Start with a college teacher

Chapter 575 The Heart of the Bodhisattva

Chapter 575 Bodhisattva Heart (2)

In terms of irritating people, Shen also has a certain level.

However, it is wrong to argue with him.

Where there is a cause, there is an effect.

In this matter, Shen Guanglin felt that he was not in the wrong, so he had no intention of backing down at all. Not only him, but also the colleagues in the office basically knew why Professor Shen did this.

Everyone supports him.

People who are good are bullied by others, and horses who are good are ridden by others.

However, Shen Guanglin is unhappy about another thing, that is, there is a ghost in his laboratory.

Although the transaction was not terminated, Shen Guanglin's mood became less happy because of the insider.

How did Lao Wei know that they were helping him to repeat the experiment?

There must be a classmate who leaked the wind.

But it doesn't matter, I can crush you head-on.

The verification result will come out soon.

It cost about 8 electron microscope lenses and took more than a week. The repeated experiments were completed and the analysis report came out.


For this result, Shen Guanglin basically did not exceed expectations, and the students also felt the power of money.

A classmate commented, "This old Wei, why do you have to guess if you don't do a good experiment."

Another student asked: "Did you guess right?" This is also the focus of everyone's attention.

"More than half of it."

Thirteen of the fourteen papers here have problems, but the results of 10 papers turned out to be correct by "guessing".

The problem-solving process is incorrect, but the answer is correct, and the hit rate is quite high.

Old Wei is also not completely lacking in level.

After all, no one who can get here is a fool.

Before doing an experiment, everyone will basically have some guesses about the experimental results, and when the experimental results do not meet expectations, it is time to test the will of the experimenter.

However, there are many cases where the experimental results do not meet expectations. Sometimes there is a problem with the experimental equipment, and sometimes there is a problem with the measurement tool.

When the experimental results do not meet the theme or expectations of the paper, it is inevitable to beautify the results properly and reasonably. Shen Guanglin himself has done this kind of thing.

There are too many people doing this kind of thing. In fact, Mendel's great pea experiment is probably the result of Mendel's beautification of data.

At that time, there were no genetic testing tools. If you want to judge whether a gene is dominant or recessive, you need to wait for the seeds to be replanted before making a judgment. It takes at least three generations to produce results.

Later, many scientists used Mendel's method to do repeated experiments, and then discovered the problem.

Because the sample is too small, there will be certain errors in the analysis. According to the probability, a small part of heterozygotes will be misjudged as homozygotes, so the ratio of heterozygotes to homozygotes should be about 1.7:1, and Not the 2:2 of the 1 standard.

That is to say, when Mendel counted the last peas, he found out, I went, what should I do if there are more peas, and I lose it!
The result is correct, the process is not perfect, and everyone is unwilling to mention it.

The biggest problem now is that some experiments, even if the experimental steps are omitted, can still guess the experimental results.

At this time, it is indeed very difficult to judge the fallacy in the experimental process, and the money and cost are very high, even higher than the original research.

However, as long as there are people and money, these are not problems.

The result came out, the next step is how to do it.

Overbearing is another necessary characteristic on the road to becoming a schoolboy.

A domineering president contracted a fishpond with countless beauties;
What Shen Guanglin contracted was the fish pond full of scientific research atmosphere of Capital University.

It is very rare for a professor like Shen Guanglin who does not eat fireworks to participate in a school-like meeting.

Everyone didn't know why Shen Guanglin came here. They only knew that Professor Shen was quite tall, and he even brought his assistant over.

After all, it takes assistants to do bad things.

Professor Shen is a compassionate person.

The assistant was carrying a briefcase, which was full of printed and bound articles and post-reading impressions.

At the end of the meeting, the assistant began to hand out pamphlets, talking while sending them back.

"It is the duty of a scientific researcher to be jealous of evil."

Although Professor Shen is young, his authority cannot be challenged.

Speaking of this, some people will understand what's going on.

After all, the appearance of the DZ newspaper on campus was a serious challenge to Professor Shen's reputation.

If you don't retaliate, is that still a schoolboy?
Of course, what Professor Shen advocates is to learn from past mistakes to avoid future ones, and to cure diseases and save lives.

