Start with a college teacher

Chapter 586 Starting Point

Chapter 586 Starting Point (2)

The old couple of the Lu family suggested that since the daughter-in-law can be given a job, what about the son?

Can Xiao Lu's job be relocated as well, it's really hard for the family to live in two places.

No, Xiaoyu works as a doctor in a hospital in Harbin, his child goes to kindergarten in Jiashi, and Xiaolu works as a border guard at Tongjiang Port.

The family is divided into three places, and it is difficult to get together.

Small things, with Lao Li around, it is not difficult at all to settle in the capital.

It's just that Shen has other ideas about Xiaolu's work arrangement.

Even without Shen Guanglin arranging the work, let Lao Li arrange the work, it can be done.

Although Lao Li doesn't like to be in charge, but he really wants to find a job for his daughter and son-in-law, and it's still very easy.

However, Shen Guanglin was willing to get involved, and the job he was looking for offered a high salary, which Lao Li couldn't compare to.

Now, which company can have a higher salary than the Great Wall Group?
The job that Shen Guanglin arranged for Sister Manli was no longer to be a doctor in the hospital, but to go to the laboratory to do research and development of biopharmaceuticals, or to do clinical work. There was always work to do.

Even if you don't do anything, it's normal to receive a salary.

The banquet is over, and there is no rush for work.

"Comrade Lu, there is a difficult, glorious and great task waiting for you, please think about it."

Brother-in-law Lu kept flashing these words in his head.

This is what Shen Guanglin told him.

Lao Li agreed to transfer Xiaolu's work to the capital, even if Shen Guanglin didn't do it, he could do it.

However, after dinner, Shen Guanglin wanted to chat with brother-in-law Lu alone. He didn't covet his sister, but deliberately separated his sister and brother-in-law. He really had work tasks assigned to his brother-in-law.

There is no good tea in the Northeast. People here like to drink jasmine tea, which is very fragrant.

Jasmine tea is a bit like a suona in musical instruments. Once it appears, any tea fragrance can be covered up.

The same is true for suona, as soon as it appears, everyone can pack up and eat.

"What do you think of Lao Li?" Shen Guanglin asked directly after taking a sip of tea.

"Old Li? Did you mean father-in-law?" Brother-in-law Lu didn't dare to call Lao Li that. He still respected power and status.

"Yes, it's my father-in-law. I usually call him Lao Li. He's an approachable person."

Shen Guanglin and Lao Li are really too familiar, they really feel like brothers. They even have a tacit understanding in how they do things, and sometimes they can tell what the other means by just looking at each other.

"I can't say that. I married Manli not because my father-in-law is a high-ranking official." Brother-in-law Lu explained that when he married Sister Manli, no one knew about Lao Li except Aunt Yu. It is my dear father.

Shen Guanglin continued to ask: "Then are you under any pressure now?"

"A little."

"Then do you know what kind of family the Li family is?"

"I really don't know."

After all, we haven't known each other for a short time, not to mention brother-in-law Lu, even sister Manli doesn't know what kind of family the Li family is.

"How about this, brother-in-law, what major do you study, and what do you know after working for a few years? I can also arrange a job for you."

Like an interviewer, Shen Guanglin began to conduct a comprehensive review of his brother-in-law.

"Xiao Shen, don't look at you as a university professor. I also went to university. I studied military command, and I'm still in the army. However, for Manli's sake, I can retire now."

Brother-in-law Lu also wanted to have a family reunion, but the times did not allow it. There were many such examples, and Yu Manli was unwilling to give up her major and come to a county.

After all, Harbin City is also a provincial capital, which is much better than Jiamu and Tongjiang.

That is to say, there is no strong relationship in the family, otherwise the brother-in-law would have found an opportunity to go to Harbin for a family reunion.

"I don't want you to retire. It doesn't matter whether you retire or not. The important thing is, what can you do?" Shen Guanglin continued to ask.

"I can do a lot. Even if I am looking at the gate, I can still stand in a military posture for 6 hours, and I am the No. 1 shooter in the whole regiment. The grenade can be thrown 70 meters, and it is no problem to go cross-country for 10 kilometers."

To be honest, Shen Guanglin was envious of his real name, it must be a livestock.

However, this is not what he wanted to express, Shen Guanglin continued to return to the original topic:

"Then do you know what kind of family the Li family is?"

"Brother-in-law, although father-in-law is very high-ranking, we really don't mean to be high-ranking. I don't compete for your status, as long as our family is reunited."

