Chapter 588 Brand (2)

Tongjiang is a small town, full of Soviet-style buildings, that is, the kind of black lacquered tube buildings, which may have something to do with the coldness here in winter, and there are suitable application scenarios.

In winter, the environment here is [-] to [-] degrees below zero, and even the little brother is pumped by the freeze. If anyone can fight in such an environment, it will be really powerful.

Speaking of the impact of CCCP on China, it is not so obvious in other places, but in the Northeast and in Heilongjiang Province, the imprint of CCCP has been left everywhere, which is indelible.

Back then, they also supported our construction and laid the foundation for our industrialization.

Based on such complicated emotions, Shen Guanglin decided to ask brother-in-law Lu to organize people to bring money and go there to help.

There is true affection and true love in the world, and it is time for them to need help.

And use our hands and our materials to exchange for some high-tech technology.

Both people and supplies are needed, we are not short of these meals.

Tongjiang is a small city, but it is a port city after all. Although there are not many main streets in the county, there are many shops and pedestrians.

The difference from Jiamu City is that there are really shops everywhere, such as clothing stores, grain and oil stores, and various goods transfer stores.

Even where there are no shops, there are many people setting up street stalls, which is very lively.

Shen Guanglin took Li Rong for a stroll, and there were quite a few good things there.

For example, the silverware from the Soviet period, various matryoshka dolls, and all kinds of Soviet-style things are quite distinctive. Shen Guanglin bought several for Li Rong, and she liked them very much.

Brother-in-law Lu turned a blind eye to such a romantic behavior, completely ignoring Sister Manli's resentful eyes.

"Compared to Xiao Shen, what advantages do you have?"

"My body is better than his. I can do a thousand push-ups in one go. How many can he do?"

"How do I know that!"

However, on such a bustling street, what everyone cares most about is not the body, but the transaction, even the transaction of second-hand goods.

Many of the stalls are second-hand goods from Russia, and many of you like to shop for treasures here.

Moreover, there are many blue-eyed and blond-haired foreigners on the street.

Li Rong found it very strange, "Brother Guanglin, why are there so many Russians here?"

Immediately, she was surprised. He spoke Northeast dialect, which was full of bad taste, very authentic.

Brother-in-law Lu also came forward to explain, "These are not foreigners, they are our Chinese people. They used to be nobles from Tsarist Russia. They escaped after the October Revolution and stayed with us. There are few villages like this."

Understand, the lonely nobleman who was once rich in his ancestors.

But, did they leave the Tsar's treasure?

It is said that the Tsar's treasure was thrown into Lake Baikal.

But the problem is that Lake Baikal is really deep, and it is not so easy to salvage.

Shen Guanglin led everyone to carefully inspect the trading market, and then he fell silent.

What's all this? The rubber shoes will rot if you pull them, the inside of the leather shoes is actually made of kraft paper, and the shirt will be ruined when you wash it.

How did things like this get shipped abroad?

Why did they let you come back alive?

Shen Guanglin suddenly thought of a joke about the closure of the Jiangnan Leather Factory. From this point of view, the closure is really not a loss.

The source of these goods was clear after a little inquiring, and it really came from Wen City in Zhejiang Province.

Probably, those real estate speculators in later generations got their initial funds from here.

Sure enough, when capital came to the world, it was really not that pure.

With these people, there is still a long way to go if we want to operate with integrity.

About next year, there will be a fire in a square in Hangzhou.

However, it is not a cure for the symptoms.

What to do with foreign trade, Shen Guanglin suddenly felt that he should make a good plan first.

The credibility of the Huaxia people has been lost by these people.

If you want to do some things well, you can't do them blindly. You need to plan carefully for this matter.

"Things of this quality, this kind of business, we are determined not to do it!" Shen Guanglin said firmly.

"Others are doing this, so what shall we do?"

Let's go back first.

The first thing after going back is to have a meeting, not a family meeting, it's about trade.

Shen Guanglin threw the materials collected from the market and transported to CCCP on the table. Such things have become very rampant and overflowing.

However, since it is a meeting, there must be a charter.

Shen Guanglin still starts with what he wants.

"Old Li, do you have anything you want?"

Of course Lao Li did, and Balala said a lot, but Shen Guanglin didn't agree to any of them.

Shen can make some contributions to the country, but he can't be so eager for quick success.

What Lao Li proposed are all internationally sensitive military technologies. You think I am a god.

It's also Shen Guanglin's fault, when he usually brags in the biological base, he can always get good goods from Lao Maozi through foreign trade.

Old Li believed it and made a list.

Let's take a long view.

However, the matter of foreign trade really has to be done in Lao Li's coat, otherwise things are really difficult to do.

When the business goes well in the future, help him introduce a few military technologies.

However, it is naturally impossible for Shen Guanglin to take Lao Li's needs as the focus of his work. At present, the first step is to develop private trade.

After staying in Tongjiang for the past few days, Shen Guanglin also got some information from some people who were "bad guys".

Is business going well now?

It’s easy to do, but you can’t be fooled by a city. The goods in Wenzhou have been flooded these years, and the quality is too poor. If you want to transport those materials to the past, you need to change a place with a shot.

Can this be done well?

What are you afraid of? One billion people, [-] million, and [-] million are still thinking. There are always people who do not believe in evil, and there are always people who are deceived.

This is not the trade Shen Guanglin wants.

Shen Guanglin decided: in the future, the products of the Great Wall Group will be used as the fist of foreign trade, and the market must be occupied and cultivated with brand awareness, and the market cannot be exhausted.

At present, the clothes produced by Great Wall Clothing have been exported to many countries, and they have always been mainly OEM. Now it is time to establish their own brand.

Great Wall is a good brand, mainly high-end. If it is really for export, it is a big deal to create a new brand specially for export.

However, we cannot relax when it comes to honest management.

Shen Guanglin emphasized that his vision still needs to be long-term, because this business can still be done for a long time.

Now we can do business with the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, and we can do business with the CIS in the future. The good days are yet to come.

Only when the brand and integrity are established can the business grow bigger.

It may be possible to get the Varyag back in advance and donate it to the country.

(End of this chapter)

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