Start with a college teacher

Chapter 590 Another 1

Chapter 590 Yet Another (2)

Yu Manli went to the capital, so Aunt Yu naturally also went to the capital.

She is getting old, her wife is not here, and her daughter is no longer here, so what's the point of staying alone.

Aunt Yu is a teacher in Harbin. She shares the same profession as Shen Guanglin, and both teach universities.

It's just that the school she teaches is average, and its strength has declined drastically. It is no longer the prestigious school it was back then.

Back then, the alma mater she shared with Lao Li was very powerful, but it is no longer here and has moved away.

When Lao Li came here to find his roots, he came purely to find someone.

Harbin Military Industry has long been split into many schools. Currently, the National University of Defense Technology located in southern Shonan is the most influential. Other departments are also developing well, such as Northwestern Polytechnical University, Jinling University of Technology, Yuzhou University of Technology and so on.

Only the part they left behind has developed so-so. The name of the school now is the School of Ship Engineering, which is not foreign at all, and its influence is not high.

Moreover, Aunt Yu teaches philosophy at school. She is already an old lady in her 50s, and she is still an associate professor.

It is very difficult to find a job for her.

The phenomenon of seniority ranking in domestic colleges and universities is very serious. Not to mention that Aunt Yu is not yet a full professor, even if she has already been evaluated for a full-time job, it would be extremely difficult for her to transfer to Capital University.

The biggest possibility is to take a part-time job in Shen Guanglin's laboratory. Anyway, he is about to retire. It is more free to go through the retirement procedures in advance and take care of the children.

Shen Guanglin asked, if Aunt Yu really wants to teach at Capital University, it is really difficult at this age and with this education.

Others will gossip.

Discrimination in academia is more serious than in any industry. Instead of feeling wrong, everyone enjoys it.

Even in later generations, it is normal for undergraduates to discriminate against junior colleges, 985 to discriminate against secondary schools, and Qingbei to discriminate against other types of schools.

Even the students in Qingbei discriminate against their own alumni.The alumni associations they organized only accept students from these two schools at the undergraduate level, and they look down on those who are admitted at the graduate level.

Because, whether you are a graduate student or a doctoral student, you are not one of us.

Don't really say that everyone is treated equally, it is most obvious when the university recruits.

When recruiting lecturers in many universities, the most difficult thing is the first degree. The first degree is not good, even if you have a Ph.D. from a prestigious school, others don't want it.

Shen Guanglin asked, didn't Aunt Yu study military engineering, why did she go to teach philosophy?

Isn't it because of work needs? After 69 years, those majors that belong to the military industry have all moved inward one after another.

At that time, Comrades Forever Healthy issued the No. [-] order: In order to prepare for war.

However, her lover, the old man who took over from Lao Li, taught at a medical university.

For the sake of her family, isn't it natural for her to choose to stay?

Oh, why does Shen Guanglin still feel sour for Lao Li when it comes to this.

I don't know if Lao Li is still coveting his aunt's beauty. Although she is almost sixty years old, she is a "good" old lady, the kind who can be a model on TV and act as an expert.

Of course, it is said that the model who shot the "mother outfit" is not yet 30 years old, which is the age of youth.

Fortunately, many old wolves are glad that their aesthetic orientation is still normal, and they still like young and beautiful women.

Shen Guanglin naturally received a warm welcome when he arrived at the School of Shipbuilding Engineering, and the school leaders personally received him. The treatment was comparable to that of a provincial Party committee leader inspecting him.

Seeing the close relationship between Shen Guanglin and Teacher Yu, someone asked about their relationship, and Shen Guanglin said: Teacher Yu's daughter is my wife's biological sister.

Everyone's attitude towards the teacher changed immediately.

Isn't this your mother-in-law? Why are you making such a detour?

Lao Li thinks beautifully! !

Shen Guanglin helped Aunt Yu go through the retirement procedures, and asked if she could retire with the title of full professor, or if she could retire due to illness, so as to give young people a chance.

Of course you can, the school is very efficient and it will be done quickly.

"Xiao Shen, you are really amazing. I have taught for 30 years, but I have not yet been awarded the title of professor. With just a few words from you, I have won the title of professor."

