Start with a college teacher

Chapter 601 Interview

Chapter 601 Interview (1)

Even if the technology is disclosed, it depends on whether they can learn it.

Shen Guanglin thought for a while, wouldn't it be over if I just provided you with the bacteria for free?

Pharmaceutical factory, what do you need such a profound thing for?
Besides, we didn't cherish ourselves in the first place. This hepatitis B vaccine was developed in cooperation with the Institute of Liver Diseases of the Medical University. I really want to learn, and they will anyway.

But we teach it to the pharmaceutical factory, can the pharmaceutical factory learn it?
Really not necessarily.

The Institute of Liver Diseases has not learned it until now. Although they are participants in the whole process, participation is participation. If they don't understand anything, the project is over.

It's okay, the technology is mastered in the laboratory of Capital University, and anyone can justify it.

People also said that technology is provided for free, as long as you donate some materials, it can be regarded as supporting the development of science and technology.

Next is the moment of dividing the cake, which is the question of how much each company produces.

It is still the era of the planned economy, and sales must also rely on official channels. It is useless if you produce too much.

This is the same as if you built a hydropower station. It is useless to generate more power. It depends on how much the grid company wants to buy.

In the end, everyone agreed on a preliminary plan. The state issued a task of producing 5000 million doses each year, and the production task allocated to Great Wall Pharmaceutical Factory was 1000 million doses.

20% is a lot.

However, how to organize the production line is also a difficult problem.

Shen Guanglin waved his hand, you can also visit and study the production line of Jizhou Great Wall Pharmaceutical Factory, this is also open to you.

More people come to visit.

Shen Guanglin checked the submitted list of visitors, and also saw the name of the Second Sinopharm Factory.

Oh, it's old friends, you were crazy about whoring for nothing, but now you are obediently begging me.

Professor Shen is a man of integrity, and he didn't take Joe.

Sure enough, the Jizhou factory of Great Wall Pharmaceuticals is very high-end.

At present, there is no concept of high-end pharmaceutical factories in China.

In this era, some pharmaceutical companies in China can't even make a single antibiotic, and there are often cases where the disease cannot be cured.

The curved version of the high-end vaccine is really high-end. It can easily kill the host and solve the problem of virus transmission from the source.

The factory is high-end, but the production technology may not be high-end.

After looking at the production line, everyone will understand that it is just a fungal injection, and it is not much different from penicillin.

No one can underestimate the heroes of the world. There is no shortage of capable people in China, especially in the field of organization and production.

Now that the technology and craftsmanship of Jizhou Pharmaceutical Factory are open, they really sent a team to learn.

Then, after a period of time, they feel that they have learned the essence and go back to organize production.

Isn't it just to cultivate a yeast, it's not difficult at all.

The technological process is just a window paper, we can pierce it ourselves, and we can also optimize and improve it.

Everyone followed suit, and soon began to organize production in their own factories.

With the help of the right time and place, the first batch of hepatitis B vaccine of Great Wall Pharmaceutical Factory went online.

Regarding how to set the price, the factory came to ask someone from Shen for instructions.

When calculating the cost, Shen Guanglin said, if we don't count the depreciation of the equipment, how much is the pure cost per dose?
5 more hairs.

The main reason is that the craftsmanship still needs to be improved, and the skills are not very proficient.

Let's sell it for 3 yuan first, and go to the terminal market, and the tentative price is 5 yuan.

Although 5 yuan is not cheap, it is much cheaper than the original vaccine of 80 yuan per dose.

Everyone has never done pharmaceuticals, so it would be a bit dark if they did so.

You have to think about it this way, the annual gross profit of 1000 million doses of vaccines is more than 2000 million yuan, yes, but more than 600 million US dollars were invested in the construction of the factory.

According to the black market exchange rate, this must be 6000 million yuan, and it will take three years to pay back the capital. It takes time and effort to pay for foreign exchange. Who wants to do it?
Fortunately, the vaccine priced at 5 yuan proposed by Shen Guanglin did not arouse public outrage.

Domestic pharmaceutical factories can't use the equipment as good as Great Wall Pharmaceuticals, and they can produce it with their original production lines, which cost only two to three million US dollars.

