Chapter 602 OEM (2)

The weather is getting colder day by day.

Hepatitis B vaccine is selling more and more hot day by day.

Many schools in Beijing have begun to administer hepatitis B vaccine uniformly. This is a good sign, and it is also the beginning of the popularization of hepatitis B vaccine for the whole people.

However, everyone soon discovered that only the vaccine produced by Great Wall Biopharmaceutical Factory was of the best quality. Antibodies soon appeared after receiving their vaccine.

It is not impossible to get vaccines from other countries, but half of the people cannot.

And this situation?

The country has spent a lot of money, and it attaches great importance to the hepatitis B vaccine, and it must see the curative effect.

The citizens are also making noise. I spent 5 yuan, and you have to find the antibody for me. If you can’t find it, you have to get another injection.

Anyway, it costs 5 yuan per injection, we only spent 5 yuan, and we made a profit by getting an extra injection.

The simplicity and cunning of ordinary people is limited to this.

Soon, several other pharmaceutical companies were criticized. If there is no comparison, there will be no harm. Why is the pass rate of your vaccine so low?

We don't know, we don't have so many imported equipment.

However, the problem always needs to be solved, so we should quickly find a solution, find the reason and find the way out.

Rectify as soon as possible, and get rid of it as soon as possible.

They even invited people from Great Wall Pharmaceuticals to help find the problem.

The people from Great Wall Pharmaceuticals didn't say anything unnecessary. He changed into new shoes when he entered the door, and took them off when he went out, and there was a layer of dust underneath.

It is said that this is what a certain semiconductor expert from Fusang did when he went to the Beijing Electronics Factory, but it is not the case.

How can there be ashes?Is there something wrong with this?

You go to the workshop of our Great Wall Pharmaceutical to have a look.

Everyone checks carefully, and the gap is all-round.

Temperature control, humidity control, and cleanliness control all fail to meet standards.

If you really want to rectify it, it will cost a lot of money. It is better to give two extra needles as a gift.

Anyway, if you hit it, you will earn money, 5 yuan per injection.

Moreover, the most indispensable thing in the world is smart people.

Some factories are asking, brother, is your Great Wall Pharmaceutical factory in full production?

No, less than half of the production capacity has been released, but we only have so many production tasks. If the production is full, we will have to stop production for at least half a year.

Can you help us produce a little?

Of course, our Great Wall Group started out as an OEM. Isn’t your cost $[-]?

That feeling is good.You help us produce 500, no, 800 million doses.

And such a good thing?Everyone followed suit and placed orders one after another.

Sure enough, the effect of rectification is very good, and the quality has improved.

Even if some are of poor quality, I can’t help but have a plan, buy 10 get 3 free, it’s not a loss.

However, after working for a period of time, these companies found that although their own production capacity is only 200 million doses, the production cost has risen to [-] yuan.

It only costs one yuan and five to find someone to do it, and the quality is even better.

It is still profitable to produce antibiotics, but it is not worthwhile to produce vaccines.

Great Wall Bio's vaccine production is on track.

However, it has been so long, and no compound for the treatment of leukemia has been found yet.

Shen Guanglin's requirements were already very detailed, he even marked out which enzymes, that is, he only needed to find compounds that could inhibit it.

For such a simple request, they have not yet completed it.

This thing looks easy, but it is very difficult in practice.

In just over a month, they have tried more than 1000 compounds, but they haven't found a suitable one yet.

Life can't be lived like this, life can't be lived like this.

Everyone can't be bored in the laboratory every day, and sooner or later there will be problems.

Especially since everyone is a man, it would be bad if there was some laboratory romance.

It's really male.

No, it's been a long time since we organized a social gathering, so it's better for everyone to go out and have fun.

The Organization Department of the Central Committee has been hustled by them, and there are not many suitable good girls anymore.

But don't worry, there are many ministries and commissions in Beijing, and there are many single girls in Lao Li's department.

On a sunny day with good weather, Shen Guanglin forcibly escorted a group of people out of the laboratory.

Let's all go to Badaling together, and let's be a hero.

There are many people who come, and it is very lively.

The girls from Lao Li's ministry are really good in quality, with a passing appearance and a good education.

