Start with a college teacher

Chapter 600 Technology Disclosure

Chapter 600 Technical Disclosure (3)

The results of the first wave of human experiments have come out.

80% effective.

The rest need to make up the second stitch, or the third stitch, or the fourth stitch.

No one had adverse reactions.

This result has been very good, very good.

This shows that this is a very successful invention.

The genetically modified hepatitis B vaccine has been successfully developed!

Leaders at all levels came to congratulate him one after another. This little Shen is amazing, and he has achieved great results without making a sound.

Everyone has gotten used to it, only Sister Manli said it was unbelievable, after only working for a few days, the result came out like this?

Great Wall creatures are finally coming into play again. After insect-resistant cotton and cloned cows, they have been silent for a long time.

As for the cloned cow, it's just for fame, it can't be eaten or drunk.

As an existence within the Great Wall Group alongside other business divisions, everyone's status is very embarrassing.

It is almost the earliest to establish itself, but the least successful.

Look at others, Great Wall Electric is sold out all year round; Great Wall clothing has been exported to the world; Great Wall's new materials, Great Wall Entertainment are also booming.

Only Great Wall Biology is still raising pigs, cattle, sheep and ducks.

Cloned cows are very good, but the tickets have never been confiscated, and they lose money every day.

They have long felt that they can't keep running farms to raise animals, and their business scope includes pharmaceuticals, but they suffer from the lack of medicines to make.

Now that the hepatitis B vaccine has been researched, let's hurry up and produce it.

In fact, the new factory has already been under construction. The new factory was not used to produce hepatitis B vaccine at first, but was used to produce leukemia inhibitors.

Of course, there is another direction, that is, Shen Guanglin is going to help Pfizer and Takeda manufacture some medicines.

When Huaxia is besieged and sanctioned in the future, they can take the opportunity to independently produce these medicines by themselves.

Can I make generic drugs for a few years first?

The pharmaceutical factory of Great Wall Biology was selected in Jizhou, anyway, there is plenty of land there.

Hearing that Great Wall Biology is going to build the most advanced pharmaceutical factory in China, and it may even produce the latest medicine for leukemia.

Hebei Province gave full support and gave various green lights.

In recent years, steel and cement are in short supply, but everything that Great Wall Biology needs is given priority, and it basically responds to requests.

As early as the beginning of construction, they didn't know whether Shen Guanglin's laboratory could develop a medicine for leukemia.

However, this does not conflict with the construction of the most advanced pharmaceutical factory. At worst, other drugs can be produced first.

Can a living person be suffocated to death by urine?

For example, isn't it possible to produce hepatitis B vaccine now?

You see, the factory has not been built yet, and the news came that it will be used to produce hepatitis B vaccine first.

Efficiency is money, and efficiency is life, and the production equipment is rushing in, and foreign products are in the water.

Great Wall Biotechnology Jizhou Base was originally just a quiet farm, where cattle and sheep were grazing quietly, waiting for their fate, but now, they were interrupted by a group of strangers.

In the past, people used to come here just to look at the insect-resistant cotton, and by the way, they would sigh that this cotton is not bad.

Because the insect-resistant cotton has been promoted nationwide, the number of visitors has decreased significantly in the past two years.

It's different now, everyone gathered together again, the voices were buzzing, and everyone was looking forward to it.

Those from the surrounding villages, governments, research institutes, universities, pharmaceutical factories, and even the Academy of Agricultural Sciences all came to visit.

Is this the most advanced pharmaceutical factory in China?
It's really grand, look at that gate, which master designed it, it's really spectacular.

Not only that, it is said that the entire factory construction process strictly adopts G and P standards, and it is extremely clean.

Is it GDP?It is said that having a number is very important, and people all over the country are staring at it.

Who cares what P, everyone is here to see it.

The imported equipment had already arrived, and they were placed in a temporary shed, all wrapped in plastic wrap, and they were not allowed to open it, saying that they were afraid of getting dust.

To ensure absolute cleanliness, this is called a workshop, a clean room.

Jizhou is no better than Beijing, and there are relatively few foreign equipment and foreigners here.

