Start with a college teacher

Chapter 598 Dedication

Chapter 598 Devotion (1)

Shen Guanglin made himself a cup of tea and drank it slowly.

Everyone followed suit, sat around the mahogany tea table and drank Kung Fu tea like the boss.

Then, most people felt that it was not satisfying, so they took out their tea mugs or glasses and made another cup.

Or jasmine tea is more fragrant.

The coffee table is very big, made of mahogany, a whole big tree is split into two halves, one half of which is used as a large dining table, and the other half is used as this coffee table.

The style of bad streets in the future is almost the first of its kind in this era.

Nowadays, mahogany is not too cheap, that is, it is expensive in transportation, but Shen has money, so everything is naturally not a problem.

If you don’t take advantage of the opportunity to occupy more scarce resources now, when everything becomes more expensive in the future, it will not be so easy to possess.

However, as long as you have money, you have everything, such as the right to live in high-rise buildings, the right to appreciate antique calligraphy and paintings, and the right to mate with rare beauties.

Unlike everyone who likes to use a glass to drink the floating Maojian or drink the fragrant jasmine tea, Shen likes to use a purple sand pot to drink black tea.

Moreover, the purple clay teapot must be a fine product made by Mr. Gu Jingzhou.

Mr. Gu Jingzhou is still alive in this era, and more than half of the pots he made over the years have been collected by someone Shen.

Even, Mr. Gu knew that there was a well-known professor surnamed Shen in Capital University, and he liked his pot the most.

For this reason, Mr. Gu also made several custom-made pots for Shen Guanglin.

Of course, in this day and age, Mr. Gu's teapots are not cheap, and a purple sand teapot still costs a few hundred yuan.

But I can't help that someone Shen has money, so he opened up the collection. If anyone has it, it can be done for 1000 yuan, or 2000 yuan.

You can just bring the pot.

Many people came to Mr. Gu to ask for pots, and turned around and became Erdao dealers.

Mr. Gu is angry, but sometimes he also thinks to himself, should we work hard and work overtime to make more pots, so that you can go bankrupt on G day.
However, this is just thinking about it. They didn't do that. Instead, they consciously reduced the number of pots produced, just to make Xiao Shen spend less money.

Shen Guang and Lin Xin said, there is really no need, if you do it boldly, I will accept it boldly, are you afraid that I will lose money and fail.

Mr. Gu's purple sand teapots are expensive in later generations, and they are also expensive now, but what is more expensive is human affection, and what is more expensive is liking.

The animal experiment that the monkeys participated in was successfully concluded, and the hepatitis B vaccine produced by genetic engineering was proved to be effective.

Moreover, they are still living carefree.

Due to Shen's preference, they were not eaten as ingredients.

Of course, the hepatitis B vaccine experiments on other animals are also carried out simultaneously, and there are no adverse reactions.

However, their fate is not very good. Animals that have been used once may have to be euthanized and burned if they are used for toxicology experiments.

If it was just a harmless experiment, even the laboratory would not be willing to give up this wonderful ingredient.

Think about it too, yeast itself can be counted as a probiotic, and it is used to ferment steamed buns. If it is poisonous, it will be fine.

Those meritorious dogs, those meritorious rabbits, most likely went to the dinner table.

Next, about the clinical phase I and phase II of the hepatitis B vaccine, and how to achieve mass production.

After all, a product still has a long way to go from the laboratory to the production line.

However, there are not enough domestic regulations on pharmaceuticals, and they are not very standardized.

Moreover, the hepatitis B vaccine is not used for export to earn foreign exchange. As long as there is a finished product, it can be taken out and used. It is impossible to wait for all the processes to be completed.

Even, they can also supplement the data of clinical trials in the process of actual use.

That's right, experiment while using it.

From this point of view, clinical trials are not as mysterious as imagined.

We don't export, so we don't care about the FDA.

It's the same as Maverick Niu being the absolute protagonist in the last celebration party.

This time, the animal experiment of the hepatitis B vaccine is finished, and it is another celebration party.

The protagonist is still Mavericks.

Xiao Ma's leukemia has not made any substantial progress, but Maverick's hepatitis B vaccine is ready for human trials.

The inactivation process has been specially developed. You can try it boldly and don't be afraid of accidents.

If something happened, it would be about the banquet.

In fact, the research and development of hepatitis B vaccine is progressing so fast, except for these people in Shen Guanglin's laboratory who are more happy, others are not as happy as imagined.

For example, the minds of those people in the Institute of Liver Diseases are really complicated, and they are even a little at a loss.

The Hepatitis B vaccine has been successfully developed, and they are indeed credited, but what about their past achievements?
In the 75 years from 86 to 11, were they just getting paid for nothing?

The scientific research work that others can complete in half a month has not been completed in 11 years.

It can't be said that, transgenic technology is really not difficult in Shen Guanglin's laboratory.

However, it is not an easy task in any research institute in China, even Wudaokou Technical School.

For many scientific research institutes, the knowledge they reserve and the skill training they receive are outdated and cannot keep up with the development of the times.

But where can they go?

There was a very good group of people back then, but compared with the current favorites in Shen Guanglin's laboratory, there is still a huge gap.

These people in Shen Guanglin's laboratory can be said to be at the forefront of the world.

They are the pioneers under the command of Shen Guanglin, and they are doing very well.

Now, it is naturally not too difficult for them to go back and do a repeated experiment that others have already produced results.

Isn't success inevitable?

With money, technology and equipment, it took only two weeks to produce results, which is the result of repeated inspections.

The technical difficulty of genetically modifying the hepatitis B vaccine is indeed not high, but it has a great impact, and the contribution to the country and the people is by no means clear in a few words.

But in any case, this matter can always come to an end.

The people at the Institute of Liver Diseases are still credited, and the virus samples they provided were very accurate.

Don't underestimate this matter. It took a while to isolate the correct virus from blood.

How to accurately find the virus is not a simple matter. This technology is very important, and it is even used in the detection of HIV in blood.

The accumulation of the Institute of Liver Diseases is very useful. The project team completed the DNA sequencing based on the virus samples provided by the Institute of Liver Diseases and quickly completed the transgenic work.

Genetic modification has been a technology that everyone has been playing with for several years, and it really isn't that complicated.

Xiao Niu led the team to success, and Xiao Gou was also envious. Such a simple job, do you need to celebrate for so long?

you can you come?

I'll come, so can I.

This is the truth, many people from the biology team of Shen Guanglin's laboratory can come here, but Mavericks caught up.

There are directions, methods, and tools, and there is no reason for failure.

However, it is not easy to meet these hard conditions. This is what Shen Guanglin can provide through years of accumulation and training, and he has honed his team in the past few years.

This is the essence of a high-end laboratory.

That's right, Shen Guanglin's laboratory can already talk about the background.

The technology they have reserved can already look down on many difficult problems that everyone could not break through before.

The research and development of vaccines is like everyone is playing a chicken game. You have an 8x lens in your hand, an airdropped AWP, and a see-through plug-in.

However, even if it is piercing a tree, it can kill people to death.

The last time the celebration was a horse meat feast, this time the celebration will be different, this time it is a dog meat feast.

Who told Gou to make sarcastic remarks.

Of course, the real reason is not like this. These dogs also participated in the experiment process, and they are also credited.

I recommend Xuanyuan with my blood.

(End of this chapter)

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