Chapter 585 Visiting relatives (1)

Jiashi is located in the northeast of Heilongjiang Province, where the cockscomb is located. It is also the location of Ningguta Angbangzhangjing in the Qing Dynasty.

Ninggu Tower is a good place, I don't know how many heroes have been buried.

It's a new era, and the development here is not bad. It is also the headquarters of the Black Provincial Construction Corps. Brother-in-law Lu's home is here.

Now, this group of people is going to Jiashi to visit their in-laws.

After all, it's a relative's family, and it's rare for Lao Li to come to the Northeast, so he should go to visit this relative.

In fact, he didn't want to go at first, and he couldn't help Shen who wanted to go.

Mr. Shen not only wanted to go to Jiashi, but also wanted to visit Tongjiang Port. It is said that it is the intersection of Songjiang and Heishui, and the scenery is quite beautiful.

According to what Shen said, it's rare to go out for a trip, so naturally you have to play comfortably.

Old Li laughed.

Shen Guanglin said again, I heard that your daughter's status in her husband's family is not too high, if you, a high-ranking official, don't support her, then someday she will be able to really raise her head
Then Lao Li had nothing to say.

In fact, Shen Guanglin didn't know how Sister Manli's family status was, but he thought that in this day and age, if there was no son in the family, they would always be not harsh.

In short, Jiashi is definitely a must.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin also had some ideas about brother-in-law Lu's work, and he planned to go to Jiashi and Tongjiang to investigate.

Regarding Shen Guanglin's arrangement, brother-in-law Lu has some opinions. Do you have to go through the Zheng review first to arrange work?
In fact, not only brother-in-law Lu, but also sister Manli felt that Xiao Shen was taking too much control.

Why don't you refute what he said and arranged?

However, after all, no one said these words to Shen.

Shen Guanglin still felt that he had done a good job. After all, all the itineraries were arranged by himself. Isn't this a life of hard work?

In fact, in the past few years, as long as it is a long trip, when and where to go, Shen Guanglin has the final say on everything.

Everyone is used to it.

First, who made him the beneficiary? Who pays the money? Who has the final say? If not, you pay the bill?

Moreover, the people under him will also plan, there are those who stand in the front, some are in charge of security, and some are in charge of checkout.

In short, as long as he is away from home, someone will arrange everything in an orderly manner, so who would question what he is doing?

Probably, it was also because someone had been doing the security work for someone Shen. Rongrong and Lao Li felt that if they interrupted indiscriminately, it might disrupt the work arrangement of the security team.

Both the school and the higher authorities have said, Professor Shen, this is a national treasure-level scientist, and security work is the top priority.

As long as Shen Guanglin is willing to pay, the country is willing to send more professional people.

This treatment means that after Shen Guanglin developed high-temperature superconducting materials, his security level has really been raised.

Now, anyone who dares to trouble him will really be invited to drink tea.

After a long time, everyone got the impression that Shen Guanglin said he wanted to do something, and as soon as the order was issued, everyone would execute it immediately. There was no special and important reason, and he was too lazy to break the plan.

When I went to Jiashi this time, some of Shen Guanglin's students stayed to continue their scientific research work, and the rest of them went to Jiashi with Boss Shen and brother-in-law Cheap.

It is said that it is already the most frontier city, and someone Shen really has his own ideas.

For this reason, he also called a person from the capital. This person used to follow Shunzi to dump goods in Eastern Europe.

To go from Harbin to Jiashi, you have to go northeast, and you can just walk along the Songjiang River. There is a national highway here, which is convenient.

The scenery along the way is good, and you will pass Bayan, Mulan, Tonghe, Yilan in turn, and finally arrive at Jiashi.

The distance is quite far, but Shen Guanglin doesn't care.

When I come out, I travel, and work and making money are secondary.

When he came out this time, he was also preparing to experience the folk customs of the Northeast.

And Shen Guanglin's greatest hobby is eating, so he can taste delicious food along the way.

They did not choose to take the train, mainly because it was difficult to carry luggage. It is really better to drive there, anyway, there are cars and drivers.

It is an honor to use the school car first, and no one will say anything.

The road conditions of national highways in this era are really not good, but after the country's vigorous rectification, the public security has indeed improved a lot, but there are quite a lot of toll stations along the way, so the military license plate does not charge tolls, and the few remaining cars of Shen Guanglin You have to pay, and it won't work if you don't pay.

Every time they arrive in a county, they will stop for a while, ask about the local special attractions, and taste the local specialties.

In short, one must find a restaurant that satisfies Shen, and only then will he decide whether to settle here.

