Chapter 571 Cutting off people’s wealth (1)

"One hundred thousand dollars is enough to get you through the gods, and there is nothing you can't get back."
From Tang·Zhang Gu's "Idle and Leisure Advocacy"

It has been 5 years since Shen Guanglin's laboratory was built. After so many years of construction and development, both the equipment and the environment have long been different from the original scene.

In general, this is a laboratory hidden among flowers and green cypresses, romantic, mysterious and warm.

It is not far from Beijing University. There is a two-lane asphalt road. You only need to go around a few lawns and flower beds to reach the main entrance.

People who are not familiar with it thought it was a park until they saw the sign above saying "Shen Guanglin Laboratory of Capital University."

It turns out that it is what it is!
In the past few years, Shen Guanglin's laboratory at Capital University has become very famous.This is the proudest scientific research site of Capital University. What everyone cares about is not its colorful garden exuding the fragrance of heather, but the scientific research results it produces.

The frequency of "Oriental Shen" appearing in periodicals and magazines is too high, and everyone even has an illusion: as long as the papers published by Capital University, perhaps all of them are produced by Shen Guanglin's laboratory.

Not to mention all of them, there are still six out of ten.

The more high-end, the more so.

Of course, the buildings here in the laboratory have been precipitated over the past few years, and after all, they have some historical flavor.

In particular, Shen Guanglin asked people to transplant a large number of rare and towering trees. It is said that some of them were moved from Prince Gong's Mansion, which added to the sense of age and atmosphere. It may be said that He Shen touched them.

The main building of the laboratory is still the original building, but an auxiliary building has been built around it, which is mainly used to hold experimental instruments and equipment.

In fact, if it wasn't for Shen Guanglin's deliberate pursuit of greening, more buildings could be built here.

But Shen Guanglin said that these are enough, and there will be a catastrophe in a few years, there is no need to do it so well now.

However, no one knows what the robbery is. They only know that Professor Shen ordered the fence to be built very high, and the power grid was also installed, so that people would come and steal it.

Not only that, but he has also bought all the surrounding land and used it for greening, without building any other buildings.

It's just that these green areas are not open to the outside world, and there are fences to block them from the outside, and an iron fence is used to close off the spring scenery of the garden.

In fact, this is not the whole of Shen Guanglin's laboratory. It is a bit of a misnomer to say that this is "Shen Guanglin's laboratory of Capital University".

The material research group of their laboratory went to Great Wall New Materials Company; the biology group went to Great Wall Biotechnology; and only the physics and chemistry groups are still working here and doing scientific research.

There is no other reason, just because they can't make money, and the place is still left here to "fend for itself".

After all, not all scientific research results can be converted into money.

It is really unnecessary to use money to expand the scale of scientific research that cannot be turned into money.

However, relying on the mountain to eat the mountain, some people still found a way to make a fortune here.

Wei Jianguo is an associate professor in the Department of Chemistry of Peking University. He has been stuck in this position for some years. He really wants to go up a few steps, but it is difficult.

The era is really not friendly to people of his age.

When he was studying, he was still learning Russian, and the three laws of genetics were still criticized in China.

When he started working, everyone stopped doing scientific research and started doing sports.

In these years, the spring of researchers has come again.

However, he found that his spring has disappeared.

After working hard day and night, he finally made up for the shortcoming of English, but when he began to prepare to continue to do scientific research, he realized that his talent and theoretical reserves were no longer enough.

How to do?
It can only transform international achievements and fill the domestic gap.

Fortunately, the school has a very powerful colleague named Shen Guanglin, who is called a genius, a genius who can't even be jealous.

Shen Tiancai has his own laboratory, and he is very generous. As long as he is a teacher of Capital University, if he wants to borrow experimental equipment, he will basically not be rejected.

What's more convenient is that some of the people working in Shen Guanglin's laboratory were once his students.

Among all the teachers, he came to rub the equipment the most times, especially the scanning electron microscope, which was occupied by him for a long time. Although other people had opinions, no one said anything.

The scanning electron microscope has not been out for a long time, and there are only three high-precision scanning electron microscopes in the capital, all of which are in the hands of Shen Guanglin.

This is the favorite of all experimental instruments and instruments. It is used in physics, chemistry, and biology.

Among the three, there is one in Shen Guanglin's biological base, one in the laboratory headquarters, and one in the new material company.

