Start with a college teacher

Chapter 599 Volunteers

Chapter 599 Volunteers (2)

The hepatitis B vaccine has been successfully produced, and the next step is to find recipient volunteers for clinical trials.

When it comes to clinical trials, many people's first reaction is to "be a guinea pig."In fact, this is a misunderstanding of many people about clinical trials.

Clinical trials conduct systematic research on drugs among voluntary subjects, aiming to verify the efficacy and safety of new treatment methods.

In developed countries such as Europe and the United States, it is very common for patients to choose to participate in clinical trials.

However, in China, due to the influence of traditional concepts and film and television dramas, clinical trials are always considered to be experiments on patients, so patients are not very motivated to participate.

It is said that finding volunteers is not an easy task, but it is not complicated to do.

Because, not to mention the outside world, even most people in the laboratory have never been vaccinated against hepatitis B.

Everyone is at risk of being infected at some point in their lives.

There are not many ways of transmission of hepatitis B, which is consistent with the way of transmission of AIDS, and it is also transmitted through body fluids, sexual transmission, and mother-to-child transmission.

However, eating, sharing utensils, and kissing generally do not spread the disease, and the threshold of the virus is not enough.

In fact, if it weren't for a particularly coincidental factor, Huaxia shouldn't have such a large infection base.

In this matter, the folk barefoot doctor helped a lot.

In order to popularize medical care, every village has a barefoot doctor after the founding of the People's Republic of China.

This is a good thing and a bad thing, because the needles they use for injection are not changed for thousands of years.

Needles cannot be reused. Even if they are reused, they must be sterilized, at least with high temperature and high pressure steam.

Even if it is steamed in a pressure cooker, it will not achieve the purpose of disinfection, let alone rinsing it in hot water.

In this way, the hepatitis B virus spread and spread everywhere.

Now, what everyone has to do is to make up for this lesson as soon as possible, give hepatitis B vaccine to as many people as possible, and strive to achieve universal epidemic prevention.

In fact, Shen Guanglin was vaccinated against hepatitis B when he was a child. He has registered various vaccines since he was born, and he has never missed one.

In later generations, Huaxia provided various vaccines for free, starting from birth and continuing to study.

The hepatitis B vaccine developed by Shen Guanglin's laboratory is a new-born vaccine, which is made by genetic engineering, and its safety is very guaranteed.

This traditional vaccine is fundamentally different. The traditional vaccine production method is to inactivate the virus or reduce the toxicity to make the vaccine, and at the same time, it cannot affect the immune response that the virus can cause people.

However, vaccines obtained by genetically modified methods can not only cause an immune response, but will not cause harm to humans. There is no need to worry about human infection caused by unsuccessful inactivation.

It is based on this consideration that Shen Guanglin decided to start the trial of hepatitis B vaccine from the people around him.

Then organize a physical examination for all staff. Everyone from Shen Guanglin's laboratory will go, and people from the Great Wall Group can also join in.

So, he led everyone to the hospital to do 5 liver function tests, and found that he had antibodies.

It seems that his dream of being a guinea pig has been shattered, and the opportunity to pretend to be another wave no longer exists.

Usually, in the stage of new drug research and development, when the media reports, it is often said: New drugs have been developed, but no one dares to try them, and the inventor has to do it himself.

This is the same as the chef who cooks fugu. When a new dish comes out, the chef has to try it first to confirm that there is no problem before the diners can move their chopsticks.

Professor Shen's original plan was to take the lead in injecting the hepatitis B vaccine and conduct human experiments in person.

What a touching story.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to write like this now.

But it doesn't matter, Sister Man Li, Li Rong, and everyone in the laboratory have never been vaccinated against hepatitis B.

The results of the physical examination also proved this point.

In Shen Guanglin's laboratory, most of the five liver function indicators were minus signs, while a few were plus signs, and there were even three plus signs.

Those with three plus signs are not simply carriers of the virus. They are already sick. There are also three major Yangs and three minor Yangs, which really need to be treated.

However, this may not be a good cure.

In later generations, for a long period of time, those with abnormal liver function and hepatitis B virus carriers will be affected in their employment.

Later, the state also issued a special policy: the entry physical examination should not check the liver function two-and-a-half, and violators will be severely punished by the company.

The experimental equipment is sufficient, and the efficiency of the laboratory is still very high.

The first batch of hepatitis B vaccine will be ready soon.

Shen Guanglin's laboratory also invited the media to come over to shoot a documentary, which was used to record a group of people in Shen Guanglin's laboratory being vaccinated against hepatitis B vaccine.

The Institute of Liver Diseases seemed passive at this time.

Because they have already used it for the first time, they have already been injected with the inactivated hepatitis B vaccine, and they already have antibodies in their bodies.

The show is off.

In fact, there is no need to be so grand. The production technology of hepatitis B vaccine is very advanced, and their preparation measures are also in place.

Even if these vaccines are ineffective, they are not harmful to humans.

However, those who do scientific research should not only do scientific research, but also learn to tell a good story.

Before telling the story, the TV station asked, is this vaccine really harmless?
Of course it is harmless, this is not a virus, this is just a protein expressed by ordinary yeast, even if it is not beneficial, it is absolutely harmless.

That's good, that's good.

Are there any volunteers?
The staff in our station have never been vaccinated against hepatitis B, and they also want to be volunteers.

If the vaccine is enough, we have no objection.

Let's make progress together.

No, the people on the TV station were all moved.

They made a series of programs just to praise and praise the hepatitis B vaccine.

It has to be said that their efficiency is also very high, almost making it a live broadcast.

Starting from the past and present life of hepatitis B, it will explain why this disease occurs, its transmission route, and the people who have been infected.

In short, the situation is very serious.

After watching TV, many people decided that they should use serving chopsticks when eating.

Even some couples are afraid to share the same bed.

Finally, they said that the Shen Guanglin Laboratory of Jingcheng University and the Affiliated Hospital of Jingcheng Medical University have jointly developed a non-toxic and highly effective hepatitis B vaccine.

Today, the staff of Shen Guanglin's laboratory and the staff of the TV station are the first batch of inoculation experimenters.

Images of volunteers being interviewed were also shown on TV.

Everyone is so great. They think the hepatitis B vaccine is great. In order to launch it into the market as soon as possible, they have to join in. They are willing to contribute their own strength to the future of the motherland and the people.

If they hadn't repeatedly confirmed that the hepatitis B vaccine had no side effects, everyone would have believed what they said.

Don't tell me if you see through, let's live together.

Even, a little girl rolled up her sleeves while crying, "I have dedicated myself to technology. If I don't die, Director, can you marry me?"

(End of this chapter)

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