Start with a college teacher

Chapter 569 Sincerity

Chapter 569 Sincerity (1)

People from the Department of Higher Education and the Academy of Sciences looked at Shen Guanglin, puzzled.

What they mean seems to be, aren't you the one who took advantage of it?

Of course, Shen Guanglin is not being taken advantage of. He has his own value judgment system, but they don't understand it.

"I know of a patriotic company that is willing to make a contribution to the country's technological development. This company is called the Great Wall Group."

People from the Department of Higher Education and the Academy of Sciences have of course heard of the Great Wall Group. Don’t they sell electrical appliances? Does this have anything to do with borrowing money?

Did Shen Guanglin mean to ask them to borrow money from the Great Wall Group?How can I borrow it.

If they were really taken advantage of, how did they get to this stage?

Shen Guanglin went on to say:

"I am the chief scientist of the Great Wall Group, and I have a good understanding of their company. The Great Wall Bank has a Great Wall Bank under the Great Wall Group. They have foreign exchange business, and they can definitely help you. The interest is even higher than what you proposed yourself. It could be two points lower."

Shen Guanglin said what he meant, roughly: they went to the bank to borrow money.

Now the foreign exchange assets of Shen Guanglin's laboratory are also stored in Great Wall Bank, which is a good bank, Shen Guanglin repeatedly emphasized.

Stupid people, rich money, caring, your little assets, they really don't think too little.

Great Wall Bank?

None of them have heard of this. Can this be done?
Of course it can be done. Shen Guanglin said that he can come forward as a guarantee. As long as you provide suitable assets, they will definitely give enough foreign exchange loans, because they are not only a bank, but also a patriotic enterprise.

"Then Professor Shen can just use your deposit as a guarantee for us, so as to save the trouble of tossing back and forth? Don't they believe in loans from state units?"

Shen looked at them like an idiot: I will directly guarantee you, how stupid do you think I am?

Everyone has been foxes for many years, what kind of chat room are they playing here.

I didn't tell you what your idea of ​​borrowing money from me was.

Do you need to explain it so clearly?
Now, Shen Guanglin has spread out the terms of the bank loan, and there are almost no requirements. You can even sell these assets to them directly, and they will consider buying them.

In this case, the Academy of Sciences did not want to borrow money like this.

They pondered for a long time, "It still won't work like this."

why not?
"Although we can borrow for three years, if we don't repay the loan after three years, wouldn't all the mortgaged assets become foreign capital? Isn't this cheating foreign businessmen? It's not good."

Shen Guanglin is not happy about this.

"That's out of the question. The Great Wall Group is Hong Kong-owned, and Xiangjiang is an inseparable part of Huaxia. Therefore, even if it is mortgaged, it does not become a foreign capital. They are not afraid of being tricked. What are you worried about?"

Also, don’t you only plan to borrow for three years? With the national policy and the endorsement of the Department of Higher Education, how could you not repay it?

They can't answer that.

Because they really planned to come here for nothing.

Their original plan was: I lent the money first, and then I will not pay it back. Anyway, the unit borrowed the money, so what do you do?Who will I go to?

Big deal, leave this mess to you.

I will not be in charge of this business at that time, and the unit will not cooperate with the acceptance. Let's see what you can do with me?
Moreover, you are a laboratory of Beijing University, and you are going to collect the assets of the Academy of Sciences. What does it look like? Is it useful for you to ask for it.

However, Great Wall Bank is a bank, isn't it a normal business operation to collect collateral?

So, they are not reconciled.

They just saw that Shen Guanglin's laboratory was too rich, so they thought of a way to come here to beat the autumn wind. Why didn't the people from the senior teaching department come here so attentively?
They were entrusted by the Academy of Sciences to cooperate and seize property together.

What Shen Guanglin was more pleased with was that Capital University didn't meddle in the middle, and even let it out, fully supporting any decision of Professor Shen.

What the school said is not very cryptic, and the school can help him stop this matter.

However, the school didn't know Shen Guanglin's heart, and Shen Guanglin didn't want to block it. He really thought that the things the Academy of Sciences produced were not bad.

Now the Academy of Sciences is passive instead.

