Start with a college teacher

Chapter 566 Recommendations

Chapter 566 Advice (2)

Here in Shen Guanglin, nothing is more important than class.

Although Shen Guanglin didn't take a few classes in a semester, it didn't prevent Professor Shen from being a person who loves students like a child.

If anyone has difficulties, it is right to find Professor Shen.

He may not be able to help with academics, but Professor Shen can help with life.

In fact, when I go to university now, the state pays all the bills. I don’t need to spend money at all, and I can still make money. I already have the status of a cadre.

However, one cannot help but always encounter difficulties. If it is financial difficulties, it is always possible to find Professor Shen and his laboratory for help.

They check the situation, and then they really do what they can to help.

Of course, it was not Shen Guanglin who did this, but the Great Wall Group.

Moreover, the scope of their good deeds is not limited to Beijing University, even if the students of Wudaokou Technical School have difficulties, they will help.

When these people came to look for him, Shen Guanglin knew that nothing good would happen.

"You can talk about things if you want to, but after I, Mr. Shen, leave get out of class."

It is rare for Mr. Shen to have the opportunity to attend class, and he agreed to the students, so how could he be absent.

"Professor Shen, this is just an ordinary physics class for undergraduates, it doesn't matter if you miss one class."

They came prepared, and even inquired about Shen Guanglin's classes clearly.

"You are the teacher and I am the teacher?"

Shen Guanglin didn't care about this, he picked up the lesson plan and left.

Although the teaching plan was also prepared by the assistant for him, Professor Shen couldn't help but love class.

Shen Guanglin is taking a big physics class today, and there are hundreds of students in several classes, so that the teacher-student relationship can be established.

It's not about lessons, it's about feelings.

In such a class, what Professor Shen likes most is not the lectures, but the roll call.

For Shen Guanglin, it is not easy to make up for the number. He will first count the total number of people in the class, and then count the absent ones one by one.

Pretend to answer that it doesn't matter, he will order again.

A few heads are missing today, so we must point them out meticulously.

This is the attitude of doing scientific research - Mr. Shen said.

It is not important to attend lectures, but the attitude of doing things is important.

The students are convinced and don't want it.

Indeed, the lessons in the class are really not enough for the students to preview, especially when they learned that Professor Shen is coming to class, they have prepared much earlier, and they are waiting for Professor Shen to ask questions, in case they ask me.

However, Mr. Shen seldom asked questions, only roll call.

Every time he attends class, he can catch many students who sneak away.

Some went to the poetry club to create, some slept late in the dormitory, some went outside to have a secret relationship, anyway, they did everything, and some people just didn’t come to class.

Faced with this situation, Professor Shen said that he must fight resolutely!
Learning from past mistakes to avoid future ones is to cure illnesses and save lives. If the treatment is not good, such people will lose the opportunity to go abroad. Professor Shen has left a few more usable talents for the country.

Some students interceded: I have learned all these courses, can I not deduct points.

Of course not!
No matter how talented you are, you are not as talented as Mr. Shen.

In Teacher Shen's class, no one can be absent successfully.

Mr. Shen only takes one class like this in a semester, and there are only two periods in one class, and roll call takes up one period.

However, being able to successfully capture many students made Shen Guanglin feel a lot better immediately.

When he returned to the office, he actually started humming a ditty: "Brother Liu's speech is too unreasonable. Who said that women enjoy leisure. Men fight at the border, and women weave at home."

"Professor Shen is very elegant."

"It's all about having fun while suffering." Shen Guanglin put down the lesson plan. Although it was only one class, he still finished the lessons he needed to learn for a week.

The students also said that they learned.

Start talking.

"Professor Shen, we've been waiting for you for a long time, can we talk about it?" The leader of the Higher Education Department was already a little impatient, and if Shen Guanglin wasn't too famous, he would have lost his temper.

"It's your job to wait for me, and my job is to teach the students. There is no conflict." After speaking, Shen Guanglin made himself a cup of tea, but he didn't make it for them. They shouldn't be thirsty.

Don't argue with him, let's talk about business.

"Professor Shen, we came to you this time. This is the case. The Academy of Sciences has accepted some national scientific research projects and needs to purchase some experimental equipment imported from abroad. You also know that the country's foreign exchange is tight now, so we made a plan. .”

