Start with a college teacher

Chapter 595 Physical Exam

Chapter 595 Physical Examination (1)

There are several directions to treat leukemia.

Bone marrow transplantation is a direction, and using arsenic is also a direction, and solving this problem from the genetic level is even more a direction.

Bone marrow transplantation is a kind of organ transplantation. The history of this technology has been developed for a long time. As early as 1895, some people started to do it.

Not only leukemia, some hematopoietic disorders and other diseases can also use this technology.

But there is one thing, if you want to do a bone marrow transplant, it is too difficult to find a suitable source.

Moreover, the process and prognosis of bone marrow transplantation are also very risky.

Before bone marrow transplantation, the patient's hematopoietic function must be completely dissipated and the immune function must be suppressed before the transplant can be performed.

Moreover, whether they can be matched well or whether there will be rejection reactions is another matter.

Rejection is the biggest obstacle in organ transplantation.

For example, the famous Mr. Kang Youwei, after he transplanted the chimpanzee's big egg, not only failed to meet the physical needs of the six wives, but died because of rejection.

The use of arsenic to treat leukemia has long been recorded in ancient books.Its working mechanism is to kill diseased white blood cells through the toxicity of arsenic trioxide, and it has a relatively good therapeutic effect on acute promyelocytic leukemia.

However, the proportion of acute promyelocytic leukemia in leukemia is relatively low, and the cause of this disease has not yet been concluded.

Traditional medicine is truly a treasure trove.

Modern medicine has the beauty of modern medicine, and traditional medicine also has the magic of traditional medicine.

Professor Zhang Dongting discovered that arsenic can kill tumor cells on the basis of traditional medicine; Mr. Tu Youyou also discovered that artemisinin extracted at low temperature can treat malaria through traditional medicine.

Shen Guanglin does not reject traditional medicine. He also learned that tiger bone wine is a good delicacy through traditional medicine. He has a friend, although he is still young, but without this kind of wine, he will feel tired all night.

Of course, Shen Guanglin followed the path of modern medicine. He decided to take a new path that no one else had ever walked. He wanted to use modern medical methods to achieve greater and more brilliant results.

Many people have never even thought about solving disease problems at the genetic level, but Shen Guanglin has already decided to do it.

This is groundbreaking business.

Shen Guanglin's laboratory led the formation of the leukemia research group. Although the momentum is huge, strictly speaking, it is still a grassroots team.

In this project team, most of them are biology students, a few are pharmacology students, and there are not even serious doctors.

Not to mention anything else, even the inside of Beijing University is not optimistic about his new project. Professor Shen has been away for a long time, and he started to release satellites when he got home. Is he impetuous?
Moreover, this physicist has not made physical achievements for a long time. He revolves around biology every day, and now he is going to make pharmaceuticals. Can it be done?

However, within the laboratory, Shen Guanglin has accumulated great prestige, and everyone almost blindly believes in his judgment, follows his footsteps, obeys his command, and moves forward step by step.

Therefore, regardless of the outside world's doubts, the work of the project team is moving forward in an orderly manner.

The pharmaceutical field itself is a very professional field, where education is as important as ability.

Those students brought by Professor Sui are really just students, they have neither academic qualifications nor ability. Apart from studying, they are really not that useful.

These people in Shen Guanglin's laboratory are different. They have already understood the ecology of the laboratory through teaching and guidance. They are all junior students, and the gap is really not that big.

If it weren't for the small expenses of these students, some people would even think that they are here to cheat living allowances.

However, the treatment of official members of the project team is really good. At least there is no problem with board and lodging. All the cooks are chefs, and even the daily subsidies are all foreign exchange.

As for the salary standard of project team members, scholars at home and abroad are the same, and everyone treats them equally.

It is considered a lot of money in China, but it may be a little less for scholars from abroad.

However, there is no other way. If you think you have little money, then don't come here.

It is not easy to find three-legged toads, but there are many people with three legs.

Of course, everyone came to participate in the project team, not for money, but for ideals, and to contribute to leukemia patients.

Therefore, there is no disharmony within the research group. On the contrary, everyone is still working very hard.

Without him, they were all hit by these young lads in Shen Guanglin's laboratory. What kind of pony, calf, and little dog, each one is more powerful than the other.

Everyone has read books for so many years, how did you learn it?

How else can I learn? Only when there is competition can there be progress.

However, the process of research and development of new drugs is long and difficult, and it is not easy to move forward.

Even if Shen Guanglin's project team can find a compound that has an effect on leukemia, starting from here, it will take a long time before this compound can successfully become a drug, and it will cost countless money.

However, everyone is not afraid.

In fact, Shen Guanglin is not ignorant of imatinib.

In his time, he also watched "I'm Not the God of Medicine" and knew that this drug was a drug called a tyrosine kinase inhibitor. Many anti-tumor drugs are also from this series, but they are different derivatives. nothing more.

