Chapter 580

"Does he have other daughters? With me, he only has one daughter, Manli."

Aunt Yu's expression began to turn bad. She looked at Lao Li, and she probably meant: "You are Emperor Qianlong, do you still have treasures left in the sea?"

Where do you want to go?
Seeing Shen Guanglin intentionally watching his jokes, Lao Li could only explain, "It's been a few years since we all graduated, and I'm married. You don't know that. I also have children after marriage, and Xiao Shen is my child." Object."

It turned out to be a complete misunderstanding.

It was confirmed again and again that Shen Guanglin was really just a son-in-law, not a son.

Just say it doesn't look like it.

Aunt Yu still didn't let go of Shen Guanglin's hand, she was thinking about treating Lao Li's son as her own son, but now it doesn't seem necessary, this is the son-in-law.

"Xiao Shen, our relationship is quite messy. Let me show you a joke. You should have a good relationship with your mother-in-law. What does she look like? How's her temper? Is she a good character?"

How should Shen Guanglin answer this question, each has its own merits, it is better to be close to the mother-in-law, the first time Shen Guanglin came to the door, they gave money and food coupons, Shen Guanglin always remembered it in his heart.

However, it was not convenient for him to say these words directly.

"Auntie, my daughter-in-law Rongrong looks a lot like Sister Manli. I saw it at the door just now. She is my own sister. I felt very kind at that time."

Shen Guanglin tried to change the topic. After all, some topics were not suitable for him. Without this position, he just came here to make soy sauce.

"Sister Manli's incident is an anachronism, and it does not damage the reputation of a gentleman. After all, our incident happened first, and his marriage was later. At that time, no one knew that it would develop into what it is now, that is, A few years ago, my wife died of illness, so I wrote him a letter to tell him the truth, after all, this is his daughter, but we didn't think about asking him to do anything, or destroying his family or anything."

Aunt Yu explained that she contacted Lao Li not to rekindle old feelings, but to give an explanation for the mistakes of the year.

"Auntie, I probably can understand." Shen Guanglin said.

Even if you don't understand, you have to understand. As a son-in-law, what can he say, he lacks a position.

After some calculation, Sister Manli is one year older than Shen Guanglin. She is indeed a sister. She will be thirty soon, and now she is married. The partner is stationed at Tongjiang Port in Jiamu City. She is a border guard and has not been at home for a long time.

Therefore, she still lives with her mother mostly.

do you have any kid?

There is a child, and the mother-in-law is taking care of it, and the child is also in Jiamu City. She is a doctor and works in Harbin City. She is usually too busy at work. Maybe it will be better after her husband changes jobs.

The next step is the part where the father and daughter get to know each other.

The scene where father and daughter meet is not as intense as in TV dramas, especially in front of another son-in-law.

Lao Li did not cry and say, child, you have suffered.

Sister Manli didn't make trouble for no reason and said, I don't listen, I don't listen, I want little stars in the sky.

Since then.

Yu Manli had an extra father, Lao Li had an extra daughter, and Li Rong had an extra sister.

Everyone chatted happily for a while, and Lao Li was also very happy to present the gifts he had prepared in advance: two pretty good ladies watches, Shanghai brand, one for mother and daughter.

There is also a special term for women's watches in this era, called "Kun watches", and the bicycles with low beams are also called "Kun cars."

The kun here means Qiankun, male is dry, female is kun.

Today, Lao Li came to the door suddenly, and they were not prepared, but after all, it was the first time they met. Aunt Yu still gave Shen Guanglin a traditional silver bracelet inlaid with turquoise. She said there was a pair, and the other one will be seen another day. Li Rong gave it to her again.

As for the task of subjugating Li Rong, I will leave it to Shen Guanglin, otherwise, what did Lao Li ask him to do, to watch a play?

Needless to say, Shen Guanglin's participation was quite high. While saying that he deserved it, he accepted the gift. In return, Shen Guanglin directly took out two gold pens.

"Isn't it? Did you prepare such a valuable thing when you came up?" Facing Shen Guanglin's "full" preparation, Lao Li was very surprised.

Of course, Shen Guanglin was not that superficial. He said in a showy manner, "It is indeed prepared by me. It is specially given to my sister and Aunt Yu. Do you have any opinions?"

