Start with a college teacher

Chapter 576 Mud and boulders

Chapter 576 Mud and boulders (1)

Threats are sometimes better than temptations, let alone a combination of both.

One sentence from Shen Guanglin accomplished two effects.

The leader of the chemistry department stopped talking. Shen Guanglin, you bought so many chemical instruments, what else do you want to do?It sounds a little chilly, this year's autumn came a little early.

Shen Guanglin and the Department of Chemistry have not been on good terms for many years, and the relationship has only been eased in recent years. Unexpectedly, dirty things have started to arise again now.

Who is to blame?No one has the position to blame Shen Guanglin.

The leader of the Department of Chemistry acquiesced to Assistant Shen Guanglin's proposal, saying that this matter would be handled according to the method agreed upon by everyone.

What will happen to Old Wei is no longer Shen Guanglin's concern.

His next step is to reorganize the laboratory.

No matter how bad it is, this laboratory should not belong to him. Anyone can come here to fight the autumn wind. The news is as clear as a sieve.

However, the tree wants to be quiet but the wind keeps on.

The meeting had just ended, and another leader came to Shen Guanglin specifically to talk to him.

Just talk about it.

This time, it was the deputy leader in charge of administration of the school, who seemed to have been entrusted by someone, probably from the chemistry department again.

The greatest ability of this leader is to talk about two men and women who are hostile to each other into a couple.

Therefore, he is extremely confident in his ability to work.

He is very familiar with this set of procedures, asking for warmth, caring, caring, and caring. Shen Guanglin also followed the proper procedures and said thank you. Next, we always have to talk about the main topic:
"My opinion is that I still hope that the influence can be eliminated. It is not easy for anyone to get to this point. Can you give others another chance?"

After all, at this stage, it would take time and effort for the school to expel or deal with someone. The leader hoped that Shen Guanglin could take a step back and calm down.

"So, I have become a bad person instead?" Shen Guanglin looked at the deputy leader and said such a sentence.

"Then why, everyone knows what kind of person you are. In fact, this matter is just a small matter to you, but to others, it may be a major event that affects a lifetime."

If so, there is some truth, but this truth is not Shen Guanglin's truth.

Many of Shen Guanglin's actions and decisions are related to the fate of other people's lives, but Shen Guanglin can't do nothing just because of this.

Moreover, the leader made a mistake in his judgment. Money is indeed a small matter to Shen Guanglin, but reputation is really a big matter to him.

Shen Guanglin wasted money for 8 electron microscope lenses because he didn't want to let go of those who ruined his reputation.

"You said, if I let him go out of sympathy, would he be grateful?" Shen Guanglin asked the leader another question.

In fact, he has already thought of the answer himself. Old Wei may not have realized his mistake. Even if he apologized, he must still hold a grudge in his heart.

People's hearts are unpredictable, the most important thing is not to test.

Just like Emperor Yongzheng, I killed you because I would scold me if I didn't kill you, so I want to kill you.

"I will definitely be grateful, I will be grateful!" The leader vowed to make a guarantee, "The school will seriously criticize and educate him for this behavior, and promise that such things will not happen again. If it happens again, it will be dealt with seriously. "

"Then the school should deal with this matter seriously now. Isn't it the work attitude everyone should have to follow the rules?"

Shen Guanglin replied with a smile.

"Besides, I have prepared all the materials. It depends on how serious you are going to deal with it. I don't care, as long as you deal with it boldly."

"Professor Shen, do you have to go to a non-negotiable step?"

"Am I non-negotiable? You see, he intentionally damaged my equipment. I didn't ask him to pay for it. He still wanted to continue the experiment. I didn't stop him. I just told him that he would not be able to use the experimental equipment in the future." It’s free. How did he behave? Borrowing money everywhere and saying bad things about me, posting my DZ newspaper, as if I was exploiting him to persecute him, do you think he would be grateful for someone with such a scheming and means?”


"If there is a chance, he will always step on me. Tell me, how can I eliminate the influence? Find every colleague who borrowed money from him, and tell them the truth? Find every classmate who read the DZ newspaper, and tell The truth about their facts?"

Shen Guanglin felt that he had no way of benevolence to go on, and he had come to an end.

"The school can come forward and testify for you."

Shen Guanglin glanced at the leader, shouldn't it be.

The dirty water he splashed was indeed difficult to wash, but if I took the basin, wouldn't he be able to splash it? "

This is Shen Guanglin's purpose in doing this.

"Oh, Teacher Shen, this kind of thing, the more you do it, the more wrong it is, it's like mud falling into the crotch, and you can't explain it clearly. Why bother, why don't you take a step back?"

The leader wants to save it one last time.

"As long as you really want to explain, why can't you explain it clearly? If the mud falls into the crotch, then take off the pants and pull everyone who has doubts over to touch, smell, taste, They will know that this is mud, and it can only be mud, even if something else comes out when you fart, they will help you prove that it is mud."

The leader is not well. He smells his fingers and always feels that there is a faint taste of writing.

"Isn't your approach a bit too domineering?"

"I'm not going to be a saint."

Shen Guanglin's laboratory submitted a list of equipment and a list of papers to the Department of Chemistry and the school, and the cleaning campaign of the Department of Chemistry started immediately.

Everyone is very experienced in cleaning.

Every time the superior leaders come to the school for inspection, no matter what the inspection item is, the first thing they do is to organize the teachers and students in the school to clean up, even clean the corners of the toilet.

It is true that when the leader came, he probably didn’t look anywhere. He went directly to the small canteen like a farmhouse, drank Moutai in mineral water, ate the soft-shelled turtle that could climb mountains, and sang “I have nothing” with his soft little hands.

However, which leader dares to take the risk not to clean up?

Wei Jianguo was really unhappy recently, feeling like a stone was pressed against his chest, with tightness in his chest.

Although he has paid back the money he owed, he has completely offended Shen Guanglin.

Word came from a student that this man was organizing a repeat experiment on his thesis.

Is it necessary?

His family knew about his own affairs, which was an extremely dangerous signal, but he couldn't find a solution.

Or, take the initiative to apologize to him again?He just said that what DZ reported had nothing to do with him.

But, would he believe it? Would he betray some of his colleagues? After all, they also had a share in doing these things.

For example, Lao Liu in the office, he also encouraged people to write the DZ newspaper, dead fellow daoists never die poor daoists.

"Old Wei, you are doing this wrong!"

Old Wei was deep in thought when suddenly a voice woke him up.

When he looked up, it was Lao Liu. Just as he was thinking about Lao Liu, Lao Liu came to Xingshi to question his crimes?
Do you have special abilities?

"Why am I wrong?" Old Wei calmed down and asked seriously.

Old Liu thought for a while, and then said: "Professor Shen, who kindly lent you the equipment, and you poured dirty water on him. This is really unethical."

"What?" Old Wei said in his heart, you also have a part in posting the DZ newspaper, what do you mean by saying that now?
"This morning, every teacher in the office was called by the school to have a conversation, and what they said was that you slandered Professor Shen. Moreover, I have truthfully explained to the school the fact that you encouraged us to speak ill of Professor Shen together. .”

"What?" Old Wei was a little overwhelmed.

"You don't have to pretend to be innocent. Professor Shen is still very reasonable. Those people who were deceived by you went to the leader to explain the situation. Fortunately, I went there early, otherwise I would have been implicated by you."

After Lao Liu finished speaking, he breathed a sigh of relief. He felt that the big stone pressing on his chest was lifted.

However, Wei Wei suddenly felt that the stone on his chest became heavier.

(End of this chapter)

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