Chapter 589 Father (1)

"Want to go across to see?"

Next door is the Russian Jewish Autonomous Prefecture, which historically belonged to our land, but because of historical reasons, it can no longer be taken back.

Leaving aside the history, the scenery on the other side is very good. If you want to travel, you can go there to see it.

Moreover, brother-in-law Lu is very confident in his own energy. Their unit holds the inspection power of the treaty port. If Shen Guanglin really wants to go there, he only needs to issue a certificate.

No matter how you say it, when you get here, if you take one more step, you will be considered as going abroad.

But Mr. Shen didn't want to go, he didn't have confidence in the law and order on the other side, he wasn't a bold person in the first place, and besides, he didn't go abroad much.

He is very unconfident about the current security of Soviet Russia, and feels that there is no need for him to visit this country in a short time.

Be careful to sail the thousand-year-old ship.

Now, no matter where Shen went, he would bring a few bodyguards with him, not for anything else but for his own safety.

What if someone really made up his mind?He's not a boxing expert, but he has a lot of money.

It wouldn't be beautiful if the traveler was fooled and overthrown by little people.

In fact, his situation is considered very low-key among rich people. Now those rich people in Xiangjiang have long been fully alert that they will bring dozens of bodyguards when they go out.

In particular, after experiencing Li Chaoren's eldest son and Guo's second son being kidnapped one after another, they felt extremely insecure and wished they could go to the door and clear the way.

Shen Guanglin had already guessed who it was, but he didn't dare to say, and he didn't know them well.

Shen Guanglin's performance was not as exaggerated as theirs, he just brought three or two people to prevent thieves.

However, it was necessary for everyone to equip Shen Guanglin with security personnel, even he himself thought so.

Anyway, the Great Wall Group pays, and everyone has something to earn, so why not do it.

After watching the picturesque scenery of the frontier fortress, the next step is to appreciate the customs and customs of the frontier.

The way to observe is to drink alcohol and eat meat.

With the backing of the rich and powerful Mr. Shen, brother-in-law Lu really experienced what it means to spend money like water.

Money used for communication is not called money.

Treating yourself to a meal is a necessary process to deepen your relationship.

With their wealth and wealth, they booked the best restaurant in Tongjiang, and opened [-] or [-] tables, just to entertain Xiao Lu's colleagues.

In this kind of occasion, it is actually not suitable to promote someone Shen, and can only promote Lao Li's name.

It turned out that Xiao Lu's lover had a lot of background, and his father was the leader of a certain ministry.

Lao Li, who was dealing with salmon and sorghum pot stickers, didn't know that he was so powerful.

Lao Li is as delicious as Shen Guanglin.

The salmon produced in Heishui is of excellent quality, and it is an excellent choice for sashimi.

However, in China, sashimi is not popular. They have long developed a different way of eating, which is very traditional and delicious. It can be called ground pot fish.

In the Northeast, eating ground pot fish is surrounded by a kang with a stove in the middle. Put fish and various condiments in the pot, and put a circle of small corn sorghum flour pancakes on the edge. When it is cooked, serve the vegetables. Eat it together with soup, it is delicious.

The tables were all set up like this. While eating, everyone was chatting about how big the leader of this little Lu family is.

Even when Xiao Lu was toasting, some people asked Xiao Lu for verification.

Xiao Lu didn't mean to hide it, this was also Shen Guanglin's arrangement, to maximize Lao Li's value.

In fact, Lao Li's rumors were originally spread by Xiao Lu himself, but it was not so deliberate.

Moreover, Xiao Lu is going to have real evidence, because Lao Li's name is really on their leader list.

There is no official website in this era, otherwise it would be easier to find information about who is the leader.

"That's amazing! Then what are your plans in the future? Go to the capital to eat delicious food and drink spicy food?" The comrades in arms are very envious. Although the salary at Tongjiang Port is high and the oil is rich, the hard work is really hard.

"No, I still want to continue to take root at the grassroots level, and I won't leave Tongjiang. It's just that I may go to sea to do some business in the future, and I can't continue to work with everyone. Please take care of me."

Lu Jun also answered seriously.This is also the route Shen Guanglin planned for him, to establish a good relationship with his colleagues.

"You're not an official anymore? Go into business? What's that picture?"

Many people expressed their incomprehension. If they had such a father-in-law, they would definitely go on in the system, and Xiao Lu went to university and has a degree.

Xiao Lu replied with a smile: "This is what the country needs. If you want to import something that is not suitable for the public, you have to go through a secret channel. What I am going to do is this part of the work."

