Start with a college teacher

Chapter 565 Borrowing Money

Chapter 565 Borrowing Money (1)

The first day of school for new students is the first day of September.

After going through various changes, it has finally been fixed in the past few years.

The date of the college entrance examination is set for three days in July 7, and the start date for freshmen is September 789st, which is the same throughout the country.

I have to say that the capital city in September is really cooler.

Although it is still very hot during the day, at night I have to sleep with a thin quilt and a blanket, otherwise, it would be a bit chilly.

To escape the summer heat in the south, only Shen can do it.

This time, Shen Guanglin came back to the capital alone, and Gong Xue went abroad.

He couldn't give her what she wanted.

They're just entertaining and flirting, you're going to have a baby every now and then, even Master Sicong has to run away in such a situation.

And what Shen wants, a woman can give it, and some men may also be able to give it.

It's a pity that health care is not yet popular in this era, and Guancheng has not yet developed, but the Mistress Village in Shencheng is already under construction in full swing.

Now, the leaders have said that the atmosphere in some cities along the southern coast is not very good now, and those old bustards still have to be severely punished.

Shen Guanglin came back this time with "angry". He didn't know what he was angry about, but he was very upset anyway.

This emotion is called anger, and he is probably angry at various phenomena and attitudes in society.

Westerners say how unbearable China is, and some people think that we are indeed unbearable.

They said that our civilization only reached the Shang Dynasty, and some people began to agree that the Xia Dynasty civilization did not exist, because there were no unearthed cultural relics to prove that the Xia Dynasty existed.

In short, whatever they say, there are some of us who believe it and flatter it.

The folk songs and folk songs they don't describe are history or epic, and the Three Emperors and Five Emperors that we have passed down from generation to generation are myths and rumors.

Seeing that Teacher Shen was really in a bad mood, Li Rong didn't dare to be too presumptuous.

Who messed with him this trip?

Could it be that he also has a few unsatisfactory days every month.

However, I didn't see him tossing less at night. Recently, his physical strength has improved a lot. The old couple haven't seen each other for a long time, and there is a lot of novelty, and they are all playing tricks.

However, Shen Guanglin was in a bad mood, it was written on his face, he would scold anyone who offended him.

Back in the laboratory, Shen Guanglin was angry when he saw that several experiments had not made much progress after leaving him.

Back at school, Shen Guanglin also got angry when he saw teachers with various opinions instilling various ideas into students.

The minds of the students were all corrupted by these people.

Be alert, students.

Shen Guanglin is very influential in his own classroom, but he speaks lightly and has little influence.

After all, his talk is old-fashioned and lacks new ideas. The classmates respect your knowledge, but they don't agree with your point of view.

Everyone is an adult and already has their own worldview. If you impose it on the past, they will not believe it.

They are more willing to believe those extreme, evil, speculative, absurd views.

Teacher Shen is very tired.

Everyone is puzzled, foreign things are indeed very good, why does Mr. Shen take the money donated by foreign countries for free, and still speak ill of foreign countries?

Is this money taken for nothing?
It seems that it was taken for nothing.

Shen Guanglin does not accept paid donations, whether you want to donate the money or not.

However, some people just like to donate, what can he do, he is also very embarrassed.

It's no wonder everyone's thinking is wrong.

After all, now is the peak of the development of Western capitalism, but the big brother CCCP is crumbling, and China is also in the abyss of inflation.

Fortunately, the past few years, everyone felt that life was still full of hope.

Probably, since last year, the wages have not increased, but the money is worthless.

Everyone has worked hard to save some money, but it is worthless in a blink of an eye. The depreciation is too great.

There is no way, and everyone has no other way to invest, so they can only find a way to quickly spend the money, buy whatever they see, and snap up everything.

Don't care if it's useful or not, buy it first and then talk about it.

If you don’t buy it today, if you buy it in a month, you will find that you can’t buy it anymore.

There is a legendary person who only bought salt three times in his 40 years of life.

The first time was at the end of the 80s, when the control of materials was first released, we robbed salt.

It has been eaten until the beginning of the century.

