Chapter 605 Really Fragrant (1)

"Do you think I look like a pickpocket?"

Shen Guanglin smiled.

Even though I was spending money in a hotel, I was still looked down upon by others.

Why is it not like it.


There was once a woman who was dragged and beaten at the elevator entrance of a certain hotel in Beijing.

It seems that it is because the dress is a bit like a wandering warbler who visits the door.

After all, are colleagues enemies?

"You still say no, just your clothes, although they look foreign, they are all produced by the Great Wall Garment Factory, and they cost only a few dollars. You don't even have a watch on your wrist, which shows that the financial conditions are also tight. But, And dressed so vigorously, it is natural to come here to ask for something."

The buddy who spoke was really different. He had a big gold chain, a big gold watch, and a pocket watch. In winter, he wore a jacket with a knitted sweater. In order to let people see his decorations, the buttons of his jacket were unbuttoned.

Powerful, you need style but not temperature.

If it wasn't for the fact that it was really warm in the hotel lobby, I would probably freeze to death when the wind blows outside.


Shen Guanglin looked himself up and down, and really didn't know what to say.

The clothes he wears are indeed made by Great Wall Clothing, and the price is indeed not expensive, as long as they are comfortable to wear.

As for the decorations on watches, it's not that he doesn't like to wear them, they are always taken away by people, and they are for nothing, so he has never developed this habit.

"I got it right, you know some foreign languages, don't you? Can you speak Fusang dialect or English?"

The big gold chain means that I see through you at a glance, so don't pretend.

"Ah, a little bit."

Shen Guanglin admitted honestly, foreign language, this is a basic skill, if you don't know it, can you open a foreign affairs restaurant?

"Talent! That's a bit powerful, you can eat everything."

Great gold chains stand in awe,

"Brother, I have an order. An old overseas Chinese from the United States. His ancestors would go out when they built the railway. They have already immigrated for three generations. They don't understand Chinese. They want to take advantage of the snow to visit the Forbidden City. It costs 20 a day. Can you take it?"

Oh, it turned out to be just a tour guide.

Shen Guanglin was very disappointed, he thought he was going to be a duck.

"No." Shen Guanglin replied decisively.

"Don't think who you are. Anyone can do this."

It turns out that the big gold chain can also speak English.

Sure enough, those who haunt the Foreign Affairs Hotel must have two brushes.

"Others can do it and let others do it, but I don't accept it." Shen Guanglin continued to refuse.

"Don't tell me, brother, can I buy you coffee, it's freshly ground. That woman is only in her early fifties, not old, play to your advantage, maybe she will give extra tips, Citigroup's money, US dollars. "

Da Jinlian still didn't give up, he was just a broker.

Generally, people dressed like Shen Guanglin appear here, and most of them know a little foreign language and come here to earn extra money.

It's just that the weather is not very good today, it's too cold, and many people's outfits are not suitable for going out in this weather.

Da Jinlian himself was in this situation, and he also knew that he would probably freeze to death when he went out.

However, if you really wear a military coat to go out, isn't it not enough western style?

"I won't drink the freshly ground coffee, I have other things to do."

Shen Guanglin thinks that's it, no surprises, bad reviews.

"Brother, let's make a price. How much money can do it? If we cooperate well, I will introduce you to more pure foreign devils, as well as big foreign horses, which are beautiful."

Shen Guanglin expressed disbelief, "It's just that big pores, it's still pretty."

Seeing Shen Guanglin walking towards the counter, Da Jinlian was also a little anxious.

"At least they are white enough, you make a price, you make a price."

"5000." Shen Guanglin finally made an offer.

"5000? Why don't you grab it! Do you think you can also meet the Hollywood actress Audrey Hepburn, or her former lover? Think too much, brother, let's not be so ambitious, but keep our feet on the ground.

Mr. Rong Yiren said that he must earn every possible amount of money. After a year and a half like this, it is impossible to say that he can really save 5000. "

"I'm talking about 5000, 5000 million. I came here today to earn [-] million, or US dollars."

Shen Guanglin walked to the counter, and replied to the big gold chain in his tone.

