Start with a college teacher

Chapter 564 Chapter Jing

Chapter 564 Returning to Beijing (2)

Shen Guanglin left, ignoring the gazes around him and the school leaders' persuasion.

Schroeder and everyone were left at the scene without embarrassment or embarrassment.

Shen Guanglin almost scolded the street, pointing his nose and saying that you are not qualified.

Let alone the arrogance of Westerners, Schroeder has indeed been away from the front line of scientific research for a long time, and he really has never heard of the Chinese scientist Shen Guanglin.

Schroeder is a researcher on automobiles, and he is really not a very good scientist.

Top scientists generally don’t go to companies. Once they go to companies, it means that they have already started to leave the front line of scientific research. up.

Schroeder asked, "Who is Shen Guanglin? That Mr. Shen just now is full of confidence, should I know him?" After finishing speaking, he shrugged.

The school leaders were also a little embarrassed. They weighed their words and said, "He is a very famous scientist in our country, and he is also very famous internationally."

Well-known scientists naturally have a bigger temper.

Schroeder smiled. How famous can a famous Chinese scientist be?
He is not famous, but his temper is not small.

Thinking of this, he turned his head and asked Sid's entourage, "Have you heard of Mr. Shen Guanglin? It seems that he is not as old as my child."

There are too many people who claim to be scientists in the world, and Jiaotong University alone has a lot of them. This young man is well-known in China, but internationally, he is probably at the third-rate or fourth-rate level.

Facing Schroeder's question, everyone looked at each other, and then a young man who looked like an assistant stood up and said, "I've heard of Professor Shen Guanglin, but today is the first time I've seen him in person. "

Hey, it's really the No. [-] person, and it's actually a professor.

"Then tell me, what scientific research achievements does he have?" Schroeder walked out of the lecture hall, he was humiliated, and naturally he didn't have the heart to answer the questions.

The young man thought for a while, "I can't say. After all, I'm just a master's student, and I haven't taken the road of scientific research much."

"Why, haven't you heard of this Chinese scientist? Tell me as much as you know. Let us also see how powerful the scientists of the third world are."

"Well, I've heard of him when I was a student, but he has made too many achievements in scientific research, I really can't tell. The most famous one recently is probably the cloned cow."

The young man thought about it, but really couldn't think of much.

It seems that the most advanced scientific research achievements in the world are related to him, but he really can't say what scientific research achievements Professor Shen has made.

The cloning of cows is spreading all over the world, especially when people bring up the topic of human cloning, which is very popular.

Of course Schroeder had heard of it, he just didn't know who invented the cloned cow.

"It turns out that the cloned cow was bred by him! So he is a biologist or agronomist, young and vigorous, easy to understand.

In third world countries, agriculture is a very important sector, and it is normal for their country to have an outstanding agronomist. "

Schroeder quickly found the reason why Huaxia could produce such talents.

He also heard that another scientist in Huaxia said that he had cultivated a very powerful rice.

The young assistant disagreed with Schroeder's point of view. He continued, "Mr. Schroeder, Professor Shen Guanglin is not a biologist. He started out as a physicist and has made some achievements in chemistry."

The assistant himself majored in physics, so he felt that Shen Guanglin should be a scientist in the field of physics.

Hearing what the assistant said, Schroeder was surprised. Oh, the physicist has produced biological results, which is really amazing.

However, there are not many other things in West Germany, that is, there are many physicists, and each university has several masters in physics.

"Is this Mr. Shen also very good at physics? Roughly at what level. A professor of physics at the University of Hamburg? A lecturer? Or a Ph.D. graduate."

Schroeder gave an example. He himself graduated from the University of Hamburg and has always been proud of his school.

"Einstein." The young man said the name of a scientist who could make Germans proud.

Schroeder spat out a sip of water he was drinking, "What are you talking about? Einstein?"

"Yes, in physics, people call him the next Einstein. However, his focus is not on physics. Professor Shen has also made great achievements in chemistry and biology.

Therefore, it seems that Einstein is not as good as Shen. In the scientific research field, there is a special term called Dongfang Shen, which refers to him. "

In this case, Schroeder couldn't believe it.

After returning to the office, he immediately called his classmate in West Germany, "Schrapner, have you heard of Shen Guanglin?"

"Why, you met? The great Dongfang Shen is very wise. I have wanted to visit him for a long time, but I have never had the chance. It is really an honor for you to meet him in Huaxia.

However, you are a person who has broken away from scientific research, what do you do when you see such a great scientist? "

Schroeder was depressed.

In fact, Shen Guanglin was also depressed.

Shen Guanglin's unhappy mood has lasted for a long time.

Not only was listening to Schroeder's lecture annoyed him, but he was also particularly dissatisfied with the assignment of the 863 project.

And the ideological dynamics of the students are also worrying.

Probably, this is also the reason why he has been reluctant to return to Beijing.

What is he avoiding.

However, it's not an option to stay in the magic city all the time, he has nothing particularly important to do.

I have already set the FLAG, saying that I will not give lectures again.

What if someone else invites you again? He is still a bit easy to be a teacher.

On this day, he finally felt that he had gone back to the capital.

"Are you still going? If you don't, I'm going."

Shen Guanglin asked Gong Xue, she said she was going to leave Citigroup, and Shen Guanglin helped her find the destination.

How many times have I said this, but there is no sense of urgency at all.

"If I don't want to go again, can I go to the capital with you?" Gong Xue pretended to be young and skillful, her eyes sparkled, and Lao Shen couldn't bear it.

"Are you going to challenge my daughter-in-law's status? Or, you can go to Xiangjiang. The Great Wall Group has an entertainment company there, so you can continue to make plays and movies."

"You don't understand my heart." Gong Wuhu hummed and left.

Shen Guanglin didn't understand, but he didn't want to understand.

In particular, he heard that Gong Xue looked young, but was actually 33 years old, while Li Yuanyuan was only 23.

Thinking about it this way, he felt that this eldest sister couldn't be offended even more.

If you provoke him, it will fall into your hands. He is not a fish in water, and loves to push aunt the most.

If you don't leave, I will really leave.

When Shen Guanglin returned to the capital, it was the beginning of the school year.

However, Shen Guanglin said that he does not bring the new grade, really not.

(End of this chapter)

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