Start with a college teacher

Chapter 593 Interview

Chapter 593 Interview (1)

Domestic colleges and academic institutions often talk about history and background, but they don't talk about grades.

Now, everyone admits that Shen Guanglin's laboratory is very powerful, but there is no scientist who has been famous for a long time willing to join in. Without him, it is just to save face.

How old is he? His laboratory should have been established for a few years, and after a little achievement, it started to float.

Now even brazenly want to conquer leukemia.

You are a physics student, studying biology is a bit too much.

Now, after becoming the team leader of the biological group of the 863 Project, do you no longer remember your last name?

Do you know what leukemia is and how to overcome it?

As for the previous achievements of Shen Guanglin?

If I have that kind of money, I can also produce results.

But where did the money come from?But relying on continuous results in exchange for it!

They don't talk about this, and if they talk about it, they will give you an outline.

That's the rotten money of capitalism. I'd rather starve to death than such rotten money!Lao Li, I heard that Dongzhimen is very cheap to exchange for foreign exchange certificates. Can you exchange another 50 for me.

The Leukemia Research Group has been established for some time, but there have been no heavyweight scholars to join. Sister Manli saw it in her eyes and was anxious about it.

"With just a few of us, can we achieve results?"

"Of course! I'm a well-known professor at Capital University. Xiao Ma, Maverick, and Xiao Gou are outstanding graduates of our school. Even those who help us are all outstanding students of Capital University. With such a lineup , can it not produce results?"

It makes sense, Miss Manli couldn't refute it.

Randomly pick someone from here, they are all from Capital University, they are all the pride of heaven, Sister Manli is already numb, if you don't come here, you don't know that there are so many people in Capital University.

But Sister Manli is still not confident, "No one is over 30 years old, can it work?"

"Don't worry, in a few days, there will be people over 30 years old."

It really is.

After all, it is close to the water. The first person to come here was actually a domestic colleague, Professor Sui Linfang, a young scholar from Wudaokou Technical School. He is very young, not yet 50 years old.

Shen Guanglin didn't know that this was a very powerful boss in the future, and he would become an academician in the future.

However, in this era of Wudaokou Technical School, their other majors are very good, but the biology major is really not good. After all, it is a new major established in 1984, and the background is not enough.

However, Mr. Shen's recruitment announcement has already stated that as long as the scholars who graduated from the top two institutions, Wudaokou Technical School just meets the requirements.

Even if people from other colleges and universities in China want to come, they are already stuck by the rigid conditions.

After all, this is the first talent to surrender and should be reused.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin took Sister Manli to interview Professor Sui Linfang, and chose to be in a reception room of the biological base.

At present, the biological base has begun to build a large-scale construction project again. They plan to build a hospital by themselves, and only set up one department, that is, the blood disease department.

Of course, this department does not specifically recruit doctors and nurses, all of them are provided by the Affiliated Hospital of Beijing Medical University, but all medical instruments and inspection equipment are prepared by the laboratory.

I provide the hardware, you provide the software.

Shen Guanglinye said that in the future, when the research group is over, all these testing equipment and treatment equipment will be sent to your hospital. It is not a waste of time.

The relationship was good, and the hospital was overjoyed, and sent all the most beautiful little nurses that it had treasured for many years.

The appearance of the biotechnology company has suddenly stepped up to a new level.

Sitting in the seat, Sister Manli was still quite unconfident: "This is a professor, and he is from the Wudao Fighting School. Can I interview him to lead him?"

Sister Manli seriously lacks confidence in herself as the deputy team leader.

"Sister, don't belittle yourself, your sister can lead me, and you can lead a professor, too."

"It's different, it's not at home."

"It's no different. This is my laboratory, and this is my research group. You represent me now, not others. There will be other scholars coming in the future, and you can manage them as well."

Shen Guanglin is Sister Manli's strongest backing.

"Why did they come?"

"The good treatment I give is only one aspect. The key is that my laboratory can produce results and have sufficient funds. This is more important than anything else."

In this era, there is no shortage of talents in domestic laboratories, but there is too much shortage of money, and Shen Guanglin's ability to raise funds is particularly strong. I don't know how many people are willing to do scientific research with him.

"Are you really going to raise that much money? $1 million, that's a lot of money."

Sister Manli naturally knew about Shen Guanglin's advertising abroad, but she still didn't understand it. Why should others spend so much money on you?

Just relying on Professor Shen's name, that's enough.

Shen Guanglin smiled confidently.

It seems to say that you are still young, and you cannot grasp some things that are too profound.

