Chapter 579 Past Events (1)

In October, Harbin City has a crisp autumn and the river is surging.

Looking at the picturesque scenery, the climate is indeed pleasant.

Shen Guanglin couldn't help thinking of such a song:

"My home is on the Songhua River in the northeast.
There are soy and sorghum all over the mountains

Beside the green mountains and green waters

Two big poplar trees in front of the gate

well fenced yard

A small grass house. "

However, to be honest, apart from the service attitude, the dumplings here are really good, and the Russian red sausage is also very good, which is two routes from the southern sausage.

After dinner, a group of people vigorously found a decent hotel to stay.

Looking at Lao Li's thoughtful expression, he knew something was on his mind.

However, if there is something to do, the disciple will do his best, and the son-in-law will do the same.

Shen Guanglin kept urging me to show me the last mother-in-law.

Lao Li really agreed.

There are really many universities in Harbin, and the campus environment is really good.

The end of summer in the south, it is late autumn in Harbin.

Here, the leaves have turned yellow, blown by the wind, and fell all over the ground.

It is good to fall in love in such an atmosphere. The leaves fall on the ground and people step on them, which is very soft and comfortable.

If you can hug a beautiful woman and protect her from the wind and rain at this time, it will be a romantic drama.

It's a pity that there are two men strolling in such a scenery.

Lao Li walked ahead alone like this, looking obsessively at this piece of intoxicated yellow, as if he was recalling the old days that could not be regained.

He is not usually a sentimental person, but, thinking of those people in those years, he couldn't help but start to sigh, "I was like this when I was in college, and I am still like this now."

Shen Guanglin followed like a dog's leg, and carried a few expensive gifts. This experience was not wonderful, it was quite heavy, you are romantic, and I am exhausted.

"Comrade Li, before you married my mother-in-law, how many girlfriends did you have? Did you all walk this way? She kissed you secretly, and you kissed her secretly, all over the place. grain."

"What nonsense, what dog food? This is what you should ask?" Lao Li thinks why you talk so much, just take things honestly and listen to Lao Li's history.

"Then why did you push Rongrong away and only let me come out with you? Isn't this going to meet your old lover? I don't think Rongrong is a stingy person, so you are not afraid that I will report you."

"What old lover, that's my college classmate, will you report me?" Lao Li suddenly smiled and turned his head, his eyes full of murderous intent.

"No, definitely not! We've been dawdling for so long, let's go quickly, just in time for dinner."

In fact, Shen Guanglin and Li Rong already knew that Lao Li wanted to meet his first love. Li Rong even stole the photo and looked at it.

Everyone has a white moonlight in their hearts, and Shen Guanglin also wants to see if Lao Li's white moonlight has become a cinnabar mole in the eyes of others.

From the looks of it, Li Rong was quite indulgent towards Old Li. He just told Shen Guanglin to report truthfully when he came back. If there was a little untruth, he would have to work ten times harder at night.

Weng and his son-in-law came out pretending that no one knew about it.

Although he hasn't been here for decades, after all, it is near the university town, Lao Li is still familiar with the road, and soon found an old community.

In this day and age, it is not easy to enter such a community, but Lao Li directly reported his name, "I am looking for Yu Fengying in Building 5, 302."

Shen Guanglin shook his head, Lao Li knew everything about Lao Li's address, every sentence contained a story, and his mother-in-law was in danger.

Knock, knock, knock on the door.

It was a young woman who opened the door. She was good-looking. Although she might not be as good as the Li Rong sisters, she was just as delicate and dignified, and with a capable ponytail, she looked particularly youthful. Not to mention, she looked a bit like Li Rong.

The first time Shen Guanglin saw the woman, he felt that there must be a story hidden in it, and he knew it would be like this, maybe it wasn't my aunt.

"Excuse me, who are you looking for?" The young woman asked, and she was also very puzzled. She always looked familiar when she saw Lao Li, but she was sure that she had never seen him.

Lao Li stared at the woman for about a minute, and he was almost called an old hooligan, so he said,

"Excuse me, is Yu Fengying at home?"

"Mom! Someone is looking for you."

The woman opened the door as she spoke, and she knew that this should be a relative. Seeing that Shen Guanglin was tired, she prepared to pick up the gift from Shen Guanglin.