It is because of this that this part of the laboratory is basically for students to practice their hands. It is very convenient for Lao Wei to use it, and he can use it anytime.

Of course, Lao Wei didn't do so many experiments himself. In most cases, Lao Wei helped others to do experiments. People from Jiaotong University, Polytechnic Institute, and even Wudaokou Technical School all came to him.

Everyone knows that the teachers of Capital University are close to the water, but everyone else has to face, and Old Wei doesn't care.

Asking for help is not in vain, always bring something valuable.

This is his way to get rich, and since he got the first order, he has lived a very comfortable life.

A scanning electron microscope directly allowed Lao Wei to live a well-off life.

He even became a frequent visitor of Lao Mo and Quanjude, and became friends with some courtesans from other schools.

For such a large laboratory, if you manage it yourself, you can earn a lot of money by renting out the experimental equipment, among other things.

Lao Wei took on three more jobs yesterday, each order costing 300 yuan. This business is simply incredible, even better than doing business in the sea.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Wei, I can't use the equipment for you today." A student interrupted Wei Jianguo's random thoughts. This student didn't take out the registration form of the experimental equipment as usual, and he didn't even open the door of the laboratory.

"Ah, okay, what did you say?" Wei Jianguo didn't understand at first, what do you mean? "I can line up. I'm not in a hurry today. You don't need to make things difficult."

Really fucked up last time.

That's right, who knew that Professor Shen would come to the laboratory to do experiments in person, and the experiments he was going to do could beat someone like him, Shen. Although he was terrified, he was a little proud when he thought about it.

So what about your laboratory, you have to be behind my old Wei to get the results.

"This is not something I am embarrassed about. Mr. Wei, the laboratory has issued new regulations. If you want to use the electron microscope in the future, it will cost 1000 yuan a time. Therefore, you have to pay the money first and register with me with the receipt, otherwise the electron microscope cannot be opened. of."

The student is just a temporary worker. He holds an electron microscope operation manual in his hand, and he seems to be still in the learning stage.

"What? It's 1000 yuan at a time, you guys are stealing money!" Old Wei couldn't help raising his voice. He has been using it for free for so long, and he only charges three to five hundred for doing an electron microscope for others. You charge 1000 at a time, and you still have to show your face.

"This is the cost price, Zhang Tou said." The students were also a little embarrassed, but this is a rule, and they can't make an exception.

Because of this incident last time, the head of the laboratory, the bald old Zhang, that is, Zhang Cheng, died after eating.

Although Zhang Cheng is in charge of the specific operation of Shen Guanglin's laboratory, he has been on the new material side for a long time. There are really not many people in charge of the laboratory. It is the students who manage the equipment. The person who is in charge of this equipment is also surnamed Zhang. , This classmate is called Zhang Tou, it's really hard to say which Zhang Tou it is.

The reason why the students are very grateful to Shen Guanglin is that as long as they are students of Shen Guanglin, they have the opportunity to go to the laboratory to touch the experimental instruments, and all the instruments they touch are the most advanced instruments in the world.

Although students who are not good enough in grades may not have the opportunity to practice, but the operation method, operation procedure, and the use of the instrument, they can take it to learn at any time.

It is precisely because of this that many students get started quickly after going abroad, and quickly gain a firm foothold in some universities and research institutes.Not for anything else, just because I have seen similar equipment in Shen Guanglin's laboratory and know its principles and uses.

From this point of view, Shen Guanglin's laboratory is really a good breeding base for scientific research dogs.

However, this time the scanning electron microscope actually started to charge, which caught Old Wei by surprise. Moreover, the money he collected yesterday has already been spent, and there is no way to get it back if he wants to.

"Nonsense! A scanning electron microscope only has such a small power. How much is the electricity bill? How much is the labor cost? I can adjust this equipment myself."

Students are inherently weak in front of the teacher, and Old Wei is determined that this classmate can't do anything to him, so he pushes him away and walks directly in front of the equipment, and starts his own operation.

How to do this?
Students cannot make decisions on their own, they can only be led by their superiors.

The superior leader is also a student, but a graduate student, that is, Zhang Tou, and he also graduated from the Department of Physics, not a student of Old Wei from the Department of Chemistry.

Therefore, Lao Wei's face is not given to everyone.

This is Teacher Shen's laboratory, not some people's back garden. Seeing Wei Jianguo, who refused to listen to dissuasion, the rescuers who were called over immediately turned off the switch.

(End of this chapter)

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