Start with a college teacher

Chapter 604 Breakthrough

Chapter 604 Breakthrough (2)

In the end, Lao Wang paid for the meal.

If he doesn't pay, he will be beaten.

I don't listen to any explanation.

How could it be such a coincidence, what is the story of a hooligan and two girls? Do you want to say that art comes from life and is higher than life.

Today, someone Shen wants you to know what life is.

You know, someone Shen brought bodyguards with him when he went out, and he was more afraid of death than anyone else.

Pharaoh resolutely admits.

After dinner, everyone went home, and Shen Guanglin didn't go up to meet the members of the Transcendence band.

All my friends felt that the eggs were not tasty, and they didn't intend to get to know the hen.

Life has returned to calm again.

It's getting colder day by day, and winter is here.

The first snow in the winter of 1986 was earlier than ever before.

The snow in the spring at the beginning of the year does not count, after all, a summer has passed.

Fortunately, the capital has already been heated in this season, and even in places without heating, briquettes have been prepared early.

However, there is no food basket project yet.

People in Beijing rely on Chinese cabbage, potatoes, and radishes to survive the winter.

If none of those are available, rely on pickled mustard gnocchi and beans in sauce.

In this day and age, the magic city has already released vegetable control. Tickets are no longer needed to buy vegetables, but the capital city is not good enough. Tickets are required to buy oil and vegetables, food books are required to buy food, and a letter of introduction is required to go out.

It's not a cadre status, and I can't even take a sleeper by train.

Especially in the past two years, prices have risen rapidly, and everyone's life is not as rich as in previous years.

The employees of the Great Wall Group have better benefits. They have their own farms and are almost self-sufficient.

Even though it's cold like this, they still have vegetables, and they are distributed by the unit for free.

Give out a few bitter gourds today, cucumbers tomorrow, and eggplants the day after tomorrow.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin not only planted vegetable greenhouses in his own home, but also had vegetable greenhouses of various sizes in his agricultural base.

These vegetable greenhouses are all built with steel structures, with solar photovoltaic panels installed on them, which is the originator of agricultural photovoltaic complementary or BIPV building integrated photovoltaic.

This is nearly 40 years earlier than the later distributed power stations.

In this way, the cost of construction is relatively high, but if it is used for scientific research purposes, it is not that expensive.

The solar panels above can generate electricity, and crops can be cultivated in the greenhouse. It keeps heat in winter and heat in summer. It is really a good thing.

Moreover, the electricity generated by the photovoltaic power station is not exhausted, and it can be reverse charged to the grid.

Batteries in this era are very broken, so don't think that the electricity can be stored and used at night.

Yesterday the cold wind howled, and the world was lonely.

It's snowing heavily today, but it's still reckless.

In such a horrible weather, Shen would naturally not go out to work, he was not that diligent.

Woke up but got up, and had breakfast.

The fitness plan couldn't be stopped, and Shen did some activities indoors before it stopped.

Looking at the heavy snow outside, he decisively decided to continue to lie down, drink tea, and enjoy the snow scene.

Shen Guanglin's recent living location is very messy. Sometimes he lives in Fuyuan Gate with Lao Li and the others, sometimes he and his wife live in Tiangong No. [-], and sometimes he lives in a courtyard in the city center with the cheap eldest sister Yu Manli's family.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Sister Manli. The main thing is that Li Rong will go wherever Li Rong goes.

Sister Manli's job has been arranged. She goes to work at the biological base every day, and she is more punctual than anyone else.

But Aunt Yu is out of work. Her daily task is to take children to and from school, which is very boring.

When Shen Guanglin was lazy, he used the euphemistic name of being able to talk with Aunt Yu.

Although the weather is cold today, those who should go to work must also go to work, and those who should go to school should go to school.

Li Rong and Sister Man Li went to work separately, and even the children were sent to kindergarten by Aunt Yu.

Shen Guanglin was left drinking tea alone.

Thousands of miles of yellow clouds are white, and the north wind blows wild geese and snow.

Someone Shen was watching the snow scene when the phone at home suddenly rang.

Too lazy to pick it up.

It keeps ringing.

I haven't answered it all the time.

Later, when Aunt Yu came in, the phone was still ringing, and she couldn't help but wanted to answer it.

"Xiao Shen, the phone rang, it should be looking for you."

Of course, when the phone rang at home, it goes without saying that it must be someone from Shen.

"Hey, who is it!"