Of course Shen Guanglin was tired, he handed over the gift very habitually, and said, "Thank you sister".

"How do you know I'm a sister?"

"Here we come!" With a shout, it fell into silence.

I froze for about 15 seconds.
"Old Li!"

"Less than!"

Then there was another ten seconds of silence.

"Old Li, why are you here? Is this a business trip? How do you know where I live?" It was the aunt who broke the silence.

This is because the aunt is still quite enthusiastic, and her charming appearance is a strong enemy for the mother-in-law.

However, the two of them acted quite normally, and they didn't hold hands, look at each other with tears in their eyes, choke with tears, and hug each other.

"This is your child. He looks so handsome." Aunt Yu could only find something to talk about. She took Shen Guanglin's hand and looked up and down, as if she was looking at her own child.

With a strange look in his eyes, Shen Guanglin could only say politely: "Hello Aunt Yu, Hello Sister."

"How do you know I'm a sister? I think you are older than me." The young woman was holding a gift, not particularly willing to be called her sister.

"Isn't this my sister?" Shen Guanglin asked, his heart was filled with curiosity, and he said to himself, my aunt must be a sister, it has nothing to do with age.

"Yes, she is your sister, your own sister! Hurry up and have a drink of tea, you must be thirsty, tell me, this child looks like you, Lao Li, but Jun is really handsome."

Aunt Yu was very enthusiastic, she didn't let go of Shen Guanglin's hand, as if she didn't see Lao Li standing beside him waiting to greet him.

"This is not my child." Lao Li followed behind into the room, and couldn't help but justify himself.

"Dad, what are you talking about? Why am I not your child?" Shen Guanglin also possessed a playful spirit, opened his mouth and started calling Lao Li's father, and then took the brown sugar water that Aunt Yu handed over.

However, this aunt really looked at the two of them carefully again, "It doesn't look alike."

"Then this child?" She looked at Shen Guanglin with her eyes, and then at her own daughter, "Have you also developed your style?"

Shen Guanglin burst out laughing.

This aunt is so funny.

"Girl, you call someone, why don't you call someone because there are no rules at all?"

The young woman hesitated for a moment, but still called out, "Dad, brother!"

I go!Is this really the case?

Shen Guanglin was dumbfounded.

The red flag at home is not down, and the colorful flags are fluttering outside, it's okay, Lao Li.

Lao Li gave Shen Guanglin a warning look, meaning don't talk nonsense.

"You are welcome, child. Sit down. Treat it as your own home. What do you do? I teach. Your sister is a doctor in the First Affiliated Hospital of the University of Medical Sciences." Aunt Yu took Shen Guanglin's hand and ignored Lao Li's the whole time. stubble.

"Auntie, I'm also a teacher. This is a gift I brought to you."

Shen Guanglin signaled her to bring the gift, Aunt Yu said a few words politely, but still happily accepted it.

"The child is so filial. Hello, teacher. I like it. We are colleagues. Let's chat later." She was talking, and then turned her head: "Old Li, do you dare to tell your family about us?"

"I" Lao Li didn't know what to say.

"If you don't tell me, I will." Aunt Yu is an open-minded person, and she doesn't sloppily speak at all.

Then Shen Guanglin heard an unexpected story.

They were indeed a couple when they were in college.

After graduating from university, Lao Yan separated. On the eve of parting, the two ate the forbidden fruit.

Shen Guanglin slandered, he must have eaten it more than once.

Later, Aunt Yu graduated and stayed in school, married an honest man who was a teacher, and Lao Li returned to the capital to develop.

The two broke off contact, but Aunt Yu was pregnant, Lao Li's cub.

A few years ago, Aunt Yu's wife passed away, and she wrote to him about her daughter being Lao Li.

Therefore, when Lao Li heard that they were coming to Harbin, he was very conflicted.

"I didn't expect that you would dare to bring your son over to see us?" Aunt Yu was quite satisfied with Lao Li's performance, and she was apologetic when she talked about her old man.

"Auntie, I am a son-in-law, not a son." Shen Guanglin decided to tell the truth, "My biological father passed away, and Uncle Li is my biological father."

"That won't work. You can't be a son-in-law. Your sister Manli is married, so it's not the same way to get married." Aunt Yu still held Shen Guanglin's hand and refused to let go.

"Ah, no, he has other daughters."

(End of this chapter)

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