Everyone came here to see what the imported equipment looks like and how foreign engineers install and debug advanced equipment.

It would be even better if there were big wild horses. It is said that they are very enthusiastic and dare to talk on the street.

However, they walked around a whole circle, but they didn't see any foreigners?

Only after I asked people who understood it did I know that those who wear hard hats and white coats are foreigners.

Isn't this a ghost?
It can no longer be called that, now it is called International Friends.

Okay, then they are still not tall and bow-legged, aren't they?

The production line of the Great Wall Pharmaceutical Factory was not open to the outside world, nor did it satisfy people's fantasies. A group of engineers were dispatched from Europe to open up.

Listen well, what everyone wants to eat is foreign meat, not Oriental meat.

You have a whole group of devils here to fool things, where is the big Yanma?

But there is no way, the devil's equipment is easy to use in this era, and the price is low, so who else should they use?
Moreover, the relationship between Shen Guanglin and Takeda Group is relatively good, and it is definitely more cost-effective to buy the production line from Fusang for the best item.

In fact, it is not difficult to build a production line for bacteriostatic injections. There are similar production lines in foreign countries, which can be adjusted slightly, and even major changes are not required.

The only difference is that the growth conditions and types of yeast and other bacteria are different.

The equipment was installed in no time.

At this stage, as long as there are strains, the pharmaceutical factory can already debug and carry out trial operation.

No way, it won't be long before the hepatitis B vaccine will be rolled out continuously.

However, the vaccine factory has been built, but the approval for vaccine production has not been obtained.

what's the situation?Who is stuck?
Shen Guanglin personally went to ask.

As early as when the vaccine was successfully developed, so many people came to celebrate.

Now, the production line on my side has been debugged, and production is just waiting to start. Who are you acting as a demon here.

Really think that someone Shen is made of mud.

"Professor Shen, the production of hepatitis B vaccine is related to the national economy and the people's livelihood, if it is handed over to foreign companies for production"

Their meaning is very clear. Although the hepatitis B vaccine has been developed, which is very good, it cannot be handed over to foreign companies for production, otherwise, the safety of the people will not be guaranteed.

There is some truth to this, but not a complete truth.

"What about vaccines imported from abroad? How dare you use them?" Shen Guanglin asked. "Also, the Great Wall Group themselves have said that they are a Huaxia company, not a foreign company."

There are also vaccines imported in this era, and there are still a lot of them, but ordinary people have no chance to experience them.

This is not a good answer.

However, if someone can be a leader, he naturally has leadership skills.

"Great Wall Group is a private company after all. If all vaccine production is handed over to private companies, then private companies will increase the price of vaccines in pursuit of profits, and it will not be easy to promote them."

How much profit is reasonable?What price is right?

They didn't say anything.

Shen Guanglin was a little impatient.

Will the hepatitis B vaccine be produced? If not, the project team will be disbanded. Anyway, the leukemia project is seriously short of people, and everyone is busy.

That's not what leadership means.

What the leaders mean is: Can we share the technology of producing hepatitis B vaccine and let state-owned enterprises participate in it? Let the market fully compete for the price.

Authorizing only one enterprise will easily lead to monopoly and is not conducive to national security.

Wouldn't it be over if I said that earlier?

Shen Guanglin didn't think about getting stuck on purpose, nor did he want to make a fortune on the hepatitis B vaccine, as long as he didn't lose money.

The leader's proposal is of course possible.

Isn't it just technology disclosure, what a big deal.

Shen Guanglin agreed.

Even if the strains are not active enough after a few generations, the laboratory can continue to provide highly active strains.

However, Shen Guanglin's original plan was that the seeds could be sold at a higher price, and in this way, the profits of the pharmaceutical factory could be re-transmitted to the laboratory.

He Shen is not short of this little money, what is he doing to accumulate so much wealth personally.

Now look at it, that's all, so be it.

It seems that the money still needs to be earned by the Great Wall Group.

The approval document came down, and the hepatitis B vaccine began to be officially produced.

(End of this chapter)

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