Start with a college teacher

Chapter 592 Advertising

Chapter 592 Advertising (2)

Sister Manli suddenly felt that Xiao Shen's brother-in-law was not in the right mood. Leukemia was not so easy to study.

"of course not."

Shen Guanglin's original intention to study leukemia has been going on for a long time, and it really has nothing to do with her.

Professor Shen said that he will continue to study leukemia, so he really must study leukemia seriously.

He's not one to talk nonsense.

Moreover, some people in the laboratory have already been transferred to do data collection and analysis.

There are still some harvests, but not many.

There are so many vast amounts of information that need to be analyzed and sorted out by Professor Shen.

The task of pointing out the direction is none other than Professor Shen.

For example, some time ago, they went to the Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University to discuss the treatment of leukemia with Professor Zhang.

There really wasn't much progress in this work, except for helping Lao Li find his eldest daughter back.

Professor Shen is very rigorous in doing things. He said what to do, even if everyone feels that it cannot be done, they will not refute it.

Because, as long as it is the views and theories proposed by Professor Shen, there is nothing that cannot be achieved so far.

He said yes, yes!
Now, Shen Guanglin said that he will conquer leukemia in the next period of time.

You have no foundation at all. Sister Manli, who has worked in the hematology department for many years, expressed serious disbelief.

However, other people in Shen Guanglin's laboratory are full of confidence. Even if they don't understand medicine, let them understand biology.

As long as Professor Shen says yes, then we will definitely do it!
The next step is to set up a dedicated project team.

Shen Guanglin was the leader of the team, and Sister Man Li was the deputy leader. As for the others, they all made up their minds.

Everyone studies biology, and their understanding of medicine and leukemia is really limited.

Therefore, it is imperative to find a decent hospital and cooperate in depth.

Sister Manli said, no, at the end of the torment, I still go to work in the hospital.

Just, which hospital do you cooperate with?
Sister Manli said, whether it is possible to cooperate with their hospital, it happens that Professor Zhang has accumulated skills in the treatment of leukemia.

Shen Guanglin refused. The hospital was too far away, and Professor Zhang was too famous.

You still want to curse?

Of course, this is part of laboratory project management.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin issued two cooperation invitation letters, one to Beijing Medical University, and the other to Union Medical College.

After all, the Beijing Medical University and the others are their own people. Although the doctors there are not very capable, they should be able to cooperate smoothly.

As for Peking Union Medical College, this hospital is currently the best hospital in Beijing. They have done a lot of research in the treatment of leukemia, whether it is chemotherapy or bone marrow transplantation, they are all at the forefront of the country.

If you want to conquer leukemia, you can save a lot of trouble by working with them.

However, the heads of departments of the two hospitals saw Shen Guanglin's invitation letter, which said: Professor Shen wants to join in the grand event with you to conquer leukemia in one fell swoop.

Everyone felt bad all of a sudden.

Can leukemia be easily cured? This is cancer, and it is a blood cancer that is more difficult to treat than other tumors.

Shen Guanglin said in the letter that they will also use gene therapy that no one has heard of.

No domestic hospital knows what gene therapy is.

Everyone may not know what genes are, and even if they know a little, it is just hearsay.

That's right, you, Shen Guanglin, just made a genetically modified crop, and you felt invincible in a blink of an eye, didn't you? You planned to conquer cancer genetically, and you never heard of it.

Either the domestic medicine is backward, or the medical circle of Citigroup, no one has proposed to solve the cancer problem from the genetic level.

The forward-looking one is the Nobel laureate Dalbecco, who made this statement to lobby Citigroup's Congress to allocate funds to complete the Human Genome Project.

Can cancer be conquered by sequencing the human gene?Of course not.

In particular, the work of human gene sequencing has not yet started, and you are targeting leukemia for gene therapy. Is it possible?
Professor Shen likes to climb the frontier of science and technology, so he is probably drifting.