Of course, they have a lot of people and a lot of things to do, and the production cost will not only be more than 5 cents, and they may have to pay a piece of money. The ex-factory price is 3 yuan, and they will pass the test.

The higher-level leaders sent people to investigate the rationality of the vaccine price, and the pharmaceutical factory could only say: "Great Wall Pharmaceuticals is really a conscientious company, and they are not making any money in making vaccines. Their big business is great, but we can't do it. Can you give me a little bit?" Subsidies, otherwise production would not be able to continue.”

"Ah? That's it, then we treat Professor Shen's gentleman's belly with the heart of a villain. In this way, let's add 5 cents to the purchase price for you all, and suppress the middle link so that the hero cannot bleed and cry. "

In this way, the Great Wall Pharmaceutical Factory could only tearfully increase the shipping price by [-] cents.

Now that the vaccine is out, even ordinary citizens can try to get a shot at their own expense.

The capital, the most benign place, everyone does not lack this little money, we are doing it for health.

The reports in the media are also very crazy, because they have also been volunteers, and they are honored.

Hepatitis B vaccine is hot, and the supply is in short supply.

Since the cloning of cattle, Shen Guanglin's laboratory has not produced a star product for a long time.

It's not that they don't have any results, their laboratory has produced a lot of results, and recently some of them were published in "Science".

However, star explosions and technological content cannot be equated.

The hepatitis B vaccine has become popular again.

Not only in China, but also in the world, everyone knows that Dongfang Shen's laboratory has produced a genetically modified hepatitis B vaccine.

However, they soon discovered: No, Merck & Co. made this product as early as last year, and the FDA has passed it. You just launched it now, it’s too late.

This is not your original at all!

Oh, is it possible that Dongfang Shen is about to overturn?

Hurry up and ask.

Go together.

Regarding the hepatitis B vaccine, Shen Guanglin originally wanted to keep a low profile. The registered patents were all in the name of his elder brother-in-law Lu Jun, but he didn't want to have anything to do with this original and unoriginal one.

However, after successfully registering the patent, he has no such worries.

We do things legally and ethically.

Now that the whole world knows about the hepatitis B vaccine, what else can we do? Soldiers come and cover it up.

The capital is the center of politics, economy and culture, and the world's major newspapers have offices in the capital. Seeing such a thing happen in Dongfang Shen, their entire group is excited.

Sleeping so hard at night, my whole body feels lighter.

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it."

"That's it."

Shen Guanglin had always lived in seclusion, but he was still caught by reporters.

On this day, Shen Guanglin was drinking tea with his sister-in-law at the biological base, listening to her report on work, and then the reporters came to the door.

"Mr. Shen, your lover is still as beautiful as ever."

Since it's an interview, of course you can't use a questioning tone. It is necessary to use a relaxed tone to open up the atmosphere first.

"You made a mistake. She is my sister, not my lover. It is said that you foreigners are face-blind. It seems to be true."

Shen Guanglin continued to make his own tea, but he still invited the reporters to sit down. They were the ones who helped him brag before, but now they are the ones who came to find fault.

"No, Shen Sang, I'm a reporter from Fusang, and people from the East shouldn't be blind."

"Then you are blind."

Then there was a burst of awkward laughter, entering the formal interview stage.

"First of all, congratulations, Professor Shen, congratulations on another major scientific achievement. Under your leadership, the transgenic technology of hepatitis B vaccine has finally been successfully developed. Recently, the media in Beijing have been reporting on this."

The Fusang reporter spoke very earnestly, as if he admired Shen Guanglin very much.

"What is there to congratulate? There is no technical content."

Shen Guanglin took another sip of tea, and passed a cup to the reporter.

Nani, isn't that what we should be saying?The reporter began to doubt the manuscript he typed.

The successful development of the hepatitis B vaccine is indeed nothing to be proud of, but we have not had time to belittle it yet, so why is it not worthy of congratulations from you.

The reporter was at a loss, but the interview had to continue: "

"Professor Shen, have you heard something?"

"What's the matter, you said."