Aunt Yu and her daughter refused to accept it, thinking it was too expensive.

Lao Li said, "You can accept him as soon as he takes it out, this is a big dog."

"Isn't Shen a teacher? How can he be so rich?"

"I do some part-time jobs in the company." After finishing speaking, Shen Guanglin also took out some industrial vouchers, including TVs, washing machines, refrigerators, and bicycles.

"I still have a lot of vouchers here, and I will leave the payment to Comrade Li. His small coffers are also very thick, and they are not easy to come by. Now that they are spent, they can just make up for the debts of the past few decades." .”

Lao Li said angrily: "Just now he was called my own father, but now he is Lao Li again."

"I called you Papa because I thought you had an unmarried daughter"

"It's not about beating, you kid still wants to eat what's in the bowl and watch what's in the pot." Lao Li was furious.

Shen Guanglin didn't refute. In fact, in your family's situation, I ate everything from the bowl to the pot.

In the evening, Aunt Yu, mother and daughter cook in person and prepare a large table of dishes.

It's all Northeast specialties, such as small chicken stewed with mushrooms, pork tenderloin, big goose in an iron pan, Shen Guanglin's taste is really good, his mouth is full of oil, and he doesn't want to leave.

At the dinner table, they asked Shen Guanglin what they were doing in Harbin, and Shen Guanglin said: He came to visit Professor Zhang Dongting of the Medical University, and wanted to discuss with him about arsenic’s ability to treat tumors and cancer.

In short, I came here to learn and communicate with each other.

Shen Guanglin didn't say that he brought a lot of instruments this time, and planned to donate them to the First Affiliated Hospital of the Medical University. This would also improve the hospital's hardware level, and it really wasn't in vain.

It can be seen that Aunt Yu is really an enthusiastic person:
"Xiao Shen, then you have really found the right person. Your sister Manli is in the same department as Director Zhang. She can introduce you. Director Zhang is usually busy. Don't worry about what's going on. If you want to find him, you can easily return it. I can't see it."

Professor Zhang Dongting is the director of the Hematology Department of the Medical University. He was in his prime. Since the story of his ability to cure leukemia spread in the 70s, there were too many patients from all over the country who came to seek medical treatment, and they couldn't keep up.

Aunt Yu said in her heart that Shen Guanglin and the others wanted to see Professor Zhang. If there was no one, it would probably take a lot of trouble.

Shen Guanglin said that it shouldn't be necessary, everyone is considered a colleague, let's say hello, Professor Zhang should meet him, he has this confidence.

Aunt Yu and Sister Manli didn't quite believe it, but they didn't say anything, to save Xiao Shen some face.

Public affairs are always less important than private affairs.

The matter of Old Li's family is the big one. As for the exchange and cooperation with Professor Zhang, Shen Guanglin has no specific plans.

Because, his original purpose was not to obtain anything from the treatment of leukemia by arsenic trioxide, but his purpose was to study targeted therapeutic drugs with higher technology.

In the evening, Shen Guanglin returned to the hotel very late.

Li Rong asked him what he was doing, and Shen Guanglin said mysteriously that he met a young lady.

What Miss?

"I just found you a sister."

"What do you mean?" Li Rong was puzzled.

"It literally means, I went out in the afternoon and found a sister for you. She is young and beautiful, and she is [-]% similar to you. I will take you to meet tomorrow."

Shen Guanglin said vaguely while wearing slippers, washing his feet and brushing his teeth.

Li Rong knew that Shen Guanglin was not in good shape, so she was not angry: "Shouldn't it be my sister you are looking for now?"

"She's older than you."

"That's my younger sister too, the first step is the best."

"It's okay. When we meet tomorrow, you can also ask her to call you sister."

Li Rong didn't want to guess the riddle anymore, she took out the clothes hanger from the closet, it was still made of wood, and was about to use actions to have a conversation with someone Shen.

"You are very good. How many times you go out, you will have sisters and sisters."

Shen Guanglin also acted according to the wind: "It's not that I'm good, it's your father who is good. The sister he found for you is not me."

"What do you mean, he found you a new mother-in-law with a daughter."

"Ah, yes!"

 I drank too much at night and couldn't code. I officially started work today and will resume normal updates tomorrow.
(End of this chapter)

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