Chapter 570 Judges (2)

The school is also very concerned about the fact that the Academy of Sciences organized a delegation to look for Shen Guanglin again.

It wasn't until the next day, even before the people from the Academy of Sciences and the Department of Higher Education left, the assistant principal came to Professor Shen, "Professor Shen, the principal wants you to come over."

"Okay, I'll go right away."

The loan matter has been settled in this way, and no one can go back on his word.

Before leaving, Shen Guanglin was still explaining.

This matter will continue to be discussed when he comes back. Professor Shen is a warm-hearted person and will definitely help them with this.

The school really paid attention to Shen Guanglin.

This time it wasn't the dean who came to him, but the principal who came to him directly.

With a bicycle, Shen Guanglin arrived at the principal's office very quickly, and driving was a bit too high-profile, which was inappropriate.

Sure enough, the Academy of Sciences came to borrow money.

We all know that Professor Shen likes to drink tea, and the principal also made a cup for Shen Guanglin with his own big tea mug.

Shen Guanglin didn't dislike it either, he took a sip, it was bitter enough, this is not a person who understands tea.

"Do you need the school to help you solve this matter? After all, this is not your business alone."

The headmaster cut to the chase.

At his level, there is no need to hide anything. Xiao Shen is a very nice person, but he can't be wronged at Capital University.

Really no need, Shen Guanglin thanked the principal for his care and love, and said that he can solve this trivial matter by himself.

The principal doesn't believe it, there is no good wine, no good banquet, they probably didn't have any good calculations, don't be fooled, this matter, the school can help you settle it, the Academy of Sciences is getting worse and worse now, lie Human methods are too low-level.

Shen Guanglin expressed his gratitude, and of course he would not be fooled by them. He said that he recommended a bank for them and asked them to go to the bank for loans, which can be foreign exchange loans.

"Then are they willing to take out a loan?"

"I refused at first, but then I agreed. If I refused again, I would be angry. This is the way I worked hard to find for them. They are short of money, and the bank has a loan task. It's a win-win situation."

The principal smiled, "You little cunning."

Afterwards, this matter was not discussed, and the principal talked about another matter. After all, Shen Guanglin was a well-known professor of the school, and he also had to participate in some management work of the school.

Otherwise, outsiders would think that the school is wearing small shoes for Professor Shen.

Really not, Shen Guanglin really just doesn't want to take up an administrative position, it's not that the school doesn't value him, he's not dissatisfied with the school, please rest assured.

The leader was just worried, so he was assigned another position as a judge in an organization called the Professional Title Evaluation Committee.

From now on, no matter whether teaching assistants, lecturers, associate professors, or professors in the school, the evaluation of these professional titles will require Mr. Shen's approval.

If Professor Shen thinks this person is inappropriate, that is inappropriate.

Oh, do you want to be so awesome.

Shen Guanglin really didn't want to be an official, he just couldn't refuse his kindness.

With Shen Guanglin's greeting, Great Wall Bank's lending speed was really fast.

But they're also bad, meaning we can't give you the money directly, but it allows you to continue to use it without hassle.

No matter where you buy the equipment from in the future, we can pay the third party directly.

This is a routine used by later generations, but it is still very fresh in this era.

If the money science academy can't spend it all in a short time, it is equivalent to being in the account of the Great Wall Bank.

You can continue to lend.

After arriving at the school these days, Shen Guanglin also returned to his normal teaching and scientific research life.

Life, isn't it just so plain.

When Shen Guanglin was free, he went fishing with Lao Li, went shopping with Li Rong, did experiments, and attended classes, so he was settled down.

However, 1986 was really an eventful year for Shen Guanglin.

No, he hasn't stopped for a long time after arriving in Beijing, and another bad news came: the results of the 1986 Nobel Prize selection came out, and Chinese-American Li Yuanzhe won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

Someone Shen was nominated, but did not receive an award, regardless of physical chemistry, biomedicine, and nothing.

This year is another year of accompanying running.

Shen Guanglin said he didn't mind, but he was still very upset.

