Start with a college teacher

Chapter 573 you come and I go

Chapter 573 You come and I go (returning today)
After hearing Xiao Zhang's words, Shen Guanglin realized that he was probably being cheated.

Campus life is really not simple.

I was being played for a fool. Old Wei broke my laboratory equipment, but I easily forgave him and thought he was an honest man.

It seems that if you look honest, you are kind.

Where did the fallacy come from.

Xiao Zhang was even more aggrieved than Shen Guanglin. He felt that all this was his responsibility, and he was about to cry.

"Before entering the laboratory, we stopped him and told him that there would be a fee for using the electron microscope in the future. Not only did he refuse to pay, but he also insisted on using it arbitrarily. We turned off the switch, and he got angry and turned off the electron microscope. The lens was smashed."

Shen Guanglin felt quite unhappy after hearing such a description.

If this is the case, the nature is different.

Accidentally breaking the instrument during work can be regarded as an unintentional mistake, and there is no need for compensation.

But in his situation, he was deliberately sabotaging it, and it is really unreasonable not to teach him a lesson.

Such a loss, Shen felt as if he couldn't afford it in vain.

"In this way, Xiao Zhang, let's not ask him to collect the money for damaging the instrument. But, he still wants to come and use the scanning electron microscope. Since the money has not been paid, he still has to recover it."

After describing the situation at the scene, Xiao Zhang was very angry, and Shen Guanglin was also a little angry when he heard it.

In the morning, I was deceived by this seemingly honest old Wei.

It's so heartbreaking, you really know how to play.

However, it is not a big deal for Shen Guanglin's laboratory that the lens of the scanning electron microscope microscope is broken. This is a fragile product and spare parts are available.

Fortunately, we still have a spare lens, and replacing it with a new one will not affect the subsequent use of the laboratory.

In this era, when buying a good instrument and equipment, it is necessary to consider the damage and usage of spare parts.

After all, imported equipment is cumbersome to use, which is why many laboratories lock up expensive instruments and prevent them from being used easily.

However, Old Wei did not lie at all, he was indeed out of money.

Shen Guanglin overestimated Wei's financial strength a little bit, and now he doesn't even have 1000 yuan for an electron microscope.

Moreover, he had collected money from others three times in advance, and he had already spent it in advance.

In the follow-up, he didn't even know how to explain this.

What do you want to do next?
How can it be!

Xiao Zhang and the others were even more annoyed and resentful, and they had long kept their grudges in their hearts.

We made an appointment, we must keep a close eye on him, and everyone, no matter who they are, who wants to take pictures under the electron microscope must pay.

That's right, Professor Qian Shen doesn't want you to pay for the damage to the equipment, but you still have to pay for the use of the equipment.

It’s okay if you don’t pay, the images stored in the electron microscope will not be given to him, and at worst, they will be deleted.

For Old Wei, how could this be possible!This is 300 yuan!
Now that all the experiments have been done, how much work will it take to print out the results?

Then you have to pay!

That didn't.

In Lao Wei's mind, this is the lost 300, not the unpaid 1000.

Shen Guanglin did not continue to pay attention to this trivial matter, but the students really couldn't swallow this breath.

They actually deleted the imaged pictures.

Moreover, Lao Wei entrusted others to come over to pass the electron microscope in an attempt to get away with it, but was also stopped.

The students are not stupid, but this time they have learned their skills well. When someone came, they didn't even open the door of the instrument room. If they want to do experiments, it's 1000 per time.

Some people approached Shen Guanglin, and Shen Guanglin said that he didn't know, there was a special person in charge, and he didn't care about it.

Now it's all right, no one can use the electron microscope anymore.

How to do?Do you really have to pay?This is too unwilling.

How much can 1000 yuan do?

Some people who really can't wait to use the electron microscope really paid for the experiment.

It’s okay if you don’t pay, the classmate in charge of the instrument said, we have to earn back the money for the spare parts.

If you don't give money, it won't work for anyone.

Old Wei was really passive.

However, some people who have been exercising for a long time always have their own way to deal with some things.

Old Wei is probably such a person.

Within a few days, it spread everywhere in the school. Shen Guanglin's laboratory forced the teachers to pay for the experiment, and did not pay the money or give the experimental results.

Moreover, they also used a traditional way of disseminating public opinion - the DZ board.

What age is this, and there are still people playing like this.

Shen Guanglin knew who was playing like this, but it was not easy to deal with it directly.

After all, the person who distributed the newspaper didn't say I wrote it.

The contents of the newspaper secretly said a lot of disgusting things.

For example, because some well-known professors' experimental equipment is not available to others, some colleagues want to do experiments but cannot get it, which delays scientific research and delays national tasks, which is simply a disaster for the country and the people.

I have equipment that I don’t use, but I don’t let others use it. Is this still the scientist that everyone likes?

In the past, everyone used Shen Guanglin's laboratory equipment a lot, and at first they were full of gratitude.

However, once you get used to it, you will really get used to it, and it will become a matter of course.

It seems that if you have the equipment, you should give it to me. Even if you don't have it, you should buy it immediately. Anyway, you are not short of money.

Now, Shen Guanglin's laboratory has suddenly introduced a charging system, which has changed from the lazy style of the past, and it really makes everyone very uncomfortable.

For Old Wei, isn't this going to kill people?

Now, not only is Lao Wei unable to do experiments to earn extra money, but other people's experiments cannot be done either.

If you want to say that you can make trouble, it still belongs to Lao Wei.

After all, he is currently under the greatest pressure. If he has received money from others, if the results of the experiment cannot come out, he must return the money.

Therefore, he still wants to continue using these instruments.

It's really not good for me to really keep out of touch with Shen Guanglin's laboratory.

So, Teacher Wei's performance started again.

He started to borrow money everywhere, and he didn't borrow too much. Everyone borrowed five or ten yuan, and only said that he wanted to go to Professor Shen's laboratory to do a verification experiment, and he would have to pay a lot of money for the experiment.

Someone pushed the flames, and the matter spread like this.

Shen Guanglin is a person who loves feathers, and he was very passive when he was suddenly played around by Old Wei.

If you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous.

When fighting against rich people, Old Wei has no advantage.

Shen Guanglin immediately summoned his own soldiers and crab generals and assigned tasks to collect Teacher Wei's papers, not to let go of any of them.

Shen Guang Lin Xin said, I don't believe your article is okay.

You know, even Mr. Zhang, who is in charge of infectious diseases, almost overturned his paper.

Shen Guanglin didn't believe that a middle-aged associate professor would have no problem with his resume.

In the 80s, the era of launching satellites had just passed, and the papers of this era were not so rigorous.

Sometimes, for the sake of scientific research progress, in order to obtain funding, and in order to obtain professional titles, it is quite normal to do a little bit of manipulation on the paper.

However, this kind of thing is like a star going to engage in big health care. Nothing happened before it broke out. If something really happened, the house would collapse.

(End of this chapter)

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