Brother-in-law Lu really misunderstood, Shen Guanglin could only take the initiative to explain.

"As for Lao Li's piss, am I afraid that you will compete for favor? It's not the throne, I'm not talking about Lao Li, I'm talking about the next generation, do you know what the old man does?"

The brother-in-law was a little embarrassed, "You never said that, how would I know."

Shen Guanglin began to talk about the great achievements of the old man, and brother-in-law Lu, as a soldier, was immediately stunned.

He thought that Lao Li was already powerful enough, but he didn't expect that there would be more powerful ones.

"real or fake?"

"Of course it's true, but if you want to get into the eyes of the old man, your resume is not enough."

"What should I do?"

"You have to make meritorious service."

"There is no battle now, how can I do meritorious deeds? Could it be that I was transferred to Caiyun? I am not afraid of death, but I still have a wife and children."

Shen Guanglin talked about the business, "The economy over there is not so good now, isn't it, there are many people who sell goods through the port?"

"It's true. We can find speculators every day. However, it's not easy for them. As long as they don't go too far, we don't make things difficult for them."

Brother-in-law Lu's job is to inspect ports, so he knows a lot about this phenomenon, and he knows it deeply. After all, Russia is on the other side of the river, and Tongjiang itself is a relatively famous treaty port between the two places.

Not to mention the normal commercial transactions of vehicle transportation, even the private logistics transportation carried by people on horseback, they also turned a blind eye.

"You have eaten filial piety, right?"

"Xiao Shen, what you said is hard to hear. We really haven't harmed the interests of the country."

"However, their actions have harmed the interests of their neighbors."

"Then who cares? A few years ago we were planning to fight them, so the relationship has eased in the past few years."

Shen Guanglin didn't digress, he said his original plan: "

Therefore, when I was in Harbin, I will help you figure out a way out: your future work is to guard the port, follow the trend of the times, and participate in the process of the times. "

You want me to be a bad guy?

It can also be understood in this way, not entirely.

Shen Guanglin continued to fool around: "

According to the judgment of the upper echelon, Lao Maozi probably won't last for a few years, and now is the time of turmoil.Therefore, they have some valuable things in their hands, which used to have a relatively high level of confidentiality, but now they can get them at a relatively low cost. "

"You mean I do business for the country?" Brother-in-law Lu calmed down and didn't say yes or no.

"No, you are helping me, it has nothing to do with the country."

"I understand, you represent the country."

"No, I represent myself, at most the Great Wall Group, not more people."

"Oh, that's right, that's okay, there is a department in charge of this now, brother-in-law, it's not that I don't want to, it's that there is no way."

It turned out that this brother-in-law is not so easy to fool, think about it, he is in contact with this every day, and from the moment Shen Guanglin mentioned the port, he immediately and sensitively realized what Shen Guanglin wanted to say.

Oops, Shen Guanglin didn't believe it even if he couldn't catch you anymore.

"Different departments have different needs. You have to know that your status is different now. Do you know what our father-in-law does?"

Shen Guanglin could only persuade him from the beginning.

"Lao Li's current client counts as the deputy director of the Ministry of Ordnance Industry. If you can get more advanced weapon materials, even industrial machinery materials, you have made great achievements. Can he go further?
Whether you have other departments doing these things, it has nothing to do with us. Our focus is still on civilian use, for example, some material technologies, some processing techniques, and some research and development materials. This is the focus of our work.

As for those military materials, it's good to have them, but it doesn't matter if they don't. "

This is Shen Guanglin's purpose.

"Yes, it was possible to sell things from there at that time, but we have no capital?"

"How much money do you want?" Shen Guanglin suddenly felt that he had a chance to play tricks.

"Actually, I can get in touch with the train wagons that enter and leave the country. Even if it is a wagon, it will cost two to three million yuan. Who can have such money? What if it is a train? It will cost several million .”

Brother-in-law Lu also wanted to see Shen Guanglin's strength. Everything was exaggerated. In fact, his ability really can't handle a train.

Shen Guanglin was surprised and said, "Why do you want so much money?"

"That's right. After all, it takes two or three months to transport it. It's not easy. But if you don't have that much money, the starting point can be lower. Isn't that how people bring goods manually?"

"After all, we are an ordinary family, so the starting point should not be too high." Shen Guanglin hesitated and said.

"Alright, brother-in-law, tell me, how much money can you raise?"

"Just 2000 million."

"What? Renminbi or rubles?

(End of this chapter)

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