Start with a college teacher

Chapter 583 Good Dad

Chapter 583 Good Dad (1)

Of course Shen Guanglin would not be angry.

Just like what Shen Teng and Lu Yu said.

When a person is very handsome, if others say you are ugly, you will not be angry, because you know that others are jealous of you.

When you are really ugly and others say you are ugly, they will definitely be angry, because it is true.

The fact is that Shen feels that he is a big shot.

Of course, he wouldn't be angry because such a small person like Eldest Senior Brother looked down on him.

There is no need for this.

This is forcibly lowering one's intelligence for no reason to repeatedly break up with the little people, why bother.

Shen Guanglin took Li Rong away in a graceful manner.

Even Shen even grabbed her waist unscrupulously, indecently, oh, do they dare to kiss in public?

They were not worried at all that Sister Manli would die.

It's really good, it's easier to mobilize her to work in the capital.

However, the hospital is a state-owned enterprise after all, and Sister Manli is a regular employee. It is really difficult for the hospital to treat an employee.

"Your sister and brother-in-law, why are you like this?" The elder brother looked at Shen Guanglin's restless hands, feeling disgusted and envious at the same time.

"It's up to you, too?"

Sister Manli didn't want to give Eldest Brother a good face, and he had nothing to do with her.

It's wrong for my sister and brother-in-law to come to the department, but I don't want to keep looking at your face, and you can't do anything about me.

She is also a person with a degree. Although she is not a student of Professor Zhang, after all, everyone graduated from the same school, and there is some love.

As long as I don't seek promotion and advancement, you can't suppress me at all.

From this point of view, the elder brother's situation is still low.

He should listen to Shen Guanglin's words before exercising his power.

Of course, Shen Guanglin's words were indeed not that pleasant. If it wasn't for some misunderstandings in the process, Sister Manli's statement that she could meet Professor Zhang was not just casually.

But these are not important anymore.

Shen Guanglin just wanted her to see what kind of strength he was. With someone like Shen, he didn't need to rely on this kind of relationship at all.

If he wants to see Professor Zhang, he can rely on his hard power. He just needs to mention it to the school, and he only needs to mention it to the hospital. It is impossible not to see him.

In the evening we ate together again.

After all, it was the first reunion of the two families, so of course it would take a while.

Is this word too much?
But looking at Lao Li's happy face, Shen Guanglin felt that he should use some more exaggerated words.

Today I chose to have dinner at another hotel, called Hotel Moderne.

It is also very famous in Harbin, with a history of more than 50 years, and the meals and accommodation in this hotel are together, just like the Peace Hotel.

It has been two days since I came to Harbin, and Shen Guanglin and the others also know what is better about Harbin.

Therefore, they did not continue to live in the original hotel, and a group of people moved directly into the Modern Hotel.

Without him, Boss Shen likes the feeling of historical precipitation.

Everyone knows his taste, who would dare not accommodate him.

The same is true for Lao Li, he is also afraid of Shen Guanglin.

In fact, in the whole team, everyone is centered on Shen.

Because everyone knows that Shen said that he doesn't care about everything on the surface, but he is actually a stingy person in essence. He really doesn't care about money, but he cares about feelings. If anyone makes him unhappy, he won't take revenge overnight.

Sister Manli worked hard all day and finally came back.

At the dinner table, she said sorry to her sister and brother-in-law with a tired smile. She couldn't help today and let them lose face.

Of course Shen Guanglin and Li Rong smiled and said, "It's okay."

Even, Shen Guanglin said, "Don't worry, we can meet Professor Zhang tomorrow, and you are busy with the introduction today."

Sister Manli doesn't quite believe it, so let's say something practical.

Since she doesn't believe it, Shen must prove it to you.

The meal is over, it's time to leave.

Shen Guanglin made a concluding statement: "Everyone is tired today, so let's go to rest early. Tomorrow we will formally visit the hospital. We must call for Professor Zhang to accompany us, and the elder brother is not allowed to appear."


stop talking nonsense,

"What name are you going to our hospital for?" Sister Manli felt that her brother-in-law was getting more and more outrageous. Sister Li Rong's vision was not good, and she was deceived by her brother-in-law's rhetoric.

