Chapter 581 Relationship (1)

Hearing Shen Guanglin's description, Li Rong was stunned.

In her twenties, she didn't even know that she had a half-sister.

Shen Guanglin comforted her, don't be too surprised, probably Lao Li didn't know about this for too long, and he didn't deliberately hide it from you.

All in all, this was a pleasant surprise for everyone.

Mother-in-law should be excluded.

Lao Li originally wanted to eat a smooth wild peach, but he didn't expect to spit out the peach pit and planted a seed that would germinate.

And after hiding it for so long, he didn't know why it suddenly blossomed and bore fruit.

Shen Guanglin has DNA testing technology, but can't use it.

Just by looking at her appearance, she can be sure that this is Lao Li's daughter.

A stranger, the chance of being similar to Li Rong is very small, and the time and place are right, so there is no need to doubt it.

This is also good, the pressure on Shen Guanglin and Li Rong is much less, because Sister Man Li is married and has a child after all.

Although she still gave birth to a daughter, she finally had a next generation, and Shen Guanglin's pressure was not so great.

However, in order to respond to the call of the country, Sister Manli decided to have only one child. If there is another one, both male and female employees will lose their jobs.

From this point of view, it is better to be in the countryside. At worst, there will be some fines.

Shen Guanglin decided to do their ideological work on the matter of having children, and have another one. If the unit really doesn't want you, you can still go to the capital, Shen Guanglin's unit can.

Even if you don't have children, you can move to the capital.

How nice it would be to have a family reunion, and then you won't have to be separated from your children. Anyway, there is no shortage of places to live in the capital.

Shen Guanglin told Li Rong about this idea, and Li Rong also thought it was feasible, but we still have to wait until we meet to talk about it.

In short, Li Rong is full of curiosity about everything about her extra sister, what does she look like?how are you?is everything okay?
Shen Guanglin can only say that he is not brother-in-law, and he doesn't know, anyway, we will meet tomorrow, so we will know after we meet?

That night, Li Rong didn't have a good rest, neither did Shen Guanglin.

She always wanted to pull someone Shen to talk, but after entering the sage time, Shen only wanted to sleep, and she was so angry that she always shook the handle, trying to start the machine again.

Li Rong didn't say that she couldn't accept that she had a sister, on the contrary, she was very happy. As for whether her mother-in-law was happy, she didn't know. In the future, she could only take one step at a time.

Regardless of sleeping late the day before, Li Rong woke up early the next day.

Facing the first sunrise of autumn, they saw Lao Li sitting in the hotel lobby as soon as they came out, probably waiting for her.

Old Li Gang wanted to explain something, but Li Rong refused, no need, brother Guang Lin told her, she did not object.

That's good.

Li Rong was not angry with Lao Li. Although he should be blamed for this matter, it was not a deliberate mistake after all.

Every man will make mistakes, it depends on whether he has the opportunity and whether he wants to bear the consequences.

Thinking about it the other way around, if Lao Li had really been with Aunt Yu, his first love, then maybe there would be no sisters. From this perspective, she shouldn't blame Lao Li.

Everyone set off after breakfast. The meeting was more formal this time, and they chose a hotel on Zhongyang Avenue, which was not far from the hotel they were staying in, and it was upscale.

This time, it was Lao Li's treat. Anyway, he also had money, so he kept so much private money, and he was almost being fooled by someone Shen.

Shen Guanglin also said, can you do it?No, I'll pay for it, anyway, to entertain your daughters and women.

Lao Li retorted, you haven't learned the language well. Daughters can use "men", but women can't. Besides, this is not his woman.


The place where everyone gathered was called Mars Western Restaurant, which later became Huamei Western Restaurant.

This hotel is still very famous. It was first built in 1925. It was first run by the Russians. Later, it changed hands several times and was finally nationalized.

When Lao Li was studying in Harbin, this restaurant was what he yearned for the most.

In terms of status in the world, it is comparable to the status of the Moscow Western Restaurant in the capital, that is, Lao Mo.

After all, it's not time to eat yet, and the kvass here tastes good. Shen Guanglin drank several cups in a row, and his evaluation of it is very positive, um, it is diuretic.

As for their signature dishes here, such as red cabbage soup, creamy chicken breast, etc., Shen doesn't particularly like them. He still likes more Chinese food.

Sure enough, we met again.

Today, Aunt Yu and Sister Manli have been well-groomed and are very beautiful, while Sister Manli and Li Rong look even more alike.

The meeting process was lackluster.

It was another round of mutual compliments and heart-to-heart talks, all the while talking about the deep love of sisters.

For Shen Guanglin, the only bright spot was that his brother-in-law also rushed over, bringing a four-year-old child with him.

It wasn't easy either. He rushed over from Jamusi overnight and didn't take much rest along the way.

When the adults were talking, the children kept yawning and looked very good. Shen Guanglin couldn't help but gave some more gifts.

In family gatherings, the son-in-law is the least important role, except for themselves.

Shen Guanglin knew that his brother-in-law's surname was Lu, and his name was Lu Jun. He heard that he was a master who could fight, but he was called by Aunt Yu, which ruined the atmosphere, because she called him: "little liu"

Shen Guanglin couldn't help but began to wonder if the word "Lu" was really pronounced as "six" when it was used as a surname. When he thought of the great patriotic poet Lu You pronounced as "liu you", he suddenly felt chills all over his body.

If the brother-in-law doesn't miss his sister-in-law and the brother-in-law doesn't covet his sister, then the family can still be harmonious.

Shen Guanglin felt that he and brother-in-law Xiaoliu could still become good friends.

Without him, Xiaoliu has a car.

But Mr. Shen didn't have a car recently, so he felt it was particularly inconvenient.

Before departure, I really should have checked in a car, otherwise it would be too inconvenient.

Brother-in-law Lu's car is a Beijing Jeep 212, the kind covered with green canvas.

Shen didn't think it was bad, as long as it could be used for transportation, it was fine, but he didn't seem particularly surprised.

Is it rare to have a car?

After a meal of communication, we are finally relatives.

The topic will naturally return to their next plan?

Naturally, Shen Guanglin has a little official business, otherwise what would he do with so many assistants and bodyguards.

Li Rong has nothing to do, she is still in the National Day holiday, she can play leisurely for several days.

However, their calculations are about to fail.

Miss Manli is not available.

Sister Manli works in the hospital after all, so she doesn't have much time to rest.

Brother-in-law Lu works at the port and is also very busy during the holidays. If there is nothing urgent, he will go back first.

"Of course there is nothing important. Anything at work is not as important as family." Shen Guanglin vowed.

Seeing Li Rong's expression of being very satisfied with Shen Guanglin, the young couple thought: This little Shen is too good at talking.

Brother-in-law Lu asked again and again, is there anyone who needs his help?
Since it’s so hard to turn down such kindness, it’s true, let’s leave the car and borrow it for a few days. After all, it’s inconvenient not to have a car after coming here.

The brother-in-law started to feel a little bit embarrassed, this is the unit's car, he borrowed it, and it can't be borrowed for too long.

"Forget it, I just went to the hospital to see Professor Zhang, nothing else, public transportation can also meet travel needs."

Shen Guanglin saw his embarrassment, and expressed his understanding in a very reasonable way.

Sister Manli immediately expressed that she would make compensation. She had some connections in the hospital, so she could see Professor Zhang Dongting as soon as possible. Without her connection, it would be really difficult to see Professor Zhang.

"That's right, if you encounter any difficulties in Harbin, let me know in time, we still have some connections here, and we can help a lot." Before leaving, the brother-in-law still emphasized that he wanted to help, but he was too busy.

(End of this chapter)

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