But there is no way, who let him have shallow qualifications, if he wants to win an award, he still has to rely on the accumulation of time.

His achievements are quite a lot, but the time for fermentation is not enough.

The current Shen Guanglin is still young, and he is not even eligible to be selected by the members of the academic department, let alone other awards.

The stimulated Shen worked very hard, and finally returned to the laboratory. He had to do experiments every day, and he had to make some new and powerful scientific research results.

In the past few days, Teacher Shen's temper has become even worse.

On this day, Shen Guanglin assigned 6 tasks to the experimental assistant at one go, all of which were imaging nanomolecules, and he was going to make something to surprise the world again.

However, after a long time after the task was assigned, the result has not yet come out.

Shen Guanglin went to ask, what's going on?He hasn't been to the lab for a long time, has his current level degraded to this point?

That's not true, it's just a electron microscope scan, and all the students in the laboratory can do it, but now the electron microscope is not available, and everyone is queuing up.

what's the situation?
The tasks assigned by Boss Shen also have to be queued?
He was very upset, so he went out to have a look. Then, Shen Guanglin saw some "strangers" in the electron microscope laboratory.

Shen Guanglin hasn't been to the laboratory for a long time, but he still knows who is in the laboratory.

Shen Guanglin grabbed an experimental dog casually and asked, "What are they doing?"

The experimental dog is naturally a student of Shen Guanglin, so he knows Boss Shen. He said out of nowhere, "They are queuing up to do the electron microscope."


These people are all uncles over forty years old. It is impossible for my own laboratory to recruit such people.

Moreover, some people got their results, and they took it for granted. When they saw Shen Guanglin, they didn't even say hello.

Only then did Shen Guanglin know that these were teachers from their school, and they needed a scanning electron microscope to do experiments.

Doesn't the school have a scanning electron microscope?

"No, who sent them here?"

This is Shen Guanglin's own laboratory. Why didn't these people pass by him when they came here.

Shen Guanglin called the bald old Zhang over. He is usually in charge of the laboratory.

What is the situation, I must give an explanation today, otherwise Boss Shen will be angry.

"Boss, they are all teachers in our school. The instruments in our laboratory are more advanced. If they want to borrow them, I can't stop them from borrowing them. After all, most of the students in our laboratory are also their students."

"Have you given money?"

Shen Guanglin was very concerned about this matter. If someone charged money to rent out the laboratory equipment, the nature would change.

Although you bald old Zhang is my disciple of Shen Guanglin for many years, if you make such a mistake, I will not forgive you.

Fortunately, after many investigations, it was true that no money was given, and the bald old Zhang did not receive any money. They were really doing good deeds for free.

That's okay, at least there is no laboratory corruption involved.

However, another problem arises. The maintenance cost of the scanning electron microscope is not low. It is very cool to use it for free. Who will pay for the maintenance cost?

Using experimental equipment for this group of people is now starting to affect the progress of experiments in their own laboratory. Isn't this putting the cart before the horse?

Shen Guanglin also thought that those people in the school didn't defend themselves during the 863 issue, they just thought they were young and didn't care.

"In the future, they will use it again, 1000 yuan a time, and those who don't pay will not be used. Moreover, every time who has used it, they must write it down."

It's not that Shen Guanglin is stingy. They came to do experiments, which affected the progress of experiments in their own laboratory. There must be a limit.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin also understands that they are all teachers of Capital University, and it is okay to use the equipment without paying, but we must earn some favors.

Who earned the favor?

no one.

The bald old Zhang didn't earn any favors, and Shen Guanglin didn't even know these people.

Everyone was queuing up. Suddenly, the administrator of the electron microscope room spoke: Starting today, the electron microscope will not be allowed to be used. We can only apply when the laboratory is free, and the fee is 1000 yuan a time, and the payment must be made first.

No, everyone is their own!
How much is a scanning electron microscope?Millions, how many times can it be used?If you count the cost, 5000 a time is not much.

However, everyone is used to it, and there is no such budget.

(End of this chapter)

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