Aunt Yu doesn't want to follow others, but she has no reason to object to the convenience brought by power.

"So-so, the third best in the world." These things are just trivial things to Shen Guanglin, and it's good that Aunt Yu can help.

"You are the third, so who are the first and second?" Sister Manli asked.

"If I call it third, no one dares to call it second."


The broken home is worth tens of thousands of dollars. In order to move, brother-in-law Lu helped his mother-in-law and wife coordinate a train cover, and Shen Guanglin also arranged for someone to meet him at the train station.

After everything was packed, the family set off on their return journey.

There were three when they came, and seven when they went back. Brother-in-law Lu came with him, and he will go back in a few days.

During this trip, Shen Guanglin's team did not gain much academically.

Those in Shen Guanglin's laboratory studied Professor Zhang's case of treating leukemia and other cancer tumors with arsenic, and found it difficult to promote.

Moreover, the curative effect of arsenic trioxide on leukemia is not as clear and significant as imagined, and the toxicity of arsenic is too strong, which can easily damage body functions.

If you really have this incurable disease, it is estimated that a dead horse can only be treated as a living horse doctor.

Arsenic cures leukemia, which probably shouldn't be considered a major medical breakthrough.

This is Shen Guanglin's evaluation, at least, internationally, this score will not be too high.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin decided to give up on this direction. He wanted to turn around and really go to study Gleevec.

That is the right path.

Bumps and bangs along the way.

A group of people finally arrived in the capital.

"Is this the capital city?"

Children are most happy with Beijing. Although she is not yet 5 years old, she already knows "I love BJ Tiananmen, the sun rises on Tiananmen".

Having said that, the matter of arranging the three mothers was left to Li Rong, and Li Rong did not refuse.

In order to keep Aunt Yu and her mother away, Li Rong placed them in the place where she usually lives, which is a courtyard not far from the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.

Speaking of which, Li Rong didn't live here very often, and only lived here when Shen Guanglin was not in the capital and she was too lazy to go home.

Now the yard is empty and empty, just enough for a family to live in and increase the popularity.

As for whether Li Rong has any other careful thoughts, who hasn't thought about it.

It is already remarkable that people are so generous as to accept Auntie Yu.

However, she also knew that there was nothing between Aunt Yu and Lao Li.

The new home courtyard has arrived.

This location is quite good, it is indeed not far from Tiananmen Square, and it is a traditional courtyard house.

It has been modernized, with plumbing and bathrooms installed, no need to travel far to public toilets to solve personal problems.

The courtyard is really fragrant.

There is a very powerful genre at the starting point, called Qinman Siheyuan.

Boss Shen and Li Rong have quite a lot of courtyard houses, but they never thought of sharing them with others to develop the story of Sha Zhu and Qin Huairu.

Li Rong was able to let Aunt Yu move in, probably because she and Sister Manli were sisters, rather than leaving a room for Lao Li to steal.

"The conditions are relatively simple, please don't mind."

On this condition, is it still simple?

In the courtyard with two entrances, the screen walls are all carved, and every room has been carefully repaired, using high-quality wood. Every room is full of various traditional furniture and modern electrical appliances.

Even, there are computers here, but they cannot be connected to the Internet.

Aunt Yu and the others thought that Zhongnanhai would be like this.

Whether Zhongnanhai is like this is hard to say, Lao Li's own house is definitely not as comfortable as this yard.

The next day, Shen Guanglin was going to take Sister Manli to see his unit first. She has a good major, and the biological group must be able to develop targeted drugs for leukemia, which should be used.

If she really doesn't want to, then go to work in the hospital again.

Sister Manli is in a very happy mood these days, and she is very energetic these days, and she looks much younger.

At work today, she wore an ordinary plaid skirt and just wore a young hairstyle. She looked young and beautiful even under 20 years old.

Li Rong was going to work in the organization department, and Shen Guanglin drove Sister Manli to the laboratory.

As soon as they got off the car, everyone in the laboratory was stunned: Boss Shen is engaged in wholesale, why is there another one!
(End of this chapter)

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