Start with a college teacher

Chapter 574 Interesting

Chapter 574 Interesting (1)

Shen Guanglin did not do things for profit, but for fame.

Now, someone dares to attack Shen's reputation, which is an unforgivable crime.

No matter who was involved in this matter, Shen Guanglin decided not to tolerate it.

Of course, their first target was Old Wei.

Of course, Old Wei was not wronged.

This is probably called killing chickens to warn monkeys.

Slightly punishing the enemy is also an indispensable part of the road of learning. Kindness does not command soldiers.

If you just do good deeds, it will really make people think you are weak and deceitful. Show your muscles at the right time, this is the way to combine grace and strength for long-term stability.

Lao Wei's papers were quickly found, not many, but not many.

People don't live in a vacuum. Old Wei's resume clearly states what papers he has written in total. You don't need to rummage through them, just take out the resume and look at it.

Awarding and judging, evaluating titles, and building files all require a resume. Therefore, Lao Wei's achievements are all semi-open secrets.

Don't look at anything else, just look at the list of contents, and you can make a basic judgment: there should be few weighty papers.

Do you still use that judgment?

Not to mention anything else, it depends on age and professional title. If Lao Wei's scientific research ability is really strong, why is he still only an associate professor?

After all, Shen Guanglin has his own team, so it is not difficult at all to do some things.

The library of Capital University is very large and has a strong collection capacity. We have nothing else but enough periodicals and magazines.

The students spread it out, and everyone followed the map to find out.

It didn't take a day, and Boss Shen asked people to search for all of Lao Wei's papers.

The next step is to arrange the direction of the task analysis paper.

Although Shen did not come from a chemistry background, he has been exposed to a lot of cutting-edge science and technology in chemistry over the years. The so-called one-way mastery, ten-thousand-way mastery, there is no problem in reviewing chemistry papers.

However, this kind of hard work is naturally not something Shen should do.

It's fine for him to drink tea and take a nap alone. If there is something to do, the disciple will do his best.

Everyone cheers up, three people write a paper, and there is plenty of manpower.

In order to study Lao Wei, everyone in Shen Guanglin's laboratory who had anything to do with chemistry came here.

"This old Wei, the knowledge of his thesis is too old. There is no fallacy in this thesis."

This is what a classmate gave him.

Because, he really couldn't find any mistakes in this paper.

However, finding no mistakes in a thesis sometimes does not prove how well the thesis is written, and sometimes it is because the thesis was written too early and too superficially, without any gold content.

The simpler something is, the less likely it is to make mistakes.

Hearing this, Shen Guanglin took it over and read the full text carefully. He quickly understood why the student said that. Such a paper is too watery.

He reckoned that these were not necessarily translated papers from abroad, they might have been copied from a review by someone in China, and there was no substantive content at all. This is a popular science book.

There are a lot of articles in the world to copy, but it is amazing to copy at such a level.

Don't worry, everyone will continue to read and take a serious look.

Since Lao Wei has been appraised several times, he must have some dry goods that can be shown for people to visit.

Now, the students in Shen Guanglin's laboratory have been able to write papers at a very high level under the guidance of someone Shen, which has led to the quality of the papers they usually read. They haven't read such spicy papers for a long time. Eye articles too.

In fact, this kind of article is usually not absent, as long as you don't want to read it, you can pretend it doesn't exist.

Now, reading this kind of paper is a task assigned by the boss, and they suddenly feel that it is a bit uncomfortable to complete this task.

Otherwise, let's look back from recent papers.

Otherwise, it would be too painful.

Soon, they turned to Lao Wei's newly published papers in the past few years. The standard has indeed improved a lot, and it has already filled the gap in the country.

That's right, an associate professor can't be just at that level.

However, since Boss Shen has been offended, everyone has to find dirty water no matter how good they are.

Now that Shen Guanglin had already assigned the task, he prepared to withdraw first.

For Lao Wei's thesis, there are two points in the way of disposal and the direction of work:

First, check for plagiarism, find more references, and see where he obtained these data and arguments, and how plagiarized they are.

Second, do repeated experiments to see if he has cheated in the experimental data.

Since everyone is taking the road of scientific research, they must have the ability to distinguish the authenticity of the papers.

Doubt is an essential part of scientific research.

Lao Wei's papers are published in Chinese journals.

Even the most ordinary scientific research workers in later generations know that the data and results in Chinese journals are unreliable, and anyone who dares to quote it will be out of their minds.

It is hard to say how the data comes from a paper worth 1500 yuan.

In this era, everyone does not have this awareness, nor does this business yet.

However, it should still be doubtful whether these things in those journals in this era are reliable.

With Shen Guanglin's inspiration, someone soon found out the initial fallacy from the paper.

"Boss, there is something wrong with this paper."

Very good, how did you see it.

"I don't know how he got this data, but I looked at his experimental equipment. According to the experimental equipment given in the list, it is impossible to make such data, and the accuracy is not enough."

A classmate quickly found out the problems in the paper.


The accuracy of the experiment is not enough, and it can basically be concluded that this paper is made up.

For example, if there is no vernier caliper or micrometer, it is obviously problematic to measure scale units below millimeters. If you measure with a tape measure, the data you get is blatantly used. This is not a fake, this is a writer. .

Start with a picture, and the content depends entirely on editing.

One article is not enough, we still need to repeat the experiment.

How to repeat the experiment, our laboratory does not have such crude and primitive experimental instruments.

If you don't have one, go buy it, it's not bad for money.

Moreover, according to Boss Shen's request, repeated experiments should be done repeatedly. It is best to be able to prove that this conclusion cannot be drawn according to Lao Wei's experimental method, that's good.

What if the result is the same as what he wrote?

That is to act as if nothing happened. We can't compare the cheating life.

It is not an easy task to check for counterfeiting, but it is not that difficult as long as you want to do it.

Shen Guanglin's laboratory has nothing but money.

Since having tasks and goals, Shen feels that life is finally not so boring.

No wonder there is such a famous saying: Fighting against the sky, it is endless joy; fighting against the earth, it is endless joy; fighting with people, it is endless joy.

Shen doesn't like the feeling of being alone now, he likes crowds and excitement.

Therefore, he doesn't sit in a separate office, he has to get together with his colleagues, everyone can go to get out of class happily, and they can have a big meal together after class, which is not bad.

On this day, Shen Guanglin had just arrived at the office and was about to pack up and go to class.

He and his assistant have made an agreement to go to Ximen Restaurant for dinner after class.

This is a newly opened restaurant, because it is near Ximen, so it is called Ximen Hotel.

Mr. Shen hadn't gone to class yet. Old Wei came in and sat abruptly on the chair opposite Shen Guanglin: "I heard that you are doing my repeated experiment."

The tone of asking questions made the friendly atmosphere in the office suddenly become unfriendly.

The master humiliated the minister to death, and the assistant, as the person closest to Boss Shen, naturally wanted to stand in the front: "Who are you?"

"You don't know who I am?" Old Wei said angrily.

You are going to kill me, don't you know who I am?

Of course the assistant knew who he was. After all, the assistant was the one who exposed those big Z newspapers.

"I just broke one of your lenses, so how much should it cost? You actually spent so much money to buy additional experimental instruments and equipment, just to do my repeated experiments, is it interesting?"

"Interesting." Shen Guanglin stopped the assistant from continuing to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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