Chapter 572 cheated (2)

When things are done halfway, the pain of being interrupted is unbearable.

Many people have had this experience.

For example, in the middle of the coding, the power went out; in the middle of the bath, there was no water, and in the middle of the health care, the ward rounds were called.

Seeing that the result was about to come out, and being turned off by this classmate, Old Wei was so angry that he had no place to vent his anger.

When he got excited and got angry, he smashed the lens of the electron microscope.

I really don't know if it's because of anxiety or getting angry. When he thinks that he has taken other people's money and things haven't been done well, he becomes anxious. This is the fault of "passion".

The trouble is big.

The scanning electron microscope in Shen Guanglin's laboratory does not cost too much, which is about 30 US dollars. According to the official exchange rate, it is less than 150 million yuan.

And how much does a lens cost?

It's not expensive, it can be compared to a SLR lens.

There is a saying that photography is poor for three generations, and SLR ruins a lifetime.

Playing SLR is ruined by the lens.

The lens was broken, and everyone was frightened.

Wei Jianguo was very responsible, and said lightly, I will solve this trivial matter by myself.

However, Shen Guanglin didn't show up that day, and no one knew where he went, so they could only wait for the next day.

The next day, Shen Guanglin's small class.

Of course, Shen Guanglin does not only take big classes, he also takes some small classes, the kind where there are only 30 students in a class.

In this kind of course, students don't have the time to read poems and songs to chat about the magnificent life.

In fact, everyone cherishes the opportunity to take Shen Guanglin's courses, because most of the courses in Shen Guanglin's name are taught by his assistants. many.

In a year, only a small group of very lucky people have the opportunity to meet Teacher Shen in the small class. This is not a good thing that you can meet if you have good academic performance and a good major.

This is luck, depending on Professor Shen's mood.

In small classes, Shen Guanglin will not spend all his time teaching classroom knowledge. His intensity of lesson preparation is not so strong, and the intensity of students' self-study is not so weak.

In a class, at least one-third of the time is spent answering various questions. This is why Shen Guanglin's small class is highly anticipated by everyone.

After all, in the face of students' questions, Professor Shen also knows everything, and he has a lot of knowledge.

It's not that we can't speak professionally, but no one can speak more broadly than me.

Of course, what the students asked the most was not the problems in the course work, but the way to enter the foreign country, or some hearsay content.

Shen Guanglin no longer objected to these things, because his laboratory could not recruit unlimited people. There is indeed no better place to deepen their studies in the country. Letting students go out is indeed more beneficial to their personal development. .

Although this is not the best choice, it is the most beneficial choice for the students.

This is the general trend, and it will still be the case decades later.

As long as they still care about the motherland in the future, it will be fine.

For students in the Department of Physics, the scope of learning in the classroom is still too narrow. With limited time to delve into infinite physical theories, after graduation, I probably don't know what I have learned in the past four years.

Therefore, if they don't study in graduate school or study abroad, they really won't have any good future.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin has no objection to them going abroad for further studies in search of better life opportunities.

The bell rang for the end of the first period, and Shen Guanglin also put down the marker pen in his hand at the right time. He is not used to using chalk, which is not good for the respiratory tract.

"This is the end of today's class. Students who have problems with professional courses can come to my office. I will be at school for the next week. In the next class, let's not talk about the main class, and we will have a short time."

"Long live!"

Although spending time on teaching undergraduates may not benefit much, Shen Guanglin still enjoys this kind of family happiness between teachers and students.

A lot of students came to him, but not many actually asked him study questions. Even if they did, Shen Guanglin would ask his assistant to answer them, and make tea by himself, just drink tea.

At the door, a black figure who had been wandering for an unknown period of time saw that Shen Guanglin's first get out of class was over, and walked over quickly.

This is a middle-aged man, wearing glasses, who looks knowledgeable, but Shen Guanglin doesn't recognize him.

"Professor Shen, hello, do you have time to chat alone?"

There is another class next, so how can there be any time to talk alone, this person did it on purpose, and, who are you?

"What's the matter, tell me."

After wiping the whiteboard, Shen Guanglin picked up his goji berry thermos, ready to moisten his throat.

"Professor Shen."

The visitor pushed his glasses, rubbed his hands together, looked embarrassed, hesitated for a while, and when Shen Guanglin's patience was about to run out, he said, "I'm here to apologize to you."

"Why? What's the matter?"

