

I went, the seats were full, and there were even people standing in the corridor.

This is simply more popular than Shen Guanglin.

If Shen Guanglin wasn't a VIP member and visiting professor of the school, he wouldn't have a place to sit when he came in.

Among this group of people, there are not only students, but also teachers, school leaders, and even city leaders.

Shen Guanglin did not enjoy this lineup when he gave lectures in China, and only when he gave important lectures abroad, there would be more middle-aged and elderly people.

He decided that he would invite someone from Shen to give a lecture in the future, and he would not go again without the principal and other leaders present.

This is basic respect.

Professor Shen is a man of style, and the lectures cannot be given in vain.

Shen Guanglin brought Gong Xue in, found a place to sit down, and there was no disturbance.

The lecture begins.

Schroeder on the podium is a traditional German.

Perfectly meeting all the requirements of Adolf for Germanic people, with blue eyes, blond hair, glasses, a very learned look, and a good appearance.

"Dear students, teachers, gentlemen and ladies, thank you for your kind invitation. I am very honored to be able to visit and visit Jiaotong University."

The opening remarks are all so boring, there is nothing new, but let's not give a bad review, just listen to it.

"In the past few days in Shanghai, I visited the school-run factory of Jiaotong University and the medical center of Tongji University"

This Schroeder blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah, but Shen Guanglin could still hear the smack of discrimination in what he said.

"I have to say that China has made some progress in both economy and technology in recent years, and we have seen many amazing changes. However, I also have to say that your country has still taken many detours in the field of scientific research, repeat Construction, product homogeneity is serious, the research process is far behind the mainstream of the world's technological development, and you are still doing scientific research on technologies that have been eliminated in our country.

Under such circumstances, I think that China's top priority is how to solve the problem of food and clothing for the whole people, rather than concentrating on developing high technology and developing some outer space strategy.

China's basic industrial production capacity is quite backward and inefficient. At present, it is impossible to compete with similar products in the international market. It can only rely on low prices to sell inferior products, which will cause a systematic waste of resources. "

Schroeder was speaking on the stage, and many people in the audience echoed him. Foreigners speak straight, but they have insight.

"According to the actual situation and the reality that your technology and education are relatively backward, I suggest that you should recognize your own status and don't blindly aim too high. Bringing in foreign technology is mutually beneficial. As for the development of new technologies, you If a breakthrough cannot be achieved in a short period of time, I am afraid there is no need to make such an investment.”

"Let's not talk about the level of IQ, just talk about the level of education and scientific research ability. You are far behind the West."

There was some truth to this statement, but Shen Guanglin didn't like to hear it.

However, it was obvious that foreign monks could chant sutras. After Schroeder's speech, there was thunderous applause.

The atmosphere at the scene was also very warm.

However, what does this Schroeder mean? It is enough to introduce advanced technology in the country, and it is not necessary to do research and development by yourself.

Shen Guanglin knew that such an argument was extremely undesirable.

International companies have advanced technology and rich experience in production management, but once domestic companies give up their own research and development process, there will be nothing left for them in the end.

A photolithography machine is a typical example.

On the contrary, for those projects that are stuck in China, we clenched our belts and worked hard to develop, so that we have the capital to gain a foothold in the world.

"Mr. Schroeder, I seriously disagree with your point of view." Shen Guanglin spoke, first in English and then in Chinese.

"Student, if you have any point of view, you can talk about it."

Shen Guanglin's face is tender. This Mr. Schroeder really doesn't know him. In fact, not only Schroeder, at least half of the students at the scene don't know him.

However, there are quite a few people who know Shen Guanglin. Everyone is very curious when they see Shen Guanglin's opposition to Schroeder's views. Some people even think that Professor Shen is impolite.

They are foreign experts.

"I heard that you are a car expert for Volkswagen, aren't you?"

"Yes, are you interested in this area? If your grades are not bad, I can recommend you to work for Volkswagen."

You know, Schroeder's recommendation is still very convincing. Many students who don't know Shen Guanglin envy him. Why didn't he stand up and express his views.

"Volkswagen is fine. It's not worth my work there. You are an expert in automobiles. I think it's enough for you to give lectures and talk about your opinions on automobiles. There is no need to sell other opinions, such as evaluating our products. Technological development."

Shen Guanglin's words were very blunt, what he meant was that technology is not something people like you can evaluate.

"I'm from the science and technology industry, so why can't I comment on science and technology? You Huaxia people say that humility makes people progress, and your classmate's performance is not very modest." Schroeder laughed and thought it was a very humorous joke. He felt that West Germans could also be humorous.

"My name is Shen Guanglin."

"Student Shen, do you have any other opinions? If not, please sit down and don't delay other people's questions, okay?"

Seeing Shen Guanglin's reluctance, Schroeder was already a little unhappy.

"Mr. Schroeder, you have been away from the forefront of technology for a long time. You don't even know who I am. How do you have the confidence to talk about technology. It is said that you Volkswagen is also researching the technology of carbon fiber used in cars, and I still use it. The proposed technical route."

After saying these words, Shen Guanglin pushed aside the crowd and left.

(End of this chapter)

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