"This is Xiao Wei from our college, right? What's wrong with him? Yo, is this because the thesis is not rigorously written?"

The leader of the Department of Chemistry knows Mr. Wei. Before he came to the meeting, he didn't know that one of today's topics was to criticize the teachers of his school.

As usual, he wanted to defend his colleagues. No matter how bad Xiao Wei was, this was a matter for the Department of Chemistry and should not be discussed at the school meeting.

However, soon he stopped talking. This is not a matter of a paper not being rigorous, but every paper is not rigorous and convincing.

The content is too detailed, and the purpose is almost ready to come out.

At this point, everyone no longer talked about the thesis itself, but chatted about homework.

Although Shen Guanglin is young, he is still well-known in school, and everyone knows him.

"Xiao Shen, don't you dislike participating in such bureaucratic meetings? Why are you here today?"

Shen Guanglin sorted out his thoughts:

"I've been out of the crowd for too long, it's not good.

Just because I have never participated in this kind of conference, my assistants and researchers have never had a title. I don’t even have an associate professor except me. I think this is unfair. "

Everyone can only play haha.

In recent years, the school has indeed not evaluated the titles of those under Shen Guanglin. After all, Shen Guanglin's laboratory is a bit dependent. You pay such a high salary. If you give titles, the school system will not be able to maintain it.

However, Shen Guanglin's laboratory has published so many papers, how should they be evaluated if they really want to evaluate their titles? Should they all be evaluated on professors?Isn't this messed up?

There was a motion before, but everyone refused to pass it, and Shen Guanglin didn't fight it, so it was nothing.

Now, Shen Guanglin opened his mouth to bring it up, but everyone refused to say anything.

"Xiao Shen, what do you want to do?"

"There is a saying, once the power is in hand, the order will be carried out.

I don't ask much, just to fight for a level playing field and a competitive environment.

In the future, the students in my lab will be appraised for professors, prizes, and funding. I hope they will receive the same treatment.If not, I naturally have the power to mark right or cross.

Now is a very good opportunity. This associate professor Wei is not worthy of his name. I think his place should be given up. "

That's the way to say it, but if you say it so bluntly, it's really not beautiful.

"This is the quota of our college. Professor Shen will cross the college." The leader of the chemistry department was really unhappy. "Also, if this matter is true, it must be dealt with seriously, otherwise, let's go back and verify it."

Compassion is the basic quality of an official. If the results are directly discussed in such a meeting, the results will naturally not be good.

The best way to do things is to bring the problem back and implement the word "drag".

"I also have chemistry students in my laboratory. I have no objection to the quota being placed in the chemistry department. As for the verification of authenticity, don't worry about it. I have already verified it for the chemistry department. Do I need to continue to verify it? I think, Now is how to deal with this.

"Family ugliness should not be publicized. Publicize this matter, Wudaokou Technical School, National People's Congress, what do you think of us?" The leaders of the Chemistry Department refused to admit defeat and were still working hard.

Shen Guanglin was also prepared for this: "Yes, family ugliness should naturally not be publicized. I heard that this teacher Wei helped people outside the school to conduct experiments on his behalf, and the sufferer came to him. This is someone else's report letter, and I also kept it under custody. , just thinking that family ugliness should not be publicized."

Shen Guanglin's preparatory work was very thorough, and he didn't want to make a big deal directly. He suggested to deal with Lao Wei in the name of "collecting money", just thinking of "making a big deal out of a molehill".

A physics department leader who had a bad relationship with Shen Guanglin suddenly said:
"Otherwise, you can see if it's okay to deal with it like this. Wei Jianguo accepted a bribe of 900 yuan, and he will be dismissed and recorded in the file, so as to make an example."

What, isn't your relationship unharmonious? How did you know that Lao Wei took 900 yuan from others? Why don't we know anything about it?

Shen Guanglin agreed with the leader's words: "Very good, the vajra method will show the heart of a bodhisattva."

"But what if I don't agree." The leader was still stubborn.

"My laboratory has a lot of funds. I recently purchased a batch of chemical instruments, which are no longer needed. I want to donate them to our chemistry department."

(End of this chapter)

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