If you go to the bank to borrow money, that's two things. If you don't repay the loan in the future, what will people think of the Academy of Sciences?What if people go to the government to make trouble?
What's the face, who can end it?
However, the reason why Shen Guanglin did not reject their act of pretending to be stupid was because he was optimistic that their mortgages were not bad. Many of them were confiscated pre-liberation deep houses, which are now the assets of the Academy of Sciences. If Shen Guanglin wanted to buy them, he would not spend any money. buy it anywhere.

The opportunity is indeed rare.

However, the Academy of Sciences is still a little scared to go to the bank for a loan.

Therefore, even if Shen Guanglin offered better loan conditions, they still had concerns and did not dare to borrow from the bank at all.

No matter how good the loan conditions are, where is the comfort of prostitution? What we are afraid of is the unit, but we are not afraid of a single individual, even if this individual is as powerful as Shen Guanglin.

Since this is the case, then Shen will not play with you.

"You came here to borrow money, didn't you intend to ask for it? Are you bullying my youth? Are you bullying no one in Capital University?"

Shen Guanglin's tone is not so friendly, it's my head to steal and plunder, and I won't spoil you.

"This matter has to be discussed carefully. Since the last time you came to talk about borrowing money, the school has said it and stopped it directly. The school does not have enough money, so it is impossible to lend it to you.

It took me a long time to find the Great Wall Bank for you. Now all kinds of relationships are cleared up. You don’t want to borrow money for your feelings, but you want to take the money away for nothing. Such a good calculation, who came up with it?Tomorrow I will report to the principal and ask him to allocate all the funds of Capital University to you and forget it!"

Shen Guanglin's tone became more and more stern, "No one knows how to put a hat on."

Of course, the reason why Capital University didn't use this money was because Shen Guanglin had produced more achievements, and they could use these to apply for more projects.

Otherwise, what good would the school do if Shen Guanglin was forced to leave.

Seeing that things were about to deteriorate, they quickly explained:
"That's not the case. We really didn't mean that. We haven't done this type of loan before, so we have some concerns. Great Wall Bank may not give it to us."

People from the Academy of Sciences can only hope that the Great Wall Bank will not provide them with loans. After all, their collateral may not be worth that much money.

They think too much.

Shen Guanglin owns the Great Wall Bank, so how could he not provide loans.

Even if there is no collateral, as long as Shen Guanglin opens his mouth, there will be loans.

Shen Guanglin comforted them confidently and said: "I will do my best to help you, don't worry. Great Wall Group is a very good company. Take my laboratory as an example, they have donated more than 2000 million US dollars. So, you are just borrowing some money, people look down on your mortgage assets, just want to do you a favor."

Shen Guanglin's attitude was very clear.

It's impossible to get whoring from me for nothing. I've found another bully for you. If you don't know how to do it, you're looking down on me, Shen, so there's nothing to say. Let's tear your face apart.

"Professor Shen, we really don't need to do this. The funds in your laboratory will not be needed for a short time anyway. It would be nice to lend us some, so it will save you the trouble of going back and forth."

How dare you say such a thing?

"It seems that you really don't plan to repay the loan, so don't say anything, you go, and we will see Zhenzhang on a formal occasion in the future.

It is impossible to borrow money from me, there is no money, and my laboratory will never cooperate with your organization in the future! "

Shen Guanglin was "really" angry.

It's just a toast and no fine wine.

"As far as those crap things you brought, I'm going to give up my face to ask for a loan from you, but I'm still not satisfied. I think others are fools! Then let's talk according to our ability."

Shen Guanglin's meaning is very strict, you think I'm easy to bully, don't you, organize a group to trick me?

"Professor Shen, don't worry too much, we also have a public heart, and we never intended to deceive you."

"Really, then how come the broken assets you brought are worth 2000 million? Now I have helped you find a unit that can provide 2000 million, and you don't appreciate it. You are pushing three obstacles here. You are playing others as fools." what."

Seeing Shen Guanglin's aggressiveness, they finally gave up.

Not only can you not get money from Shen Guanglin today, but if you don't listen to Shen Guanglin's persuasion and borrow money from the Great Wall Bank, then everyone will be your enemy in the future.

"Thank you, Professor Shen, then let's take a loan from Great Wall Bank, thank you, and especially thank you for your support."

That's it, this is a good attitude, Shen Guanglin believed that the Department of Higher Education and the Academy of Sciences were sincere.

(End of this chapter)

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