"Citigroup has a pharmaceutical company called Merck, and they claim that they have also successfully developed the genetically modified technology of hepatitis B vaccine." The reporter carefully watched Shen Guanglin's reaction, waiting for him to get mad.

However, Shen Guanglin looked calm: "I know this company."

"You know?"

"Yeah, it's because they successfully developed genetically modified technology that I remembered this. Didn't they already pass the FDA certification? This happened last year, right?" Without waiting for the reporter to mention it, Shen Guanglin Fang Fang admitted.

He admitted it?He even admitted it!
The reporter was very surprised: "You admit that this is not your original research?" The reporter didn't even say "you", but directly used the word "you".

"Of course. This was not my original research. It was the news that they had successfully developed the hepatitis B vaccine that gave me the idea. I originally planned to make leukemia treatment drugs, but I didn't want to study hepatitis B vaccine. .”

This is not something difficult to say, is it difficult to admit that you are not original?

"But why did you do this? As a world-leading scientist, plagiarizing other people's achievements is harmful to your reputation"

"You're wrong. It's true that they developed the hepatitis B vaccine first, but my hepatitis B vaccine was independently produced by people in my laboratory. My laboratory and their company have no intersection. Plagiarism, why? come?"

"I'm sorry, I used the wrong word. In our impression, Professor Shen is always the pioneer of the industry. Now that you have made such a product, don't you think it's a good idea?"

"I am willing, because the people need it! You don't know that in China, nearly 1 million people have been infected with hepatitis B virus so far. If there is no cheap hepatitis B vaccine, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Therefore, as soon as Director Tao of Jingcheng Medical University said it, I immediately decided to develop it. "

"So, is Huaxia's patent on hepatitis B vaccine registered by you?"

"Of course, although I would like to say no, but the holder of the patent is related to me, and there is nothing to hide."

"But this is someone else's first invention."

"Does this conflict with the registered patent?"

The reporter was dumbfounded by Shen Guanglin's words.

"Yes, this is indeed not my original invention, but the hepatitis B vaccine independently researched by my laboratory did not obtain any data from Merck. We found the hepatitis B virus, then transferred it to yeast, and then the vaccine It was made, is there any problem?"

"Since it's not your original creation, why did you register for a patent?"

Shen Guanglin looked at the reporter like a fool: "If I don't register a patent, how can I produce a vaccine? The people of our country are at risk of being infected with hepatitis B virus on a large scale. Without the protection of the vaccine, they will be very vulnerable."

"However, according to our investigation, this Mr. Lu Jun has registered patents in more than 30 countries around the world. They are not your people. Do you want to protect them?"

When the reporter came, he did his homework, but Shen Guanglin couldn't help it.

"Of course I am protecting them. We live in the same global village. We are all one family. I registered the patent to prevent them from being exploited by capital. As long as it is a poor country, our hepatitis B vaccine patent will be licensed to them for free. "

The more he talked, the more Shen Guanglin felt that he was glorious and great, alas, could this be regarded as having noble internationalist feelings?

"But, why did you preemptively register Fusang's patent?" The reporter's tone was a little sad and angry.

"Because no one registered? Merck didn't register, so I can only register myself." Shen Guanglin paused, "I don't care about such trivial matters, maybe they just registered."

"Impossible! Merck has also registered, but it hasn't been approved yet. Instead, your patent has been approved first."

Reporters seized on this point.

"This shows that our patents are more advanced and submitted earlier. I believe in the credibility of your government. If you are not convinced, you can organize people to demonstrate. Your government is really bad, dark, and corrupt. Nice tagline."

With the collusion of Takeda, it is not surprising that Shen Guanglin and his hepatitis B vaccine patent passed faster. Takeda has people from the Ministry of Health and Welfare and other institutions.

Going on, the reporter's position is problematic, he can only turn around and ask:
"Will you also share this patent with the Fuso people for free?"

"You are all so rich, and you still want to prostitute for nothing? Why don't you persuade Fusang Pharmaceutical Company to let go of all patents?"

"Why am I doing this?"

"Why would I do that?"

"Don't you talk about the spirit of internationalism?"

"It doesn't conflict with making money, making money, don't shudder."

(End of this chapter)

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