This reason can be lofty, and everyone immediately expressed their understanding.

That's it!

Even everyone naturally found a reason for Xiaolu: he came to work at Tongjiang Port, probably to understand the actual situation in the border area, he is a person on the secret front, and he has to do big things, so please keep it secret .

Yes, yes, drink, drink.

In short, the matter of foreign trade has been settled in this way.

Shen Guanglin and brother-in-law Lu made a detailed explanation: If the CCCP is strictly controlled in China, you can go to Eastern Europe to have a look, and you don't have to guard the old man.

As for Varyag or not, it doesn’t matter. The important thing is to see what good things are available. We don’t aim to make money.

In fact, there are many countries in Eastern Europe, their industrial strength is still very strong, like Yugoslavia, like Czechoslovakia, some industries in their countries are at the international leading level, and the introduction of a technology from such a place can fill the gap in the country.

Moreover, Czechoslovakia is a good country. Students who have learned English and watched the Titanic have learned this sentence: "Jack, Slow fuck!"

Can anyone who is good at English give me a literal translation.

Eastern Europe is a good place. If it happened by chance, Professor Shen even thought: I can also go there to investigate it. Eastern Europe has beautiful women, so it would be a pity not to go and see it.

However, if you want to trade with those countries in Eastern Europe, it is not suitable to transit CCCP, and sea transportation is the most convenient.

We have an advantage in this regard. He, Shen, has a good relationship with the Chartered Ship King, so we can just use it.

In fact, Shen Guanglin's Great Wall Group has quite a lot of business contacts with the charter king. Many of them may be transported by sea, and even from Yangcheng to Jinmen by sea, which is cheaper than the railway.

Thinking about it this way opened my mind in an instant.

Now, the economic situation in those countries in Eastern Europe is not very good. Before the drastic changes in Eastern Europe, it is estimated that many companies will be on the verge of bankruptcy.

The reason for their bankruptcy is not that there is no technology, but that there is no market.

Shen is not afraid of not having a market, he is afraid of not having good technology.

In the next few years, it is estimated that Western countries will implement a complete blockade of China. At that time, taking advantage of Eastern Europe and Lao Maozi will become the mainstream.

Thinking about it this way, laying the foundation in the past now is simply a matter of time.

After returning from Tongjiang, a group of people returned to Harbin.

After all, there are still many things that have not been done yet.

For example, if Sister Manli and her children are going to the capital, what will Aunt Yu do?
If Aunt Yu also went to the capital, what about the mother-in-law?
Shen Guanglin thought for a while, let Rongrong arrange this matter, anyway, we have a house to live in the capital, and where the three of them live is up to you.

Isn't it easy to hand over the problem to someone who can solve it.

Back in Harbin this time, Sister Manli was in a very happy mood.

In particular, when Sister Manli returned to the department office to hand over work, everyone heard that she was going to work in the capital, and immediately exploded.

And the unit she went to is said to be the Affiliated Hospital of Beijing Medical University, which is much better than our hospital.

After a few days of deliberation, everyone finally knew: Xiao Xiao climbed up to a man from Beijing University, who was said to be a well-known professor, who was very powerful, and it was because of that professor that Senior Brother Liu was excluded.

Everyone discussed in private: "Let me just say, Yu Manli is so good-looking, and the man is not around, so what might happen? Now it seems that being good-looking is still useful."

This yin and yang voice made people feel that less than this job transfer must have used illegal means.

"That's right, you can see that the figure of someone who has given birth is the same as if he had never given birth. He has no belly at all. Hey, have you seen that professor?" Another gossip woman also began to envy her real name. Before they have children, the pork cheeks will grow out.

"I've seen, I've seen, five or 60-year-old old man, he looks quite upright, looking serious, it's all bad water."

It turned out that they mistook Lao Li for Xiao Shen. They only knew that there was a famous professor at Capital University who supported her. It couldn't be that younger sister and brother-in-law.

Yu Manli came to the unit, and the autumn wind was blowing, which happened to be able to clearly describe her body curves.

Moreover, Yu Manli was taller than ordinary girls, with longer legs and a thinner waist.

Take a look, it's that old man!
Lao Li stood at the door of the department, quietly waiting for his eldest daughter to pack up. He was very patient and personable, and would smile at everyone he saw.

"Yu Yu, who is that at the door of the department? Are you dating?"

"Hey, that's my dad."

"Master Qi?"


(End of this chapter)

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