Chapter 578 Hard Tie (Today's update)
Just after the Mid-Autumn Festival in 1986, the National Day came next.

Taking advantage of the school holiday, Shen Guanglin decided to go on a long trip again.

"Uncle Li, we are on a business trip. We have business to do, not a vacation. What are you doing with these?"

Looking at Lao Li's big and small bags, Shen Guanglin felt a little bad.

It's not that these things are very expensive, the problem is that they used to do scientific research, why do you make some quilts, satin towels and the like?

He just mentioned that he was going to go to Harbin City for a while, but Li Rong didn't care whether he went or not, but Lao Li really cared about it, and he must go with him, and he also prepared various gifts, as if he came to propose a marriage .

Lao Li graduated from Harbin Military Engineering, and there are indeed many old friends there, so going there can be regarded as revisiting his hometown.

Shen Guanglin felt that Lao Li meant to return to his hometown, and he was planning to show off to whom.

However, the money was his own, so he was free to squander it. Anyway, Li Rong and Li Li didn't ask him for a dowry.

Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province, is located on the banks of the Songhua River and is known as the Moscow of the East.

This is a city full of beauties.

The reason why Shen Guanglin is going to Harbin has nothing to do with beautiful women. He just wants to go there to visit Professor Zhang Dongting of the First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University. He wants to know and inquire about the treatment of leukemia with arsenic, and see if there is any research and promotion. value.

Also inspired by Lao Li, Shen Guanglin really cared about leukemia.

Old Li's classmate wanted to check the real identity of his child, Shen Guanglin had already done it for him, there was no problem, the old man was overthinking.

Through DNA testing, it can be proved that these two people are the father and son.

It's not a placebo, it's scientific proof backed by science.

Now, what Shen Guanglin wants to study is really leukemia. Solving the problem of leukemia through scientific means is Shen Guanglin's grand goal in the next stage.

Cloned cows are a thing of the past.

Shen Guanglin decided to take a step closer to the field of genetic medicine.

Only when there are challenges and difficulties is it interesting.

Leukemia, also known as blood cancer, is a kind of clonal malignant disease with abnormal hematopoietic stem cells.

The incidence of leukemia is [-] out of [-] in the general population, and ranks ninth among tumors. It is considered a very common malignant disease, and there is basically no cure for this disease in this era.

Of course, if you have other malignant tumors, there is basically no way except chemotherapy.

Ever since he had the idea of ​​making a breakthrough in the field of biopharmaceuticals, Shen Guanglin began to ask people to collect leukemia data.

Before, he knew that he had leukemia, and the way to deal with it was bone marrow transplantation, taking Gleevec, and seeking treatment with arsenic trioxide, and then chemotherapy.

He doesn't know which indication corresponds to which treatment method, and now he is going to have a real understanding together so that he can make a careful distinction.

Everyone was surprised when they heard Professor Shen's ambition. What happened to Professor Shen?
Is it such a big span?
Could it be that some relative of his had leukemia?
not at all!
Shen Guanglin was really ready to do something difficult. He didn't have any relatives who had this kind of terminal illness.

This is different from the case where the vice president of a Daqiang subsidiary suffered from ALS. The vice president was determined to overcome the disease in order to save himself.

The two situations are different, but both have a long way to go.

There are a lot of data on leukemia, but not many are worthy of in-depth study, and even fewer studies on leukemia from the genetic level. Most of them are to understand and explain the past and present of leukemia from the clinical perspective.

Listening to the materials collected by everyone, Shen Guanglin felt that this work was a bit difficult to carry out.

However, things always come step by step.

In the first step, Shen Guanglin wanted to see what the clinicians had to say, and whether they had any special treatment methods.

After all, seeing many cases, there are always some real experiences that are worth knowing and grasping.

Capital University originally had its own medical school, and it was not difficult for Shen Guanglin to understand it.

Of course, people still call it Jingcheng Medical University now.

