Start with a college teacher

Chapter 596 Patent Trolls

Chapter 596 Patent Rogue (2)

The test results came out soon, and Director Tao from the Biochemical Laboratory of the Laboratory Department came with the attending doctor, which made the two of them very nervous.

"Both of you are healthy, don't worry about not having kids."

"Thank you, thank you. Then let's go back and work hard."

In fact, Shen doesn't want to have a child now, he hasn't played enough yet.

Every time it was supposed to be released, it was placed where it shouldn't be. How could it be possible to get pregnant?

Li Rong, who studies liberal arts, doesn't understand, and neither does the leader of your 863 biology team?
The director of the Biochemical Laboratory of the Laboratory of the Affiliated Hospital of Beijing Medical University is Tao Qimin. She is a middle-aged woman. She came to find Shen Guanglin for other reasons.

"Professor Shen, I heard that you are studying how to treat leukemia?"

"Yes." Shen Guanglin nodded. His project team cooperated with the Affiliated Hospital of Beijing Medical University. It is normal for the people in the hospital to know what he is doing.

"I heard that you raised 1 million US dollars for this disease?" Director Tao continued to ask.

However, Shen Guanglin is already a little unhappy, why, do you want to play with my funds?This is impossible.

Still he replied:

"Yeah, I raised $[-] million, but that's not necessarily enough."

Not everyone can sink someone's funds, even if you are the director of a hospital's department.

Need money, need equipment, I can donate, but you can't ask for it.

"Professor Shen, I have a suggestion, I wonder if you can listen to it?" Director Tao said his plan.

"You may not be able to listen, but you can talk about it."

Shen Guanglin was getting a little impatient. If he hadn't watched Director Tao report that he was fine, he would have already left.

Director Tao was really eloquent: "Professor Shen, leukemia is only a rare disease after all, and now there is a more serious disease, which cannot be cured at present, can you also study it?"

Director Tao had no idea about the change in Shen Guanglin's tone, she was still thinking about how to speak to Shen Guanglin.

However, Shen Guanglin's tone has softened a bit, as long as he is not asking for money, if he is just offering advice, then he is still a friend.

"Director Tao, are you talking about AIDS?"

AIDS is indeed an intractable disease. Decades have passed, and other than the cocktail therapy, it is really not effective. In this era, the cocktail therapy has not been developed yet.

Shen Guanglin pondered for a while, "This disease is indeed incurable, but some blocking drugs can be developed. I may consider diverting some of the project team to study this, which can indeed bring some benefits."

Shen Guanglin was tempted. The AIDS blocking drug is not complicated, but it is very effective, and it can indeed show off.

However, Shen Guanglin's judgment was wrong. Director Tao was not talking about this disease: "Professor Shen, is the AIDS you are talking about the AIDS disease that is very popular in Citigroup? Where does this disease occur in our country? Moreover, this disease It won’t be popular in our country at all. What I want to talk about is liver disease, hepatitis B, there are too many people suffering from liver disease in our country, but there is no cure.”

The more Director Tao talked, the more frustrated he became. Hepatitis B causes 25 deaths in the country every year, but there is no cure. If Professor Shen can develop this drug, it will be a great achievement.

"Hepatitis B is not curable, but isn't there already a vaccine?"

In Shen Guanglin's memory, newborns will be vaccinated against hepatitis B soon, and several shots will be given in succession.

"The vaccine has been developed, but the average domestic salary is only 30 yuan now, and the cost of a vaccine alone is 80 yuan, so it cannot be promoted."

Director Tao began to sigh as he spoke.

"Then I can't help it, and I don't have that much money." Shen Guanglin said that there was nothing he could do.

Director Tao didn't mean that, she still told Shen Guanglin about hepatitis B.

Viral hepatitis can be divided into hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, hepatitis D and hepatitis E.

Among them, the most powerful and most contagious is hepatitis B.

What Shen Guanglin didn't notice was that in this era, hepatitis B has already exploded in China.

In particular, in this era, disposable needles are not yet popular, and most people use the same needle for injections, and most of them are scalding in boiling water.

In this large group of people, as long as one has hepatitis B, the consequences will be...
In this large group of people, if one of them is infected with AIDS, that would be even more terrifying.

Those who sell blood in later generations also share the same needle.

Of course, mother-to-child infection is also a major source of hepatitis B transmission.

In the past ten years alone, there have been 3000 million newborns born with hepatitis B in China.

Last year, the country conducted a survey, and now the national HBsAg carrier rate has reached 9.75%, which means that more than 1 million people in the country are carrying the hepatitis B virus.

However, hepatitis B is still incurable so far.

In fact, the country attaches great importance to the serious threat of hepatitis B virus, and special research has been carried out since 1973.