Da Jinlianzi was so angry that he stopped talking, and it was up to him how to put it on.

This buddy is crazy, the most expensive project is just selling a valley road, it’s really 5000 million, I’ll take out my small intestine for him.

Regardless of whether he is crazy or not, Shen Guanglin went to the front desk and looked at the beautiful waitress: "Help me pick up Williams from 906, from the Citigroup Pfizer office."

"Who are you? Do you have an appointment?" The front desk clerk was not as bossy as expected.

However, it's not just anyone who can inquire about the guests. After all, the people living here are foreign guests.

"Yes, you tell him that the East is sinking."

Shen Guanglin didn't have an appointment, but he believed that as long as he came, Williams would definitely come down.

Williams is the representative of Pfizer, and has chartered the Beijing Hotel for a long time. He is in charge of connecting with Shen Guanglin.

Since coming to Huaxia, he has visited Shen Guanglin's laboratory several times.

However, it was the first time for Shen Guanglin to come to the Beijing Hotel to look for him.

Hearing that Dongfang Shen was coming, he hurried downstairs without even having time to tie his tie.

"Shen, it's nice to meet you. You must have good news when you come here. Could it be that someone wants to buy PCR again?"

Williams was very enthusiastic and gave Shen Guanglin a passionate hug.

PCR is also selling well in China, which is unexpected.

Regardless of how poor this country is, ten thousand dollars is still affordable and willing to spend.

"Of course there is good news. The milestone of the first phase is over. I will bring people from the laboratory to celebrate. You can arrange it first, and they will arrive later."

Shen Guanglin's tone was very light, but the meaning in his words was very serious.

Then, he turned his head to the big gold chain and said, "I invite you to drink coffee, freshly ground."

Hey, you can still invite me, Da Jinlian is embarrassed to take the blame, after all, there is a foreigner next to him.

Hearing Shen Guanglin's words, the foreigner was shocked at first, and then his breathing became heavy.

"Huh? You mean, the milestone of the first stage of leukemia is over?"

Williams said it was unbelievable!

You know, not long after this project started, he thought that Shen Guanglin came here to ask about the PCR equipment.

"Yes, you heard me right, the first milestone is over, and the targets and compounds have been identified. So, it's time for you to raise your money."

Shen Guanglin paused for a moment,
"When we have accumulated enough derivatives, we can enter the animal experiment."

Speaking of which, this phased process is still a suggestion given by Pfizer. Shen Guanglin has never done drug development, so he just followed the script and followed the steps.

"Brother Jin, let me treat you to coffee. It's freshly ground."

Shen Guanglin didn't want to stand at the front desk anymore, he started to walk towards the banquet hall.

The banquet hall is on the second floor, as anyone who has been here knows.

"Is there cat poop coffee, prepare a few for us".

"Okay, okay, but my surname is not Jin, my surname is Park."

The big gold chain is flattered, this person can cling to foreigners, no wonder he doesn't like his own 20 yuan, maybe he can earn 200 yuan a day, which is still a dollar.

Williams followed them up the stairs without asking who it was.

Other Pfizer workers also came over, waiting for Williams to arrange work.

Organizing the banquet reception was just a trivial matter. Shen Guanglin asked Williams to arrange it, but he didn't want to trouble himself.

Still, Williams is adept at these jobs, with plenty of experience throwing parties and having assistants to help.

In short, they still have a lot of experience in throwing a party.

Halfway through the work, Williams came over to ask what kind of celebration he wanted.

At this time, Shen Guanglin was really inviting Dajin Lianzi to drink coffee, he said casually, "Just follow the way you are used to, and also, let their hotel prepare some oriental dishes to combine things, I like Chinese food. "

Shen Guanglin himself really likes Chinese food, but he also knows that the group of people under him must like Western food, like red wine, like steak, and more romantic.

If you have money, you will naturally be motivated to do anything.

The layout of the banquet hall soon looked decent, and there were even balloons, freshly blown.

Everyone in the laboratory also came over one after another.

Although it is a working day, there are a lot of people coming, everyone dragging their families, it is very lively.

This is the largest banquet hall of the Capital Hotel, and all the tables are arranged in a ring.

