Start with a college teacher

Chapter 577 The Power of Science

Chapter 577 The Power of Science (2)

Shen Guanglin felt that he used the power of science to maintain the existence of justice.

He felt that all this was what he should do.

Everything is most afraid of being serious.

No, as soon as the school got serious, everyone immediately felt that it was Old Wei's fault. This person was so bad that he dared to tarnish Professor Shen's reputation.

As for the person who tipped off Old Wei, the screening was not too simple.

Whoever had been a student of Old Wei, or who had been in close contact with him during this period of time, really didn't need to inquire too harshly, and Shen Guanglin locked the suspect.

That's enough, this is not a gangster film, evidence is needed to solve the case.

If you fail the assessment, you can be sent back.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin is not a stingy person. He did not get the qualification to study abroad when he graduated. This matter must have nothing to do with Professor Shen.

Shen Guanglin's series of actions finally stabilized the rear, and he was finally able to work together to fight against the outside world.

No, the opportunity for war has come again.

When Pfizer heard that Professor Shen had returned to the capital, they immediately chased after him and asked Professor Shen if he had any new inventions or discoveries recently.

not at all.

Shen Guanglin was about to give up on the matter of "Viagra". This didn't add honor to him, it just added to the blockage.

As for making money?Is Professor Shen the one who is short of money?
If one day, Professor Shen really walks around with the title of "Father of Viagra", is this still decent? How can he become a great and admirable scientist?
However, Pfizer was not discouraged. They proudly told Shen Guanglin that PCR is really selling well recently, and it is so popular.

Pfizer approached Shen Guanglin to ask him, regarding the PCR sales dividend, is it true that all of it will be directly given to the laboratory, or should I keep some for myself?
How much did you make?
Simply too much money!
The retail price of a PCR instrument has reached tens of thousands of US dollars, but the actual cost has not exceeded 1000 US dollars.

Moreover, which university can't buy a few of these things.

Not only universities, but also hospitals and police stations have begun to purchase this.

Not to mention the whole world, even Citigroup has an infinite market.

Of course, when the staff of Pfizer came over, they also wanted to ask Professor Shen if there was any newer technology?
After we sell this wave, we can consider upgrading, catch old customers and then sell the next wave.

Of course there is.

From a technical point of view, PCR is not difficult at all. As long as you have the power to make technical improvements, you can improve it very well.

Biological companies can cooperate with high-tech companies, and the technological progress is rapid.

The Great Wall Company happens to be such a high-tech company.

Their technical reserves are quite good, and they can bear this important task.

So far, the technology of the next-generation PCR equipment has been developed, and the technical barriers have been set. It depends on when new products and technologies will be released.

so smart?

Of course, Great Wall Group is a high-tech company. In terms of medical devices, Pfizer can entrust Great Wall with the task of research and development and manufacturing.

This matter is not impossible to consider, at least there is no problem in producing this piece.

The PCR instruments are now produced by Great Wall Company, the quality is very good, and there are basically no after-sales problems to be solved.

Pfizer really wants to bring in some OEMs for electronic medical devices.

This is a good thing, everyone work hard together?
Pfizer then asked: Has Professor Shen ever planned to make some breakthroughs in pharmaceuticals?

He had really thought about it, but he hadn't thought of a breakthrough yet.

Originally, sildenafil was a good product, but Shen Guanglin voluntarily gave up.

Biopharmaceuticals will be a hot spot in the future, Shen Guanglin thought, should he test the waters in this area.

This is the same as writing novels. If you can’t do martial arts, you can write fairy tales. If you can’t do fairy tales, you can write fantasy.

On this day, Shen Guanglin was fishing in the office again.

Lao Lizhao came over and asked him to go out to dinner together, and there was a treat.

"Won't someone from me pay the bill again?"

"If you don't pay the bill, what's the use of you?"

"Use it as a son-in-law."

They went to a Cantonese restaurant today. It is said that it was run by the Rong family, a red capitalist. The business is good and the taste is light.

Besides Shen Guanglin, Lao Li also brought a friend over, who was his classmate.