Although Jingcheng Medical University has not been merged into Jingcheng University in this era, everyone still assumes that we are a family.

Shen Guanglin wanted to know more about leukemia, but it was not easy to find others, and the doctors in the hospital were the most familiar. Therefore, he directly found the director of the Department of Hematology at the Medical University.

However, he was soon disappointed.

It's not that there is no value for cooperation, but that their research is too superficial, and they never thought about solving such problems at the genetic level.

The more he knew, the more Shen Guanglin felt that conquering leukemia was not so easy.

As a physicist, everyone knows what causes leukemia?
It’s nothing more than genetics, viruses, carcinogens, and radiation factors, which are listed in popular science books, such as Gleevec, which solves Philadelphia chromosome-positive chronic myelogenous leukemia.

However, to the director of the hematology department, he didn't even say these things comprehensively enough, even the pathogenesis of leukemia was not very clear, and he was not even as knowledgeable as Shen.

It really shouldn't be. Could it be that I, Shen, have more knowledge than a professional doctor?
Limited by the times, it might really be the case, and Shen can't belittle himself.

In this era, Shen Guanglin's understanding of genetic and other biotechnology is indeed at the forefront of the country, and even the forefront of the world.

Now, even the issue of genomics is still being debated internationally. Shen Guanglin has already thought about how to develop gene-targeted drugs.

After all, once leukemia is conquered, all kinds of awards will come one after another.

In this era, even doctors are helpless when they have leukemia. They only know the symptoms of this disease and treat them according to the symptoms.

But do not know the cause of these symptoms, let alone a complete cure.

Shen Guanglin couldn't help feeling a little disappointed, he had to rely on himself for everything.

When he heard that Professor Zhang Dongting in Harbin could treat leukemia, he really wanted to find out.

Although Professor Zhang's healing mechanism is derived from traditional Chinese medicine and folk prescriptions, as long as it is useful, it means that it is a good thing, and thorough research can win awards.

Artemisinin is also a treasure from ancient Chinese medicine, and it won the Nobel Prize as well.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin decided to go to Harbin City in Heilongjiang Province to visit Professor Zhang Dongting to study the working mechanism and actual situation of arsenic in treating leukemia.

By the way, this city is said to be good for tourism, and the weather is not particularly cold now, so it is considered tourism.

This old Li is the same, he has nothing to do, and insists on revisiting the old place together. As soon as Shen Guanglin invited him, he agreed

Shen Guanglin simply asked, "Is there still your first love there?"

Seeing Lao Li's sad face, he didn't object, "Don't tell your aunt about this."

"I'll go, is there really?" Shen Guang Lin Xin said, Lao Li, you are quite good at playing, how old are you, and you are still playing tricks.

Lao Li didn't speak, and sighed there. How many years have passed, and I don't know how her work is and how her life is.

"Come on, classmate Lao Li, when we arrive in Harbin, let's find a place where we can drink and tell our juniors your stories."

The expedition set off.

I brought too many things, and I couldn't take the plane.

Not only Lao Li's things, Shen Guanglin also bought a lot of medical equipment from the capital in order to win people's hearts, and prepared to support Ha Fuyi.

In this weather, the train is also comfortable, but a little uncomfortable.

After all, it always felt weird that Shen Guanglin brought Li Rong and his father-in-law Lao Li in a sleeper box.

Harbin City is not far from the capital city, and it took only one day of sleep on the road to arrive.

Shen Guanglin had never been to this city before. Harbin City was developing well, and it was considered a very distinctive city in this era of cities.

What's the best thing here?
What Shen Guanglin remembers in later generations is the Songhuajiang Dumpling Restaurant, which not only has dumplings, but also sauced big bones.

Or, go and try it?

Just try it.

When the train checked in and unloaded luggage, they found a dumpling restaurant not far from the train station.

As soon as you enter the door, you will be exasperated!Tough!
Propaganda slogans were posted on the wall: Be civilized, be polite, and it is strictly forbidden to beat customers.

(End of this chapter)

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