Chapter 584 Chicken and dog ascend to heaven (2)

The next day, sunny, cloudless.

With the wind blowing, the original mist had been blown away long ago.

Although Sister Manli went to bed very late, she woke up early in the morning.

It's still good for such a high-end hotel, with free breakfast, you can eat very full.

I waited until it was time to go to work, and I didn't see my sister, brother-in-law and others in a hurry. I went to the room where they lived, and they were still brushing their teeth and washing their faces slowly.

Young people don't know moderation either.

Later, everyone finally got up and had breakfast.

Lao Li was going to take the children out to play, and he didn't have the consciousness to attend important ceremonies as a big leader.

How did that happen?She even thought about who to give the child to, and today she is going to see how majestic Lao Li is.

Finally seeing Shen Guanglin appearing in formal attire, Sister Manli's flustered heart calmed down a little.

Looking at Shen Guanglin's Ma Ma Xiang, Sister Man Li couldn't help but asked, "Xiao Shen, doesn't Dad want to go with us?"

"No, a big leader like him is suitable to stay behind the scenes. He doesn't need to attend such a small scene easily. It's fine if I'm here."

Lao Li agreed with his words, nodded with a smile, and left with the children.

After dinner, I saw that Shen Guanglin and Li Rong were well dressed, the man was handsome and the woman was beautiful, and Shen Guanglin's assistants also surrounded them, all of them in formal suits, more formal than Shen Guanglin.

Sister Manli suddenly felt bad.

After thinking and thinking, I didn't go back to change clothes yesterday.

Although I took a shower at night, I always felt that the clothes were not particularly appropriate.

In fact, it is unnecessary.

Although she is 30 years old and has given birth to a child, she has a good figure and appearance, and her hardware is good enough to look good in anything she wears.

Well, the sisters can hold each other's hands, which can relieve tension.

Sister Manli felt that she had to hold Rongrong's hand in public, otherwise the two of them would do some indecent things.

She and Lu Lu had never thought about these things.

There is no need for everyone to wait too long, the welcoming convoy has really arrived.

It seems that what Xiao Shen said is true.

A group of people got into the car one after another.

Their itinerary first went to visit Harbin Medical University, and then interviewed.

In fact, Harbin Medical University is also Sister Manli's alma mater, and her biological father also graduated from this school, except for her mother, who graduated from the Military Engineering Academy.

To be honest, it has been so many years since she graduated, and she often comes back, but she has never come back in this way.

Moreover, she had never seen so many school leaders.

The brother-in-law was very reserved, and the school leader shook hands with Xiao Shen one by one. Xiao Shen's back was also straight. I don't know if it was an illusion, why did she think the school leader's back was not so straight.

When visiting the campus, the brother-in-law is also the center of everyone.

However, what made her more puzzled was that these school leaders didn't seem to mention her father's affairs, they always asked Professor Shen's opinion and what Professor Shen thought.

She knew that Xiao Shen was a teacher. Could it be that Xiao Shen is really a professor already?

The energy and influence of the father is really great.

She is so proud.

Xiao Shen said yesterday that she would definitely see Professor Zhang today, but she didn't believe it, she wasn't someone close to her, and she didn't know how busy he was.

But today, in the conference room, she actually met the long-awaited Professor Zhang.

Today's Professor Zhang came here with his elder brother.

When we met for the first time, it was naturally a polite greeting. Professor Zhang and Professor Shen hit it off and chatted very happily.

The next step is to introduce each other's people.

Shen Guanglin said, "This is my lover, and this is my lover's sister."

Professor Zhang also said, "This is my student Xiao Liu. Xiao Xiao is obviously a doctor in my department. How can he become your lover's sister?"

Surprise is certain, but what Shen said is very unpleasant, especially in the eyes of the elder brother.

"Yu is a good doctor, but Xiao Liu is not very good. I don't like him at all."

Brother Liu was very surprised.

He knew that today he would pay a visit to Professor Shen Guanglin who came from the capital with his teacher, and he has respected him for a long time. He did not expect that Professor Shen was Yu Yu's brother-in-law, and that Professor Shen actually told him that he could not do it to his face.

That's right, Shen's pattern is only so big.

This is what he himself admitted, "Someone Shen said yesterday, don't bully the young and poor, it will be fulfilled today."

what happened?The school leaders and Professor Zhang are at a loss.