That is to say, since then, Director Tao has led the team of Jingcheng Medical University to conduct research on hepatitis B vaccine.

Moreover, the vaccine was indeed developed for her, which is the legendary "7571 vaccine".

To put it bluntly, the 7571 vaccine was not their original invention. As early as 1968, there was a Citigroup biologist Kruman who conducted a crazy experiment.

He first collected blood from a hepatitis B patient, then waited for the blood to coagulate, took out the serum, and injected it into 25 mentally handicapped children.

As a result, all of them got infected.

Next, Kluman diluted the serum and heat-inactivated it before giving injections to mentally handicapped children, some with two doses and others with one dose.

As a result, none of the children who received 2 doses got sick, and half of the children who got [-] dose did not get sick.

Thus, the hepatitis B vaccine was successfully produced in this way.

However, Kluman has been severely condemned, and it is extremely unethical to use children for experiments.

Later, if they have any ideas, they will not conduct tests in China, but go to developing countries, such as Huaxia.

Even, in the 21st century, I heard that there is a foreign team in a certain place experimenting with Chinese children.

Director Tao also used this method to obtain the hepatitis B vaccine, but her first test subject was herself.

In the end, the vaccine was successful and she successfully developed antibodies.

However, it is not easy to obtain serum, and inactivation is even more troublesome. This kind of vaccine is too expensive to be used for promotion.

Director Tao found Shen Guanglin and wanted him to help.

What can he do to help?Shen Guanglin is a human being, not a god.

"Citigroup already has a biopharmaceutical company, which is said to have adopted the method you used to make insect-resistant cotton, using yeast to produce hepatitis B vaccine, and it is now on the market."

"How do you know?" Shen Guanglin was very surprised.

"When I study this, of course I will pay attention to the latest industry trends. It's just that the hepatitis B vaccine has been researched for so long, and it is outdated in a blink of an eye."

Director Tao was very lonely.

She didn't want to do this either, but she had no choice but to be eliminated if the technology was not advanced enough.

Now, the number of hepatitis B patients is increasing every day, and only some wealthy children can use the hepatitis B vaccine invented by her guidance at birth.

However, most people in the country do not have this condition for vaccination.

Therefore, it is imperative to produce a low-cost hepatitis B vaccine.

Shen Guanglin couldn't immediately agree to this matter, and he didn't know if he could do it.

However, he also said that he will try his best.

Shen Guanglin returned to the laboratory and quickly asked the laboratory staff to collect all the information about the hepatitis B virus, especially the latest situation of Citigroup's hepatitis B vaccine.

The working group's working ability is very strong and powerful, and the news came quickly. What Director Tao said is true.

Citigroup's Merck Pharmaceuticals has developed a low-cost hepatitis B vaccine. The principle they use is also very simple. First, isolate the expression antigen gene of hepatitis B virus, and then transfer it to yeast, so that the yeast can synthesize Hepatitis B vaccine.

Yeast is easy to reproduce in large numbers, which greatly reduces the production cost of hepatitis B vaccine.

check!Check it out now!
Check if this patent has been registered?
Well, fortunately, there is no registration in Huaxia.

Merck's patents on hepatitis B vaccine production are registered in countries such as Western Europe and Citigroup, but not in China and other developing and impoverished countries.

Not worth it, and not necessary.

These countries also have no market.

Both registration and maintenance of patents cost money, and where there is no market, patents are not so important.

Sometimes, when you register a patent, instead of protecting it, you may lose it.

Like Yunnan Baiyao, Suxiao Jiuxin Pills have not applied for a patent, but they are kept secret.

There are also some countries that simply treat patents as nothing, for example, the Three Kingdoms.

In such a country, they don't care what the drug patent is.

They don't recognize any pharmaceutical patented technology at all. As long as you have it, I will imitate it.

And just imitate according to your papers and your patents, without ambiguity at all.

After all, there are many poor people in the world, otherwise there would be no such thing as "I'm Not the God of Medicine".

What Shen Guanglin wants to do now is not to make generic drugs, what he has to do is to quickly occupy the patent.

Otherwise, if a patent troll takes the lead, it will be a great loss to the country and the people.

It is really a good way to use genetically modified technology to manufacture hepatitis B vaccine. Why didn't Shen have thought of it.

Fortunately, Shen Guanglin's laboratory already has the foundation of genetically modified technology, and it is not difficult to understand by analogy.

Let's do what we say, Shen Guanglin asked someone to register the patent for the makeover.

For the sake of face, Shen Guanglin didn't even use his laboratory and Great Wall Company to hold this patent.

The applicant for the patent is a man from the Northeast, surnamed Lu, called Lu Jun.

(End of this chapter)

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