This classmate Shen Guanglin met, and he is not a colleague of Lao Li, but he is also "high-ranking and powerful".

This classmate, surnamed Zhang, has not been in good health recently. He asked Lao Li to "tuo Gu" and asked Lao Li to do something.

Lao Li couldn't make up his mind, so he asked Shen Guanglin to come over and have a look.

What is going on here?
It turned out that Lao Li's classmate Zhang was found to have chronic leukemia during the latest physical examination. It is basically hopeless, but he still has a wish unfulfilled.

Among them, there is such a thing that has been held in his heart for decades, and he is most worried about it, and that is the issue of his child's ownership.

Back then, when he was sent to the lower levels, his wife was not pregnant when he went out, and when he came back, the child was several years old.

The timing was so coincidental that many people wondered, is this his child?
I have never doubted that this child does not look very much like him, but more like his mother.

I've never doubted it before, but recently he got sick, so he has all kinds of doubts, and I really can't let go of this matter.

Now, with only a few days left in my life, I asked Lao Li if he had a solution.

Lao Li called Shen Guanglin over, thinking that Shen Guanglin could even clone a cow, so there must be a way to determine whether this is Lao Zhang's biological child or not.

Everyone ate and drank, and when they reached a certain stage, they went home, and nothing was said at the wine table.

On the way back, Lao Li suddenly asked: "Xiao Shen, your laboratory can test whether a child is born to his parents, right? I remember hearing you mention it."

"Of course. Are you suspicious of my sister or my sister?"

"Get lost! Neither, I doubt if you are my son." Lao Li scolded with a smile.

Lao Li looks good, and the two sisters are good-looking, which is indeed inherited from Lao Li. Even without genetic testing, it can be judged that they are his daughters.

After a few jokes, Lao Li got down to business and asked Shen Guanglin if he had a solution?
"Yes, of course there is a way."

"How to deal with it?"

"With PCR, just draw some blood." Shen Guang Lin Xin said, it was really troublesome when he didn't have PCR, but with this thing, it is very convenient.

"Recognize relatives by dripping blood?" Lao Li also knew how to joke.

"Old Li, are you still a scientific and technological worker?" Shen Guanglin expressed serious doubts.

"I'm not, I'm an administrative worker." Lao Li has already left the frontline work, otherwise he wouldn't be so idle.

"It's actually very simple to determine the relationship between father and son. Use the method of genetic testing to test the blood relationship of two people. The results will be available on the same day, and 100% will not make mistakes." Shen Guanglin is full of confidence in the power of technology.

"See what you can do."

"Of course, Xiao Shen is omnipotent."

"If you are really capable, you can also cure your Uncle Zhang's illness?"

"What's wrong?" Shen Guanglin turned the steering wheel skillfully. This age is good, and no one checks for drunk driving.


Shen Guanglin was silent, how should this be treated?
Shen Guanglin vaguely remembered that there was a domestic medical expert who specialized in treating this disease.

After thinking for a while, he finally remembered: There is a doctor in Northeast China who can treat this disease with arsenic, maybe he can give it a try.

He remembered that it was often reported on TV in later generations, but he couldn't remember the doctor's name, but he could look it up.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin still remembered that there seemed to be such a movie called "The God of Medicine", which seemed to be about leukemia, and said that the drug was the first targeted drug in the world, and the price was quite expensive.

What medicine is here?

Gleevec, yes!It's Gleevec.

Shen Guanglin approached people from Pfizer and asked if there was any specific medicine for leukemia?
There are drugs to treat leukemia, but there are no specific drugs.

"Then how to treat leukemia now?"

"Take a drug called hydroxyurea, which works by killing abnormally multiplying white blood cells."

"However, this can only treat the symptoms, not the root cause."

"You're right. This kind of drug will produce drug resistance if used for a long time, and interferon needs to be administered. However, at this stage, the patient will not have much time left."

Shen Guanglin understood that the Human Genome Project hadn't started yet, so how could someone start researching gene-targeted drugs.

Do you want to be the pioneer?
(End of this chapter)

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