First serve fruit snacks and cola, so that everyone will not be lonely; then serve Western-style meals one after another, to open everyone's eyes; and finally, Chinese-style meals, to make everyone full.

Shen Guanglin stood up and greeted his team to go, but the big gold chain didn't leave, he couldn't bear it.

He also wanted to see what energy this young man had.

"Students, comrades, and friends, today is a good day. There are no leaders today, only partners. Let's relax and have fun!"

Boss Shen doesn't look like a boss at all, and his speech is too short.

The students looked at the Western-style snacks, cakes, red wine and cola, and couldn't hold back for a long time: Long live Boss Shen!

However, Xiao Ma is the project team leader after all, and he still has something to say: "Students and colleagues, there is nothing else today, enough steak and beef! Enjoy yourself!"

"Thank you, team leader!"

The banquet started, and everyone chatted while eating, so lively.

"Yeah, delicious!"

The big gold chain didn't leave, and it really caught a delicious meal.

He cut a large piece of steak into small pieces, put it in his mouth, and squinted his eyes to taste it carefully.

This imported steak is delicious, the entrance is Q bomb, and the fragrance is overflowing.

Shen Guanglin also picked up a piece of steak. The evaluation was average, and the quality and technique were about to pass. It was too greasy and unappetizing.

However, like the big gold chain, the others didn't find the steak unpalatable.

Although the food in Shen Guanglin's laboratory is excellent, human beings' call for oil is almost instinctive, and they just like these things that can provide them with energy.

The steak was delicious and everyone enjoyed it.

Shen Guanglin didn't like that.

He had someone make nine-turn large intestines and delivered them over. This is the right taste, and the classic Shandong cuisine lives up to its reputation.

"Shen, what are your plans next?" Williams held up a red wine glass and came to Shen Guanglin to celebrate. However, he looked at the one Shen Guanglin picked up with his chopsticks. He heard that it was a pig's large intestine, and his stomach burst up .

"Next, of course you need to pay more." Shen Guanglin swallowed a large intestine and said vaguely.

"No, it needs money again! Your laboratory has spent less than 1000 million yuan, and there is still so much left."

Williams was stunned, why did he mention the money again? Last week, they only distributed this quarter's dividend to the laboratory, which is really reluctant.

"According to the fund use plan, this stage is a milestone, and you should add more money. The money I saved was saved by my ability. Don't worry about the extra funds. It's the research funds of the laboratory. I It won’t be used for personal consumption, come, eat one.”

Shen Guanglin vowed to guarantee that every money he cheated would be used for real purposes. His laboratory's finances are open, and anyone can check the accounts.

"No, it's unethical for you to do this. This is the money of the leukemia project team." Williams pretended not to see Shen Guanglin's invitation to eat intestines, and he pressed it with red wine again and again.

Everything else in Huaxia is good, but the food is too weird.

Shen Guanglin doesn't care about this, he has his reasons:

"From a rule point of view, all the money belongs to the laboratory, and even the project team belongs to the laboratory. What we are talking about is the rules and the truth. Whoever is willing to pay more at each node can get more shares. , this is the rule established at the beginning of the project.”

There is no morality in arguing at this time. Indeed, the first stage is expected to cost 1 million U.S. dollars, and it was completed with only 1 million dollars.

"How much will the next animal experiment cost?" Williams was numb, anyway, Pfizer was taken advantage of.

"5000 million, not much at all."

"What 5000 million?" Da Jinlianzi was looking for Shen Guanglin for a drink, and just heard a number. He is very sensitive to 5000 million, "Nine turn large intestine, good stuff!"

"This gentleman thinks that we are living in poverty, so he decided to donate 5000 million to us. You know, it's a dollar." Shen Guanglin continued to eat his intestines, and invited Williams to join him: "Come on, have a taste, it's delicious. "

Does not eating destroy friendships?

Is it really impossible to hide?
Williams felt that he was really brave, and he couldn't do without eating for this sake.

In desperation, he picked up a piece of large intestine with a fork, put it in his mouth with his eyes closed, um, it was delicious!
(End of this chapter)

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