Chapter 594 Pledge (2)

"Leukemia, also known as blood cancer, is a type of clonal malignant disease in which hematopoietic stem cells are abnormal.

Its performance is that the leukemia cells in the clone lose the ability to further differentiate and mature and stagnate at different stages of cell development.

In the bone marrow and other hematopoietic tissues, a large number of leukemia cells proliferate and accumulate and infiltrate other organs and tissues, and at the same time inhibit normal hematopoiesis, and the clinical manifestations are anemia, hemorrhage, infection and infiltration of various organs”

The large conference room was full of people, and it was not Shen Guanglin who spoke, but one of his students - Xiao Ma.

Xiao Ma is also one of the deputy team leaders who exercise power on behalf of Shen Guanglin, and is currently explaining the past and present of leukemia to the participants.

In terms of professionalism, Xiao Ma is no worse than those who have studied medicine for many years, but he has not been specifically exposed to clinical medicine, and he also studied biology.

Now, not only Professor Sui and the students he brought from Wudaokou Vocational School sat in the audience, but also some blue-eyed and blond-haired foreigners.

The foreigners came from abroad, and they came to surrender to Professor Shen.

Professor Shen is open to anyone, as long as they have a Ph.D., this is acceptable.

Shen Guanglin's theory is also very simple. They don't need to have real research and development capabilities at all. As long as they have real academic qualifications, they must be able to do a lot of things, and that's enough.

It is no problem for a doctor trained by a prestigious school to be a tool person.

Therefore, there was no assessment, and Shen Guanglin accepted several at one go. After signing the confidentiality agreement, they officially joined the leukemia research group.

The shortage of manpower that Sister Manli was worried about before was finally no longer a problem, and it even became a super luxurious existence on paper.

This project is amazing, consisting of Shen Guanglin Laboratory of Capital University, Wudaokou Technical School, Oxford University in England, Harvard University in Citigroup, and Fuso Kyoto University.

These schools can be regarded as the top group of universities in the world. They formed a joint public relations project team to jointly overcome the problem of leukemia.

Of course, this is just a report in the media.

Anyone who is really knowledgeable knows that none of these people can fight, and if they can make major scientific research results independently, they will not come to Shen Guanglin. However, it is not right to say that they are useless, each of them accept After years of skill training and education, I still have a little ability.

Everyone came for Shen Guanglin, and Shen Guanglin came for the useful tool man.

Now, the most real situation is: the leukemia project team is only a sub-project of Shen Guanglin's laboratory, all the achievements and honors belong to Shen Guanglin's laboratory, and the economic benefits generated in the future can be divided into [-]-[-]%, and the laboratory's permanent [-]%.

Therefore, when they participate in this project team, they can personally gain honors and gain knowledge. If there are more, there will really be nothing.

The next step is for everyone to get together and start assigning tasks.

Since the project was led by Shen Guanglin's laboratory, a character like Xiao Ma suddenly became an important person. Everyone was not convinced at first, but now they are convinced.

The reason why Shen Guanglin's laboratory can produce so many achievements is really not for nothing.

Perhaps Wudaokou Vocational School has a reputation similar to that of Beijing University, but in terms of professionalism, Professor Sui is under a lot of pressure.

These young people in Shen Guanglin's laboratory are full of confidence and fighting spirit. They can always carry out any word Professor Shen says, which is simply too enviable.

Therefore, they can get twice the result with half the effort when they collate and analyze the data of leukemia.

Xiao Ma continued his narration:

"Although leukemia is an incurable disease, if the method of bone marrow transplantation is adopted, the life span of the patient can be prolonged and even cured.

However, the matching success rate of bone marrow transplantation is too low, and the amount of money that needs to be spent is also relatively large.

Now, our goal is not to cure all leukemias, but to cure one type of chronic myelogenous leukemia.

As early as 1960, Norwell of Citigroup discovered that there was a chromosome smaller than group G in the blood of patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia. At that time, the academic circles did not even know how many chromosomes the human body had, so someone discovered it Yes, it's really amazing.

Everyone knows that the discovery of this chromosome segment is very important, because Nowell worked in Philadelphia, so this chromosome was named the Philadelphia chromosome. "

Immediately, someone raised their hand in the audience, "Is what we want to conquer is the leukemia caused by the Philadelphia chromosome abnormality?"

"Yes, please listen to me.

Later, some people continued to conduct in-depth research on this subject. They believed that the reason for this phenomenon was due to the deletion of the long arm of human chromosome 22. "

Xiao Ma talked about the research information they had collected in a calm manner. They had done a lot of homework, and they were not afraid of doubts from the audience, so they were very sure.

"The data we have collected shows that this is not the real situation. In 1973, some scholars discovered that the Philadelphia chromosome appeared because of the translocation of the long arm of chromosome 9 and chromosome 22.

The consequences of the translocation are serious, which lead to the recombination of the proto-oncogene abl on chromosome 9 and the bcr gene on chromosome 22 into a fusion gene.

As a result, even more terrible consequences came. This fusion gene directly led to an increase in the activity of tyrosine kinase, and the cells started to proliferate in the absence of growth factors, thus inducing chronic myelogenous leukemia. "

"So, the goal of our project team is to overcome chronic myelogenous leukemia at the genetic level. Because this type of leukemia accounts for more than half of all leukemia patients."

This is indeed an ambitious plan.

Now gene sequencing work is still the most cutting-edge topic in the world, and they have decided to solve the disease problem from the genetic level.

Dongfang Shen is not great.

"Do we have a specific implementation goal?" A doctor of pharmacology came from Kyoto University. He understood the direction Xiao Ma said, but what should be done specifically?

The idea is very good, but you also need to have a specific direction of action. This is the key to making something happen.

It is such a coincidence that Professor Shen has already given the direction of work, and the next task of the project team is to work hard according to the direction given by Professor Shen.

Xiao Ma changed a chapter of slides, on which there were only a few lines made up of a sentence: find a substance whose mechanism of action is to block the binding position of ATP on abl kinase, so that the tyrosine residue Can not be phosphorylated, thereby inhibiting the proliferation of diseased leukocytes.

That's right, Shen Guanglin's request was that simple.

Once you have the direction of work and the money, you can just find this substance, and you can set up another experimental group. As long as you find this substance, the new drug will be successfully developed.

Everyone thought about it, this is indeed a direction of leukemia treatment, and even, not only leukemia, but also other genetic diseases, as long as the genetic signal is interrupted, the disease can naturally be cured.

Sure enough, the greatness of Professor Shen really lies in the fact that he proposed a great direction.

Everyone's eyes became excited.

(End of this chapter)

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