After thinking about it, Shen Guanglin sighed: "It's not that I look ugly, it's also that I can't help it. If I don't cheat more money now, in a few years, life may not be as easy as it is now."

What Shen Guanglin said meant something. He didn't know what would happen to the scientific research ecology after entering the 90s, so he could only take one step at a time. Even if the money couldn't be spent in a short time, save it first.

"Would others really take so much money so stupidly? Just because we said we want to cure leukemia."

"Of course, this is Wang Qi's direction. In the future, don't say such stupid things, it will affect morale."

It's almost time.

Under the leadership of the little girl at the front desk, Professor Sui entered the reception room.

Shen Guanglin smiled and stood up and stretched out his hand, "Professor Sui, hello, we meet again."

Of course, Professor Sui Linfang also hurriedly greeted him, holding Shen Guanglin's hands tightly, "Professor Shen, we met before the Mid-Autumn Festival."


The two seemed to be old friends who hadn't seen each other for many years, talking eagerly but boringly.

Because, the two have talked about whether it is more delicious to eat rabbits when they are alive and injected with saline, or they are dead and salted.

It was only then that Sister Manli realized that the so-called asking her to come for an interview was actually a cover, and she had known her for a long time.

Think about it too, the two schools are so close, how could they not communicate with each other.

We are all in the same circle, maybe Professor Sui came to borrow the experimental equipment.

In fact, Professor Sui Linfang is a pure Wudaokou Department. He entered Wudaokou Technical School to study in 1964. After hard study and hard competition, he finally stayed in the school.

After more than ten years of hard work, I have reached the position of professor step by step, and every step is not easy.

Later, the school re-established the Department of Biology, and he entered the college without hesitation and became a professor of biophysics.

If it wasn't for the fact that the Biology Department of Wudaokou Technical School really needed grades, and if it wasn't for Shen Guanglin's record in the past, he would definitely not want to come.

In fact, local school stayers like Professor Sui have become less and less popular under the impact of more and more overseas returnees.

Especially in recent years, some turtle doctors have come back, and associate professors start at every turn.

Professor Sui is still young, and the reason why he went to the newly established School of Biology was to make a mark.

However, under the impact of young scholars, he is also under a lot of pressure. If he can't make some achievements, it will be difficult to gain a foothold in the academy.

Both parties have needs, and they can be regarded as hit-it-all objects.

Then let's talk as we go, and see if the new laboratory is satisfactory.

Shen Guanglin took Professor Sui around the laboratory, and Professor Sui's expression immediately changed.

"The one that hasn't been opened is really a 4D color Doppler ultrasound? These devices are all for the project team? What if someone else borrows the device? How do you allocate the time for use?"

After all, Professor Sui is not a direct descendant of Capital University, and Shen Guanglin's laboratory has several subjects in the biology group. Dou Wei's influence is far beyond what he can match.

Professor Sui is a newcomer and a latecomer, so naturally he has to think more.

"In the leukemia research group, there is no public equipment. As long as other research groups have equipment, we can have all of them. If other people want to use some equipment, you can make an application report, and the authority to approve it is yours."

Shen Guanglin gave a firm guarantee.

Now that the research funds are already in place, the necessary instruments and equipment must be indispensable.

Shen Guanglin even suggested, what equipment do you want to use, make a list, we have nothing else, we just have money.

This is already Shen Guanglin's usual trick. He pays for researchers to choose their own equipment.

For other people in Shen Guanglin's laboratory, as long as the scientific research results are good enough, the bonus may not be much, but the scientific research funding will definitely be much higher.

Once you have money, even if you pile it up, you can accumulate some results.

Now, let alone the ordinary laboratory of Wudaokou Technical School, it is not so easy for a national-level high-standard laboratory to meet such conditions.

Only with Shen Guanglin here can he do whatever he wants.

"The last question, in addition to the topic you set, can I apply for a new research project by myself, even if it is a sub-project related to the main topic, I can bring people here, and I also have students and disciples, which are no worse than yours."

Where are the students better? This is an eternal topic.

When Professor Sui came over, his purpose was not that simple.

Leukemia cannot be overcome in a day, but it is also impossible for them not to eat or drink.

Researchers who have not achieved scientific research results for a long time cannot gain a foothold in the scientific research community.

"It's okay to choose a topic. Students and assistants can also use part of your school. Although your school is not satisfactory, we warmly welcome Professor Sui to come over. But there is one thing, the results are from our laboratory. It's okay for you to have honor, but School doesn't."

(End of this chapter)

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