However, the owner of the restaurant has never seen such a picky customer. The small stir-fried pork needs to be fried twice, the pepper needs to be cut off, and the fish must be scraped to remove the fishy line. This is really a lot of requirements.

If it weren't for the fact that they were accompanied by two good-looking women, the boss would definitely go crazy and beat someone up.

However, the boss also gritted his teeth and looked at the slogan in his store: run the restaurant in a civilized manner, and it is strictly forbidden to beat the guests, so he suppressed his anger.

He didn't even know that there were controlled weapons in brother-in-law Lu's car.

However, even so, Shen Guanglin still gave a bad review on this kind of food. The oil is heavy and the salt is heavy. Other than that, it is tasteless, not even spicy. You tell me this is a special dish?

This is the special dish, Zeilaxiang, quack, is there any?Look at the oily residue, it’s intentionally not deep-fried, just keep the oil and use it to stir-fry, it’s delicious!

Shen Guanglin didn't feel the fragrance, but felt greasy.

Brother-in-law Lu saw it in his eyes and kept it in his heart. Could the hospitality at his own family fall into the eyes of this brother-in-law?
He wouldn't come to find fault on purpose, would he?

It was already the third day when the large troops arrived in Jiamu City.

They rested for two nights in the middle of the journey, and the journey was not rushed anyway.

This complicated tour group seemed to be respecting the wishes of Lao Li and Aunt Yu, but it was Shen's will that was actually carried out.

Because, no matter where they arrived, someone had already arrived here in advance and made arrangements.

They have already imagined everything Boss Shen needs, and all kinds of itineraries are properly arranged.

The more this happened, the more admiration Yu Manli and his wife had for the strength of their father, Lao Li.

It turned out that this was the high-ranking family.

Dad really is a high-ranking and powerful person, this trip is simply a private visit in a micro-service.

Even though my brother-in-law is a professor, I guess he assumes the role of a life secretary. It's just that this secretary doesn't respect the leader a little bit, and he's going his own way, which is not good.

It was the first time for Shen Guanglin and the others to visit Jiashi, and they were all curious about the customs and customs here.

I have to say that this city is still okay, especially brother-in-law Lu's home is actually the family area of ​​the Black Provincial Construction Corps. It seems that this family is not completely rootless.

The delegation found a place to live, and brother-in-law Lu brought his wife, child, father-in-law, sister-in-law and brother-in-law back home.

The old couple of the old Lu family are waiting. They know that the in-laws' guild will come to Jiashi, so they have already made various preparations in advance.

It's just that they didn't expect that the tour group would be delayed for such a long time on the road.

Fortunately, Lao Li didn't put on airs, and shook hands with his in-laws very enthusiastically. It's time for the host and guest to enjoy themselves.

It can be seen that the old couple of the Lu family are a little reserved and nervous. Even in their own home, they still feel a little at a loss. Lao Li's level is almost the same as the commander of their construction corps.

After toasting, the atmosphere became active.

Everything else is fine, the only regret is that this mother-in-law and father-in-law are not a complete family, and it is estimated that there is no possibility of forming a complete family.

Lao Li probably wanted it very much, but his mother-in-law might not agree.

If he was looking for reinforcements, Shen Guanglin would definitely support Lao Li, which was also the reason and motivation for him to persuade Lao Li to take Aunt Yu out together.

Even, if it wasn't for Li Rong's obstruction, he would have arranged a room for them.

Does old uncle Fengchun have it?
Old Li felt more and more that Xiao Shen, the son-in-law, really liked him, and next time, he would go out without Rong Rong.

In this banquet, Xiao Shen was not the main character. Even though he was a professor at the Capital University, he was only a teacher teaching in the capital when he was introduced. On the contrary, it was Rong girl who worked in the Organization Department of the Central Committee, and seemed to have a brighter future.

Lao Li is the most respected one, who made him a high-ranking official, very tall, especially, the old couple of the Lu family are also cadres, the more cadres, the more important they are.

The deputy minister of the Ministry of Ordnance Industry sounds very powerful, no different from a high-ranking official.

Sister Manli's family status has really improved, and she is not allowed to do cleaning work.

Oh, everyone is a family, where there is so much bullying and fearing the hard, and there is not so much climbing up and down.

We are all urbanites, and we all eat commodity grains, so a higher salary or a lower salary does not affect the quality of life.

It's just that it's really difficult to arrange Manli's work in the capital, and that's why it feels like a countryman going to the city.

As far as the capital is concerned, the country is full of rural areas.

(End of this chapter)

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