Before the salt is finished, SARS is here.

SARS hoarded a large wave of salt again, no matter how much it could be eaten, it waited until the Fukushima nuclear leak.

This is another wave of action with salt.

As for the 2019 epidemic, experts dare not name it typical pneumonia or atypical pneumonia, and people still call it a new type of coronavirus.

Shen Guanglin finally returned to school.

At the beginning of the freshmen, Shen Guanglin went to give a speech. He made a speech, and hoped that in the next four years of study, everyone would not follow others' opinions, nor be encouraged to take advantage of loopholes.

There's only so much he can do.

Back at school, naturally there will be endless meetings.

Whether it is a school or a college, Shen Guanglin's participation is indispensable.

Shen Guanglin could not speak, but everyone had to invite him, otherwise he would get angry again.

The reason why Shen Guanglin is not in a good mood recently is partly because of the Capital University.

Because, in the Department of Physics and Chemistry of Capital University, many teachers and professors also participated in the 863 research group project.

There was nothing wrong with them offering their words and suggestions, but they didn't fight for the right to speak for Shen Guanglin, which made Shen Guanglin unhappy.

But this kind of displeasure can't be brought out in the open, because he, Shen, is the team leader of the biology team after all, with a high position and authority, busy work and a lot of pressure.

Everyone consciously lightened his burden.

However, this kind of burden, Shen does not want to be relieved.He is still young and can still make contributions, especially since physics is still his major, and he is not looking for someone Shen in this major, which means a few things.

It has been half a year since 863 was proposed, and various tasks and objectives have been formulated, and now it is about to enter the implementation stage.

On this day, the school convened a meeting to discuss the establishment of a national laboratory and share the subjects.

Asked Shen Guanglin, Shen Guanglin said he would not receive it.

In the field of physical chemistry and new materials, he did not receive any.

What a fool, it's all money, how much is a subject?

Your money is enough to spend, but the school's money is not enough.

Moreover, there are some subjects that Shen Guanglin does not take, who will take them?

Because these fields were originally researched by Shen Guanglin's laboratory, and only his laboratory has the latest achievements and accumulations. If he doesn't take it, who will let it?

Shen Guanglin doesn't care about you, I just won't accept it.

He felt he was not being respected.

However, he didn't completely disrespect the school. You can still apply for biology subjects. I don't want any money for these projects.

Moreover, I can guarantee that the project tasks will be completed well. The money is left for you to distribute freely, so it is enough.

It's okay, twisted melons are not sweet.

The school was also powerless when facing Shen Guanglin and his laboratory.

Although the two parties are subordinate to the superior and the subordinate, they are more of a cooperative relationship.

The results have been produced, and naturally there is a national appropriation. The money was spent on Capital University, and the honor Shen took it, and each has a division of labor.

Now the country does not have much money, and the scientific research funds allocated to Beijing University are not even as much as Shen Guanglin himself obtained from alms.

When the school was in difficulty, and when foreign exchange was needed, he still asked Shen Guanglin to borrow money from time to time.

Moreover, when they paid back the money, they gave it in RMB, and it was still given according to the official exchange rate.

Shen Guanglin also recognized it, let everyone have a share of love, this is why Shen Guanglin has such a high degree of freedom in Capital University.

God of Wealth, he has a higher status than the vice principal.

However, everyone knows that Shen Guanglin's laboratory is rich, so there are many people who come to play the autumn wind.

Recently, the Department of Higher Education has changed its leadership, and it is now in the implementation stage of the 863 plan, so many people are eyeing Shen Guanglin's small coffers.

The financial situation of Shen Guanglin's laboratory is open to the public.

What the newspaper said is also clear. This year, Pfizer donated 3000 million US dollars, Johnson & Johnson donated 1000 million, and Rockefeller donated 500 million.

This is just this year's donation, plus the rest of previous years, how much is this?
Put this money in your account, isn't it a waste?

On this day, Shen Guanglin had just arrived at the school and was about to go to class when people from the ministries and the Academy of Sciences came.

(End of this chapter)

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