Try it slowly.

There is a goal and a direction, and the rest is a process of trial and error.

Anyway, Shen Guanglin's laboratory is not short of money, and his laboratory is not short of people. Whether it is physics, chemistry or biology, there are plenty of people from various majors.

take it easy.

The first step in the pharmaceutical process is the selection of drug targets.

Only when the target is selected, can the research on drug synthesis and other aspects be carried out.

As for the drug target for the treatment of leukemia, Shen Guanglin has already found it.

From this point of view, he is better than most of the competitors. In the 70-meter race, he was at least [-] meters ahead of schedule.

Shen Guanglin said at the beginning, we use enzymes as the target!

As long as a specific enzyme inhibitor can be found that can inhibit the replication of diseased white blood cells, the drug will be successful.

Moreover, leukemia is a disease caused by a very special single gene mutation, which is not as complicated as other tumors or cancers. Therefore, as long as this inhibitor is found, the research and development will be successful.

Success is so simple and smooth.

Before the project even started, someone Shen had already made such a major conclusion.

When he made this conclusion, he thought, "All reactionaries are paper tigers!"

Do you have that fan?

Pomade, back hair, braised pork, and a pack of cigarettes short.

All of this indicates the possibility of success.

The people in Shen Guanglin's laboratory have calculated that more than 50% of all drugs target receptors.

The use of receptors has become the main and most important target of action, which is the mode of action of general traditional drugs, so we will not choose it;
In addition to traditional targets, there are more than 20% of drugs that target enzymes, especially enzyme inhibitors, which have a very special status in clinical applications. It is very important to choose from these for the treatment of leukemia. a wise decision;
Of course, there are still about 6% of drugs that target ion channels. Regarding the research on ion channels, Shen has no interest and accumulation. Although it is also a current hot spot, its influence is not large enough;
His surname is Shen, but not Yang, so forget about the ion channel.

In addition, there are more high-end ones, including nucleic acid as the target, about 3% of the amount, which is considered a relatively small and high-end category.

This can be done, is the MRNA linked to this?Research it when you have time.

In addition, there are still 20% of the targets of the drug that need to be further studied. Anyway, we know that it is useful, but how it is useful, I don’t know.

Let's work hard!
You can also work overtime at night, the laboratory provides you with 24 hours of hot water.

Of course, Shen Guanglin knew that it would not be easy to develop a specific medicine for leukemia, but he was not afraid, because this was Huaxia, which left him plenty of room for trial and error.

The so-called clinical trials are all foreign products, and we can't use them.

Shen Guanglin believes that in this era, as long as he makes new medicines, some people are willing to try them.

Now that he has leukemia, there is nothing to be afraid of. Treat a dead horse as a living horse for medical treatment.

We have so many traditional Chinese medicines, which ones have passed clinical trials, such as Phase I, Phase II, Phase III, and FDA, none of them exist.

As long as it is effective, even arsenic can be used boldly.

As for the side effect of arsenic, can it pass the FDA?

Of course, the treatment of leukemia has not yet been written off, everything is still early, so don't worry.

Shen Guanglin was not in a hurry, but everyone was.

Several groups were formed in the leukemia project, and a scientific research competition was launched among them.

Isn't it 5 colleges and universities, let's make 5 groups and see who is faster.

Everyone screamed and rushed to the front line, just like the first brother who had never seen a girl.

Shen Guanglin didn't go to see it for a week, and the compound has been tried to the 132nd in the laboratory.

Oops, it's going pretty fast.

Not really fast, though, and none of the 132 compounds tested were effective.

This is the cost of trial and error.

It's okay, we have money, and we can continue rambling.

However, Shen Guanglin can be absent from work, and there is nothing to do with him.

After all, the experiment is boring and boring. Now that the work has been arranged, Shen has no intention of accompanying the children in the laboratory to work overtime.

Go work overtime, if you have the time, why not sleep with Li Rong for a while.

That tiger bone wine is good. In a few years, tiger bones and rhino horns will not be allowed to be used as medicine.

This trip to the Northeast was not without gains.

It's just that, if Shen is so pretentious, will the Siberian tiger become extinct?

Li Rong also has a small doubt: the two haven't used the small umbrella for a long time, although they didn't deliberately observe the ovulation period, why haven't they won the bid yet.

Could it be that Teacher Shen can't do it?

No, go check it out now.

We have to believe in science, what if the concentration is not enough, what if the activity is not enough, is the time enough?It has nothing to do with the length of time.

As a scientific worker, one should not shy away from disease and avoid treatment.

Since this is the case, let's go check it out, and the two of you will check it together to see who has the problem.

Don't be afraid if my elder sister really has a physical problem, there is still my younger sister.

Eldest sister is in good health, that's not okay!illegal!

People have husbands and children, what do you think?

(End of this chapter)

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