Aunt Yu answered the phone with a very kind tone.

"Xiao Shen, it's your sister Manli."

Oops, snub!
Shen Guanglin quickly got up to answer the phone.

"Sister Manli, what's the matter, I don't know it was you who called, but I didn't hear it just now."

Can the landline at home be muted?
Someone Shen just didn't want to answer.

Aunt Yu heard the phone ringing when she was walking outside. Did you hear it while you were drinking tea?

However, Sister Manli on the other end of the phone was quite happy, and reported a news that made Shen Guanglin's tone soar.

"What, the leukemia project team produced results? What results?"

Shen Guanglin's expression finally paid attention to it, hmmmm for a while.

"Is what you said true?"

Now that Shen Guanglin was finally not sleepy, he quickly found out his down jacket and was about to go to the biological base to take a look.

Before making the call, everyone knew that Shen would lose his temper and get angry when he answered the phone.

Therefore, this call was made by Sister Manli, but the specific reporting work was still done by Xiao Ma.

Xiao Ma told Shen Guanglin a piece of good news.

Compound No. 1605, whose molecular formula should be called 2-anilinopyrimidine, can inhibit serine, threonine kinase, and tyrosine kinase.

That is, a compound that acts on tyrosine kinase has finally been found!
"Hurry up, hurry up, arrange it as soon as possible, and develop other derivatives earlier."

The more derivatives are developed, there may be one derivative that is suitable for medicine.

Whether it is an original drug or a generic drug, it is selected from many derivatives of the same compound.

In Shen Guanglin's impression, it should be extremely difficult to develop an original drug. It's only been a few months, so it can't be successful now.

This open life!

Of course, there is still a long way to go from finding the compound to getting the drug approved.

However, finding a suitable compound can really be said to be a very important milestone in the drug development process.

Shen Guanglin hung up the phone, thought for a while, and then called back.

"Don't arrange work today, let's celebrate well."

"Of course, everyone has prepared champagne, just waiting for you."

Opening champagne in this horrible weather?

You can't freeze to death if you spray it on your body.

Shen Guanglin originally wanted to go to the laboratory, but now he decided not to.

"Well, Xiao Ma, please arrange, everyone, to come to the Beijing Hotel. Let's tidy up and try the state guest treatment."

Such an important node is not suitable for continuing to arrange work.

It is the most appropriate behavior to hold a large-scale celebration party. Mr. Shen sympathizes with everyone's hard work.

Shen Guanglin continued to explain: "If you have a girlfriend, bring a girlfriend, and if you don't have a girlfriend, bring a boyfriend. In short, don't come here alone, I will wait for you at the hotel first."

In the distance, Shen Guanglin heard a voice from the phone:

"Long live Boss Shen."

Going to the Capital Hotel to celebrate is really a big deal, Boss Shen is very generous.

The Capital Hotel is the best hotel in the capital, and it is also an extremely important hotel for foreign affairs. It has a high standard and often receives important foreign guests.

Shen Guanglin has already said hello, "Bring enough foreign exchange, and the hotel rooms are all ready for everyone. The road is slippery in snowy weather. If you are tired today, you will stay in the hotel and won't go back tonight."

In fact, he still has a little selfishness here. Shen Guanglin's courtyard house is near the Jingcheng Hotel, and it's only a 3-minute walk to get there.

Too lazy to toss back and forth.

The Capital Hotel is a good place, many people who want to change their fate try their luck here.

A few years ago, there was a handsome guy who stayed in the lobby of the Beijing Hotel every day to seek chance encounters, and in the end he really ran into a retired Hollywood actress.

Some say that person is Audrey Hepburn, some say that that person is Catherine.

None of this matters.

The important thing is that the old lady passed away in the 90s and left a lot of wealth to the handsome guy, including famous paintings by Van Gogh, Picasso and others, plus various luxury houses.

In another two years, there will be a lady named Deng Wenge in Yangcheng, also in order to go abroad to change her destiny, and guard Charlie's family who are traveling in China.

Two years later, she first married 53-year-old Mr. Charlie and became Mrs. Charlie.

Later, after successfully immigrating, she resolutely divorced, and had sex with the newspaper tycoon Rupert, and it is said that she even slept with Prime Minister Xiaobu.

Shen Guanglin came over today, dressed like a dog, but was stopped by someone.

"Brother, you still come out to pick up work in heavy snow."

(End of this chapter)

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