Shen Guanglin explained that he had already been to the hospital yesterday, but was stopped by this doctor Liu and was not allowed to visit.

As a last resort, I wasted precious time with the school leaders and Professor Zhang today.

No delay no delay.

Although the Medical University is a very good medical university in China, compared with the Capital University, the gap is still relatively large.

Although Professor Zhang is a very capable professor, he is still very humble in the face of experts from the capital, especially those who are very powerful across fields and disciplines.

Shen Guanglin expressed his dissatisfaction with Senior Brother Liu, Professor Zhang could only say, "Xiao Liu, I just remembered that there is a case that has not been resolved, you can go to it."

Xiao Liu can only go to work.

"Professor Shen, Yu is really your lover's older sister, alas, I really didn't know there was such a relationship."

"Now that Professor Zhang knows, the school and the hospital should take care of him more." Shen Guanglin also smiled happily.

Changing faces is a good skill, and this is really Shen Guanglin's style.

Sister Manli was a little embarrassed by the rapid changes.

She didn't expect that one day she would become a mighty second-generation official. Back then, she hated all of this.

She was annoyed senior brother yesterday, not because of anything else, but because she felt that senior brother Liu would trouble her from time to time in the future, which was very annoying.

However, all of this no longer exists today, so Brother Liu's future might not be affected.

Because Xiao Shen's evaluation of Senior Brother Liu was "low emotional intelligence", the school leaders and the school leaders thought it was very reasonable.

The anticipation before the face-slapping is fascinating. Now, the face-slapping is really completed, which means entering the time of the sage, which is quite boring.

Sister Man Li didn't know how Shen Guanglin was able to complete the slap in the face so easily. She only knew that the elder brother's face was gray and defeated. It seemed that she really had a huge influence on her side.

Does dad have that much influence?
Xiao Shen is just a son-in-law, yet he can chat and laugh happily with the principal and the dean, and seems to have the upper hand.

Does this count as one person gaining the Tao, and the chicken and dog ascend to heaven.

Shen Guanglin didn't give too much explanation, he retired after finishing his work, and left the professionals in the laboratory to communicate with Professor Zhang.

Feedback from professionals isn't great.

Arsenic can treat leukemia and other tumors, but its attack mechanism is to kill by poison, and it kills 1000 enemies and damages itself 950.

There is promotional value, but the conditions of use are very limited.

It is really not easy to make a breakthrough from here.

Moreover, the use of arsenic to treat leukemia, the dosage, and the curative effect are all uncontrollable.

Only when Professor Zhang has a wealth of experience, can he prescribe the right medicine and adjust the dosage at all times, can the curative effect be obvious.

If you change another person and give other people medicine casually, it may be that the cancer has not yet attacked, and the person was poisoned to death first.

There is no other way to study leukemia.

However, money can still accomplish a lot of things, and Shen Guanglin's team has collected more useful information.

In 1960, experts from Citigroup discovered a cluster of short chromosomes from chronic myelogenous leukemia, which they called Philadelphia chromosomes.

It is estimated that this is the key to the development of Gleevec.

After returning from school, Shen Guanglin and Li Rong started ideological work with his sister: Why don't we stop working here and move to the capital, where there is a better future.

Don't think about anything else, for the sake of the children, it's time to go.

Sister Manli is not a child anymore, she thought about it, and happily agreed.

Even, soon, she started to complete the handover of work at the unit, and she was going to the capital, who can stop it.

Professor Shen's lover's sister will definitely have a bright future.

It was still early before returning to Beijing, and Shen Guanglin finally had a car, which he borrowed from the school.

Of course, it was not without other indications that they came here this time.

The Shen Guanglin Laboratory of Capital University has established a cooperative school in Harbin City and the Medical University. Shen Guanglin also agreed and will definitely attend the corresponding ceremony.

Celebrities, there is no way to be popular.

My sister's work is done.

Brother-in-law is very busy with work, but he didn't know what news he got, so he rushed back quickly.

Wine is food, the more you drink, the younger you will be.

At a certain stage, brother-in-law Lu quietly asked Shen Guanglin, "Manli has gone to work in the capital, and me, shall I go there too?"

"You are different, and there are special arrangements for you."

(End of this chapter)

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