I knew it was no good for them to come here.

Shen Guanglin looked at their schedule, it was a thick stack, it seemed that they had done some homework.

The required equipment is even listed, and the cost of each equipment is marked.

From here, Shen Guanglin saw some familiar smells.

He looked at the price list, let me go, yes, 2000 million less, or US dollars.

Shen Guanglin didn't speak, just watched them continue talking.

"We know that Professor Shen's laboratory is currently well funded. Compared with the use of funds in your laboratory last year, it is estimated that more than half of the funds you raised this year will not be used. What do you think of this plan we have made? Sample?"

It's time for Shen Guanglin to express his opinion. They came here with obvious intentions. They came for Shen Guanglin's 4500 million US dollars. someone's.

It would be an exaggeration to say that this is from Shen Guang Linkeng, who used the patent of PCR, and the donation from Pfizer was also to make more money.

As for why Johnson & Johnson made a donation, he still hasn't figured it out.

But this is not important, the important thing is that the money belongs to Shen Guanglin, and no one can take it away.

Shen Guanglin said: "It's not good! I read your list of experimental equipment. Some experimental equipment is copied from my laboratory. Can I produce results with these equipment? Without initial research, what's the use of buying these equipments? ?”

Shen Guanglin didn't talk about money or not. He listed the problems in the list first. It is really useless to just buy equipment. Without theoretical accumulation, it is useless to acquire these equipment.

"We are all domestic scientific research institutions, and we share the progress of scientific research."

Seeing the leaders of the Department of Higher Education look over, the people from the Academy of Sciences answered.

Share research progress?You thought this was the era of Tu Youyou in the 70s.

"You mean, I want me to show you the scientific research materials in the laboratory?" Shen Guanglin's tone was very calm, even with a hint of joking.

"That's not what it means. It's just that your laboratory has not applied for some projects, but it is impossible to let them go to waste, so other research groups have taken over. Now, what the Academy of Sciences lacks is technology accumulation and capital equipment. Of course, if there are students in your lab who are willing to come and work, we can also accept them."

Alas, Shen Guanglin admired this small calculation.

After hearing what they said, Shen Guanglin was not angry anymore.

"Let's think about it differently. If you give me all the technical materials of your Academy of Sciences for free, is that okay? I can try to check the prices internationally, and someone will buy them." Shen Guanglin asked a rebellious question.

"That won't work! There are a lot of things that are kept secret by the state, and they are the results of years of hard work by everyone. We have an internal system."

How could it be possible for Shen Guanglin to go abroad to find a market for something from the Academy of Sciences? It was just a joke.

"It's the same for me." In the same way, return it to him.

"However, you didn't apply for some subjects." The people in the Academy of Sciences are dissatisfied. If you don't apply, why don't you let us apply?
"Not applying for it doesn't mean I don't do research. When there is no 863 plan, everyone's scientific research work will not be carried out?"

Shen Guanglin's words made sense, so they couldn't refute them.

However, they also knew that asking Shen Guanglin to produce the scientific research results of his laboratory would be different from taking over the entire laboratory?
Not to mention that Shen Guanglin disagreed with this matter, even if he agreed, Capital University would not agree.

Moreover, their purpose is money, and they don't intend to get entangled here.

"Professor Shen, we don't need you to provide technical support, we just want you to make it convenient, and use your actions to support the country's technological development and progress."

Officials in this era are used to labeling them, as if Shen Guanglin does not support these things, he is a sinner of the country and the nation.

"You still want the money from my lab? How are you going to take it?" Shen Guanglin asked directly.

"Borrowing, it's borrowing." The leaders of the Department of Higher Education and people from the Academy of Sciences jointly testified that it was borrowing money.

"Then when will it be paid back, how much will be the interest, what will be used as collateral, and who will guarantee it." Shen Guanglin has just opened a bank, and he is familiar with this business.

This. . .

They didn't even think about it. This was just a preliminary plan. They came to test the pressure on Shen Guanglin, and they didn't expect him to agree.

However, Shen Guanglin did not refuse.

They can only go back and study.

(End of this chapter)

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