Chapter 568

Professor Shen is really well-informed, he even knows the judges of the Berlin Film Festival.

Also just met.

Shen Guanglin also said that it is average, he can only help to recommend, as to whether it will be successful, it is hard to say.

However, it is always good to be able to go abroad. You can also learn from other people's advanced experience, which is not a loss.

However, going abroad requires money, what should I do with the money?Who will come out.

What else can I do, of course Great Wall Entertainment will pay in advance, what are you afraid of, if you sell the overseas copyright, then sell it, if you can’t sell it, then keep it for yourself.

Shen did not invest in movies to make money.

What is that for?
Whatever you do.

Beauty Yuanyuan fell into inexplicable thinking, and her face turned red.

Many people said that the heroine of "Red Sorghum" should be played by Gong Li, a girl from Quancheng.

What, I, Li Yuanyuan, is also a girl from Qilu Quancheng, why can't I act?

The matter was decided in this way for the time being, and Boss Shen was bid farewell, and Lao Zhang took the film back to Xiying Studio for post-production.

The crew disbanded on the spot, and the beautiful teacher Li Yuanyuan also returned to Shanghai to continue teaching. She really had no excuse to stay in the capital.

It's funny to say that Lao Zhang is the director of Guangxi Film Studio, and his household registration has been moved to Nanning, but he is most familiar with Xi'an Film Studio.

Moreover, "Red Sorghum" is also a film co-produced by Xiying Studio and Great Wall Entertainment.

After all, in this era, co-productions are mainstream and foreign.

As far as the entertainment industry is concerned, they were quite successful in resisting Liang Jiahui in the past few years.

At that time, Liang Jiahui won the Best Actor Award at the [-]rd Hong Kong Film Awards in "Listening to the Government Behind the Curtain", but then he faced the embarrassing situation of having no film to film.

The reason is that Wan Wan wanted to boycott him, so Xiangjiang's film company didn't dare to invite him, fearing that his film would not be screened in Wan Wan.

Those people on the small island really don't have a broad mind.

The next few leaders were all like this.

When Indonesia was anti-China, these idiots deliberately spread rumors there, saying not to go to the mainland, and many people were killed as a result.

Later, some netizens made AI videos just to entertain the public. Xiaoying overreacted so much that she was arrested.

Now, Great Wall Entertainment is fighting fiercely with the mainland, what's wrong?

Sure enough, the artists and movies of Great Wall Entertainment also encountered resistance in Wanwan.

However, to their dismay, there were too many artists under Great Wall Entertainment, and they couldn't resist.

Hu Xuyong was also arrogant in Xiangjiang, he said: I am not afraid of you.

Boycott it if you like, Boss Shen is not short of money anyway.

Moreover, Great Wall Entertainment is a company whose main revenue is theater chains, so it doesn't matter if it doesn't make money from making movies, as long as the theater chains don't lose money, they can support so many people.

Of course, the artists under the Great Wall banner are not afraid, because they are boycotted as well as filming.

Now, if there is no artist from Great Wall Entertainment in the movie, then my theater will not show it to you.

If you have money, you just play, and you are so domineering.

Great Wall Entertainment occupies more than half of the theaters in Xiangjiang, and theaters in many Southeast Asian countries are also owned by Great Wall.

Are we afraid of being boycotted?

As for how entertainment and movies should be managed, Shen Guanglin just pointed out a few words casually, and the Great Wall Cinemas has already led the times.

Everyone thought it was Boss Shen's credit, but Boss Shen didn't think so.

Not to mention the entertainment company, even the various companies under the Great Wall Group, Boss Shen is almost entirely managing them in a free-range manner. Fortunately, they are developing well.

Standing on the cusp of the times, pigs can also fly.

If we really talk about business management, Fusang and Wanwan business managers are particularly popular and respected recently.

Those from Panasonic, those from Toyota, and the crooked Wang Yongqing are all prominent figures in the management circle.

In fact, there is a guy named Taylor in Citigroup who has some insights in business management, but his theory was not implemented well in Citigroup, but was carried forward in Fuso.

In terms of business management, there is no consistent and eternal method at all, and there is only an environment where the fittest survive and the fittest survive.

Shen Guanglin didn't believe this.

The best is the one that suit for you.

The later stage of "Red Sorghum" has not yet been completed, and the group of people from the Department of Higher Education and the Academy of Sciences finally found it again.

It seemed that they were well prepared this time, as could be seen from their facial expressions.

This is a look full of confidence, and he is sure about Shen.

"Professor Shen, we've made up our minds. We're here to borrow money. We've found all the collateral."

Shen Guanglin didn't say whether it was okay or not. Now that the collateral has been found, let's take a look first.

Shen Guanglin took the list of collateral they provided, and flipped through it casually. They were all fixed assets in the capital, including a certain school, a certain garden, and a certain museum.
It's just that every item on the list has a ridiculously high price tag.

It’s not too high. The money they want to borrow is close to 2000 million U.S. dollars. The things that need to be mortgaged are not worth 2000 million U.S. dollars, but at least tens of millions of yuan.

Otherwise, why would they hesitate for so long.

And what they put in the collateral list is almost all properties in various parts of the capital, including several research institutes, and even the personnel, equipment, and family members inside, all of which are ready to be used as mortgages.

What's even more exaggerated is that the equipment in some of these research institutes is terribly old, and they are even regarded as the value of brand new equipment to resist.

However, it is not without omissions, that is, they did not convert the land for building the house into money, so they left this out.

The land is not worth much, so you can get as much as you want.

If you can spend 20 million US dollars to buy any real estate here in 2000 years, any real estate developer will die laughing.

But today in 1986, using those things as collateral for a $2000 million loan would be a joke.

"Professor Shen, I heard that you like farming. We have nothing else in the Academy of Sciences. There are two agricultural research institutes in the capital. Let's mortgage it to you."

Seeing that Shen Guanglin's face was not right, they quickly increased their mortgage chips. This is not on the list of collateral. As long as Shen Guanglin is willing to talk, then everything is easy to talk about.

However, Shen Guanglin could also tell that they did their best to raise assets.

It is estimated that they have no plan to pay back the money, thinking that they can cheat, in their eyes, they are being taken advantage of.

"Leaders, the laboratory is not my laboratory alone, it is also the property of the school, and the accounts need to be disclosed to the public. Therefore, to be honest, it is difficult to lend money to you."

Shen Guanglin pondered over his words. In fact, he has already taken a fancy to this asset list. These are all assets in good locations, some of which are historical buildings. In the future, starting a business, a business, or a collection is the best choice. You don’t have to wait 20 years. Wait for 10 years, here are all sweet pastries.

"Professor Shen, let's just open the skylight and speak frankly. If you agree, can we do the school's work?" The leader of the Higher Education Department is very confident about this, "Everyone is for the country's technological progress." The leader also added a sentence.

"So I don't agree." Shen Guanglin replied lightly.

The complexions of a few people suddenly turned pale.

Don't you agree that this is not to tease us?

Seeing that they were about to turn against each other, but they also understood that Shen Guanglin was not a good opponent. If they really turned against each other, there would be no room for change, so they forcibly suppressed their anger.

Face-changing in Sichuan opera is not as quick as them.

Hey, Shen Guanglin likes to see this kind of angry and helpless look.

They could only say in a low voice again, "Professor Shen"

Shen Guanglin didn't take Joe too much, he said in a soft voice, "I know someone who took advantage of me."

(End of this chapter)

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