"We are in the name of your father, Sister Manli. Your father is a great leader." Shen Guanglin suddenly made a turning point and pushed Lao Li out.

"My dad is the big leader?"

It was only then that Sister Manli began to wonder what her own father did and whether he had more prestige.

Shen Guanglin immediately went on to say, "Sister Manli, you are so smart. Uncle Li is really very powerful. He is not low-level now. From now on, you can go to the hospital even if you offend the dean. Help you settle."

"real or fake?"

Sister Manli was very surprised and couldn't believe it.

The biggest leaders she has ever seen are probably the principal and the dean, and her father is in a high position. Can this be true?

of course it's true.

Shen Guanglin hasn't said anything deeper yet. If you know who your grandfather is, your surname will probably be changed to Li.

Lao Li didn't refute Shen Guanglin's sudden statement about his status and authority.

The weight is not necessarily, but the position can still be calculated, especially in the following provinces.

After all, men always want dignity and face.

He himself was ashamed to show off his achievements in front of his first love, Xiao Yu, and his eldest daughter, and those words of admiration would only look awesome if others said them.

Shen Guanglin understood him very well.

Lao Li was still very proud of himself.

Although he may be really useless as a civilian deputy ministerial leader, it is very likely that he will not be as good as Shen Guanglin when he arrives at the school.

However, everyone is a family, and there is no need to tear things apart if they accomplish this kind of thing with each other.

Old Li smiled and said nothing, he didn't refute, and let Shen Guanglin brag.

Shen Guanglin started talking about the topic, because of Lao Li's relationship, we can be said to be in Harbin City without any disadvantages. We don't need Lao Li to show up tomorrow. Whether we want to see the principal or the dean, it's all a matter of one word.As for wanting to see Professor Zhang, it was a matter of course.

Sister Manli believed it.

Dad is really amazing. It's not bad to have such a real dad.

Probably, only Li Rong was laughing there without knowing what to say.

The climax of this dinner turned out to be the ending, but it was a pity that brother-in-law Lu was not there.

Brother-in-law Lu went back to the port for duty, and was really busy at work during the National Day holiday.

Until now, he doesn't know what kind of good wife he has married. Her family background can save him 30 years of struggle.

rest early.

The kid played with his grandpa all day today, very happy.

Lao Li also bought a lot of things for her, and with a little tricks, he won the child's approval.

Speaking of it, Lao Li and Aunt Yu are middle-aged and elderly people who are raising a child together, which seems to be a good match.

It's just that it's not easy to find a place for the mother-in-law's position.

Since it's so late, the eldest sister can stay in the hotel together, don't worry about the money, Lao Li's unit can reimburse you.

Reimbursement shit, this is all reimbursed by Shen Guanglin, Lao Li has not gone back to work for a long time, and he has already retired.

At night, Sister Manli slept with her daughter, tossing and turning, unable to sleep for a long time: her biological father turned out to be a high-ranking official.

What Shen Guanglin said was also awesome. Does the weapon industry know that Lao Li can be said to be the second-in-command in it.

Aunt Yu can prove that when they went to college, they studied this kind of major. She just didn't know that Lao Li had already reached such a high position.

Although this position is high, it is not enough to affect medical universities.

Don't worry, Shen Guanglin's assistants have already made arrangements for visiting the school and meeting with Professor Zhang.

Professor Shen came here with two identities, one of which is the director of Shen Guanglin Laboratory of Beijing University, and the other is the chief scientist of Great Wall Group and the chief scientist of Great Wall Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

As soon as this official letter was handed over to the Medical University, the leaders of the school certainly attached great importance to it, and even prepared to rush to make banners overnight.

There is no need for this. Professor Shen is a low-key person. He came here because he wanted to study at school, and at the same time, he wanted to communicate with Professor Zhang.

She couldn't sleep at night, so she got up in the middle of the night and called her husband who was far away in Jamusi, "I have a good father."

(End of this chapter)

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