"My surname is Wei, and my name is Wei Jianguo. I'm a teacher in the Department of Chemistry. Yesterday, I was using a scanning electron microscope in your laboratory and accidentally broke the lens. I want to compensate you, but the lens costs 2 yuan. Much, my salary."

Speaking of money, the teacher's face was so embarrassing that he could almost pick out three rooms and one living room.

With the current salary of a teacher, which is more than 200 yuan a month, it will take ten years to pay for a scene without eating or drinking.

Shen Guanglin didn't pay much attention either:
"You don't need to pay for this yourself. Since it is a scientific research project, there must be project funds."

Of course, Shen Guanglin knew that there would be wear and tear when using the equipment, and the loss was also a part of the laboratory expenditure. However, this teacher went to his own laboratory to conduct experiments and damaged the experimental equipment. He couldn't let it go without saying a word.

However, Wei Jianguo didn't have his own project at all. He was doing an experiment for others, and the results of the experiment hadn't been produced yet, so he couldn't pay back the money he received from others.

"Professor Shen, to tell you the truth, what I did was a repeated experiment."

This Wei Jianguo was both embarrassed and honest, he was really embarrassed.

Shen Guanglin understood in seconds that this teacher's scientific research ability is average, and he is probably the type that hard work can't make up for his weakness, and the research he does is also the kind that fills the gap in the country.

However, Shen Guanglin has always been easy to talk to his colleagues.

"If it's broken, it's broken. If the old one doesn't go away, if the new one doesn't come in, don't worry about it."

"Thank you, Professor Shen!" Wei Jianguo left happily.

Class continues.

This is just an interlude between classes, and no one cares.

Although he lost more than 2 yuan, Mr. Shen is not short of money, and the laboratory is not short of money.

The second class begins.

Sure enough, Shen Guanglin encountered many problems. There is no shortage of opportunities to study abroad, but many people are asking where is the best place to study abroad.

Shen Guanglin is a teacher, and he is obliged to provide better suggestions for everyone's way out and future. This is his duty.

"The best way out for everyone is in China, and now you can study in graduate school or Ph.D. in China." Shen Guanglin said with a smile.

When everyone wanted to refute that Mr. Shen's words were not new, Shen Guanglin continued. In fact, there is no good choice to study abroad. Except for Citigroup, don't choose other options.

Because everyone has no money, Citigroup is a country that can work and work-study, and they are more friendly to international students.

This is the truth.

When you go to Europe, unless you study abroad at public expense, it is really difficult to survive in this kind of country, and only Citigroup has the tradition of work-study.

Not only international students, but even their own students, most of them have to complete their studies through work-study programs and student loans.

School is over at noon.

Shen Guanglin was not satisfied with the food in the school cafeteria, and he would be unhappy if there were too many people queuing up.

As a foodie, since I am in school, going to the laboratory to eat has become a necessary itinerary.

When we arrived at the laboratory, it was time to eat, and everyone was queuing up to eat with lunch boxes.

Unlike schools that need to collect various tickets, Shen Guanglin's laboratory basically does not charge money or tickets.

However, they also have a dedicated person in charge of statistics, to see who is the professional who came to eat, so it is not so easy to eat for free.

Shen Guanglin doesn't care, but someone cares.

Shen Guanglin took his own meal, found a place to sit down, and began to prepare to enjoy his work feast.

Suddenly, a student sat down carefully on the opposite side.

What Shen Guanglin knew was a staff member of his own laboratory and a former student of his, whose surname was Zhang.

"Hello, Xiao Zhang." Shen Guanglin nodded, and then continued with his meal business.

"Professor Shen." Xiao Zhang seemed hesitant to speak.

Shen Guanglin looked up and saw that Xiao Zhang's forehead was covered with sweat.

Shen felt that he was still kind and amiable: "Autumn in Beijing is still a bit hot. I see that you are sweating. We will also install air conditioners in the dining hall in the future."

Shen Guanglin was serious in his words, he was good to himself when he was good to the students, and he never put on airs in front of the students.

"Professor Shen, I am responsible for keeping that scanning tunneling electron microscope." Xiao Zhang did not move his chopsticks, and made a report with difficulty.

"Oh, was it accidentally damaged by the teacher of the chemistry department?" Shen Guanglin didn't care, and continued to eat his own food.

"It wasn't accidental, he broke it on purpose!"

(End of this chapter)

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