Chapter 582 Action (2)

In the Northeast, everything requires relationships.

No matter what you do, you either have connections, money, or a father.

If you have nothing but want to accomplish something, then you are sick.

If things go on like this, the Northeast has become a relational society. Without “relationships,” the entire society will no longer be able to flow.

Being connected is so important that it scares away a lot of people.

Shen Guanglin knows that in the future, there will be a word derived from this, which is called: investing in Shanhaiguan.

Regarding Sister Manli's words, if you don't rely on connections to go through the back door, you won't be able to meet Professor Zhang. Shen Guanglin believes it, but it won't happen.

However, it is also difficult to refuse.

The next day, Shen Guanglin didn't even bring his assistant with him, he just took Li Rong and went to work with Sister Manli.

For the related households, it is really convenient to enter the gate of the hospital. They paddled in the rest area of ​​the department all morning.

Professor Zhang was busy and went out. He was not at work this morning.

However, it's good to be able to read books. Li Rong is still immersed in the joy of meeting her sister, and doesn't feel bored.

During lunch time, everyone came back one after another, "Yu Yu, who is this?"

"This is my sister and my brother-in-law."

"Your sister is really handsome, and she really looks like you. What are you doing in our hospital?"

"We want to find Professor Zhang." Shen Guanglin answered seriously against their scrutinizing eyes, and said in his heart, "Is this brother-in-law good enough for my sister?"

When they heard that they were looking for Professor Zhang, everyone stopped talking immediately, and started to look at them with sympathetic and exploring eyes, as if to ask again, is your family sick?

"Everyone, you don't have to look at us that way. I'm looking for Professor Zhang to have an academic exchange. I don't have any relatives around me who are sick. I..." Shen Guanglin suddenly thought, isn't Lao Li's classmate suffering from leukemia? Give it a try.

"It's just that I have an elder who has leukemia, and I want to come over to see if Professor Zhang's treatment plan can work."

At this time, a middle-aged man opened the door and came in. Everyone's original casual attitude immediately became serious.
"Doctor Liu."

"Hello, Doctor Liu."

Miss Manli said in a low voice, "Dr. Liu is Professor Zhang's first disciple and plays the role of the housekeeper."

Sister Manli plans to talk to Dr. Liu later to see if she can see Professor Zhang.

I quietly told Dr. Liu about the situation. Dr. Liu frowned and looked at the positions of Shen Guanglin and Li Rong. Shen Guanglin didn't notice anything, and nodded his head.

Eldest brother took off his white coat and walked over, "Is the patient here?"

"No." Shen Guanglin replied, and he explained, "It just occurred to me that there is a leukemia patient beside me. I came here to discuss academic issues with Professor Zhang. Let me introduce myself. My surname is Shen, and I am from Beijing."

Before Shen Guanglin finished speaking, the elder brother stopped him from continuing.

"It's not a patient. If you didn't bring a patient, then you won't be able to see Professor Zhang."

It turns out that these are two enthusiastic people. In the words of later generations, these are two fans of Professor Zhang.Dr. Liu has seen such people a lot, and he doesn't want to receive them at all.

"Yu Yu, I thought you were quite steady, why are you so flamboyant now." Dr. Liu turned his head and began to criticize Sister Manli.

"Why? We also came all the way here." Li Rong expressed dissatisfaction.

"Professor Zhang is here to cure diseases and save lives, not to chat with you guys, Xiao Yu, you are also an old man in the department, why don't you know the priorities, the teacher is usually so busy with work, how can you have time to meet enthusiastic people?"

"This..." Sister Manli suddenly didn't know what to say. It seemed that she had done something bad with good intentions. If she had known the correct words first, it would have been fine.

Seeing Dr. Liu repeatedly criticizing Sister Manli, who is her own sister after all, Li Rong couldn't sit still: "Why do you speak so harshly? Are you deliberately bullying? Isn't it Teacher Zhang's student? Why are you so superior?"

Over the years, she has seen many scenes with Shen Guanglin, all of which were warm welcome scenes.

Therefore, before Shen Guanglin felt anything, she couldn't take it anymore.

"Little girl, I'm not superior to others. I'm Professor Zhang's student, of course I'm proud of it.

It's just that I take care of and arrange the teacher's work and daily life. If random people can see him, then he won't have time to treat illnesses and save lives. "

In fact, what this elder brother said is quite right, but the object he is facing is different.

The daily work of Shen Guanglin's assistant is also like this, but he will stop anyone who Shen Guanglin doesn't want to see, and maybe he will be more rude.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin can understand, but cannot accept.

It's okay to treat others like this, but I still feel uncomfortable when I am treated like this.

"Comrade, you haven't heard me finish who I am, and you haven't asked us what's going on here. You just helped Professor Zhang make a decision, isn't it too hasty?"

"Yes, you are probably not Li Lianying." Li Rong added.

There is indeed a popular TV series recently, about Cixi, in which Li Lianying is particularly domineering, and Li Rong probably felt it too.

However, this sentence really hurts.

When the elder brother heard that he was being compared to Li Lianying, he immediately expressed his displeasure, "It's just that you still want to see Professor Zhang, there's no way."

"This is a hospital department, the idlers are waiting to go out! During working hours, no outside visitors are accepted."

The elder brother decided not to lose face, and even planned to give less than one punishment later, why did everyone go to the department to receive it.

her sister?I'm afraid I'm spoiled at home, and my bad temper has been brought into society.

This is their home court, there is no reason for them to stay here.

Shen Guanglin and Li Rong had no choice but to come out, but Sister Man Li couldn't send them out because she still had work to do.

I didn't say a word about this matter, and something went wrong.

"Sister Manli, it's okay. I'll see Professor Zhang another day. I'll talk to him at that time, and you won't be affected." Before Shen Guanglin went out, he greeted Miss Manli in a low voice. No, just have this confidence.

However, this was still heard by the elder brother, and perhaps Shen did it on purpose.

"With me here, you don't even want to see Professor Zhang, don't talk about these scenes."

"That's not necessarily true." Shen Guanglin said as he was about to go out, "Don't bully young people and be poor, be careful if I'm a stingy person."

Don't bully the youth to be poor.

This phrase is overused in the novel.

But Shen Guanglin felt that it was necessary to lay the groundwork, otherwise, how could he slap his face, he didn't want this face, Sister Man Li and Rong Rong also needed it.

After coming out of the hospital, Li Rong wasn't really angry. She didn't like this kind of relationship from the beginning.

However, if he didn't show his strength in front of his sister, how could he persuade her to follow them back to the capital.

Actions are more convincing
(End of this chapter)

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