Regardless of whether there is a partner or not, here we are, let's force a one-to-one match.

It's a big deal, you go back and divide up.

As for who to share with, it is not certain.

Comrade Lao Li himself did not come to this social event, nor did his mother-in-law, probably because Aunt Yu came here today.

She is also a single woman, but unfortunately there is no suitable old man.

Lao Li probably found a good reason and took his mother-in-law to go romantically alone.

Since his trip to the Northeast, Lao Li has obviously opened up, and he will give some small surprises every now and then, and the whole mother-in-law will no longer know it.

He wasn't like this before
In the past, he would stay away from home for ten days and a half months for scientific research. Even if he was at home, he would be like a log. Since when has he been so romantic.

Comrade Lao Li used to sleep and forget to eat and carry out scientific research?

Of course, he can also be regarded as a technical bureaucrat, and he has also had a period of struggle.

However, Comrade Xiao Shen is a famous scientist, he has never had this kind of situation, and his usual behavior is to be lazy.

For him, talent can really be eaten.

What Shen said is, I have pointed out the direction for you, why haven't you made it yet?
Why don't you try doing this?

In another direction, what would happen if you start here?

Then, everyone solved the problem and the result was made.

In Professor Shen's place, everyone felt that their IQ was ruthlessly crushed.

However, as long as they communicate with their peers, they immediately find that they are still very good, and they don't even understand this.

Therefore, even though the laboratory is very busy, even if everyone is working overtime, Shen Guanglin will not work overtime.

He will only combine work and rest, and he will show up in the laboratory for half a day at most, and he has other arrangements for the other half day.

If there is a class at school, he goes to class
If school is closed, he goes fishing.

If there are no fishing friends, he will go to the laboratory for a walk.

Moreover, he not only goes to the biology lab, he also goes to the physics lab and the chemistry lab.

Let the rain and dew evenly.

Over time, everyone got used to his absence.

Because he has set various small goals for everyone, and everyone feels that they have a direction when they complete it, but they are under a lot of pressure.

This time, Shen Guanglin's laboratory prepared several vans, which were filled with snacks and drinks, which were provided free of charge.

As a laboratory employee, this is good. In terms of living conditions, there is nothing to say, really nothing to say.

Who said last time that rich people in the Middle East are popular to roast camels, but I didn't expect that Professor Shen really got a camel and roasted it.

As a result, it was half-cooked and not tasty, so I cut it open and shared a piece.

Not to mention, dumplings made with camel meat are quite delicious.

When I went out this time, some students asked if there was any chocolate available.

Of course there is, the chocolates brought in by air are enough.

With chocolate and cola, full of energy, a group of young people roared up to Badaling.

Then, after a while, I was too tired to walk like a dead dog.

On the contrary, Shen Guanglin has the best physical fitness. He insists on exercising for a long time, and it is really easy to climb the Great Wall.

There are several young foreigners in Shen Guanglin's laboratory, and there is a woman among them, who is the most attractive.

She was more courageous, and she came up and said: "Shen, your physical fitness is really good, the proprietress is blessed."

Shen Guanglin was not angry, and pointed at the crowd, "You can also choose someone in good health, so that it is convenient for farming."

"Which one of you can do it, sign up yourself, and I can give it a try." The little foreigner dared to say anything.

However, everyone dared not answer.

Even in the capital city, even in the Great Wall, there are not many opportunities for people to see foreigners, and they are still surrounded by enthusiastic crowds when they appear here.

With so many people, it must be inconvenient to drive.

"Hello, Limen!" The Mandarin of the foreigners is not standard, but everyone understands them, and they all say, "Okay, you are also good."

Everyone was laughing and joking.

I don't know if this blind date will be a success. Anyway, I have eaten all the snacks I brought, and I haven't kept any of them back.

After returning from Badaling, everyone continued to devote themselves to the experiment.

Of course, these people did not include Shen Guanglin.

On this day, Shen Guanglin was drinking tea again, and Lao Ma and Lao Wang came over, "Boss Shen, shall we go to the concert?"

"Don't watch it, whose concert is it?"

"Rock, it's from Xiangjiang, what is it called Beyond the Band."

(End of this chapter)

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