Union Medical College rejected the proposal, and they would not do unprofessional things.

Everyone is already very busy with their work. What is the difference between Professor Shen’s idea of ​​overcoming leukemia through genetic methods and using special functions to treat leukemia?

They don't believe it.

Jingcheng Medical University also wanted to refuse, but they dared not.

Shen Guanglin said, "We are our own people. If you don't agree to set up a project team, then if there are any results in the future, you won't have a share."

"We don't want this result. If we really research the result, it will be fine to stay in your laboratory."

"I'm the chief scientist of the Great Wall Group." Shen Guanglin resorted to an inexplicable trick.

However, Jingcheng Medical University was intimidated, "Will the Great Wall Group donate ambulances to the hospital?"

"Our charity will only be donated to a hospital that knows how to make progress."

In this way, the leukemia project team was established, and Sister Manli was one of the team members and the deputy team leader.

The young student army in Shen Guanglin's laboratory is two, three or four of the members, and there is not a single professional doctor in it.

The hospital also said that the doctors are very busy at work, and we must cooperate with all we can. As for the shares of the project team, we don't want them.

Under Shen Guanglin's insistence, the hospital decided to account for 1%.

What the hospital said is also reasonable. What we can provide, that is, patient resources, takes up too much of your shares, which is not appropriate, and we have no money to invest in the project team.

How many hospital beds are provided in one site?

No, you see, some people live in the hallway when they are hospitalized, and there is not even a spare bed.

Now, the project team is established, with no money and no one.

Deputy team leader Yu Manli asked Boss Shen for instructions, what should we do?Can't go on.

This is not afraid, then advertise it.

When the news of the advertisement spread to China, everyone was stunned.

The great Oriental Shen, also known as Professor Shen Guanglin, will set up a project team for the development of new drugs for the treatment of leukemia.

Now, if nothing else is lacking, there is a shortage of talents in this field and the funds for them to squander.

You don’t need to be very talented, as long as your graduate school is ranked in the top two in your country, a doctorate is the best, but what we are looking at is the first degree;

There is no need to have a lot of money, just 1 million US dollars in advance, crowdfunding, and a floating share system.The project team will hold a non-dilutable 30% stake, and the income generated will belong to Shen Guanglin Laboratory.

As for the shareholding by other parties, it can be determined according to the funds invested, and the fundraising process will continue until a major milestone occurs.

In short, donate on a first-come, first-served basis, and donate if there is more, it will be counted as the research funds of the laboratory, and you can make up if there is less.

Is Professor Shen crazy?

If you lack money, you will go abroad. This is open alms.

Want to show some face?
Everyone is watching: You, Shen Guanglin, are really good, but you are too ruthless, you are taking others for fools.

The direct goal is to conquer leukemia, and as long as the scholars graduated from the top two universities, it can easily cost 1 million U.S. dollars.

It is true that if leukemia can be conquered, US$1 million is really not much. After all, it is considered a common disease.

However, you have nothing, not even a serious researcher, and you want those funds and institutions to donate 1 million US dollars to you for free, what are you thinking.

However, when domestic scholars received the news and there was no movement, the news was already boiling abroad.

Now there is no e-mail, and the air parcel takes too long, and I am afraid that Professor Shen is too busy with work and has no time to unpack it.

Many experts in the field of leukemia have transformed themselves into international airmail and flew directly to the capital, just to have a face-to-face talk with Professor Shen.

As for money, it's even less of a problem.

Takeda Corporation and Pfizer are old friends, and the time has come to be taken advantage of, so naturally they have to be taken advantage of.

Johnson & Johnson, another pharmaceutical giant of Citigroup, wants to step in. Yes, welcome!
That's about as good as it gets.

Originally, Zeneca from England also wanted to participate, but relying on their Huaxia Tong, they even found a negotiation manager from Xiangjiang.

As a result, before the negotiating team arrived in the capital, the project team had enough funds.

(End of this chapter)

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